Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 232: Taking birth control pills

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Chapter 232: Taking Contraceptive Pills

What does it mean that as long as that character is you, no one can take it away?

This is really a joke. Whoever has mixed up with the entertainment industry does not know.

People are the most indispensable in this circle.

Regardless of whether you are a big-name brand or an aura actress, you can be replaced.

Most actors are selected.

She is no exception. She was admitted to a top domestic film school when she was 16 years old, and she acted outside when she was 17 years old.

The only Waterloo received was Qiao Jin'er.

She quietly snatched the role of the drama heroine she valued at the time.

Three years later, she exchanged Warner shareholders as a boyfriend for the future.

Immediately after appearing in the first movie of life, he immediately won the award.

It was when she was proud, but because of the conflict with Gu Ninghuan, she was blocked.

Now there is a chance to turn over.

Qiao Jin'er came here again to try to grab her role.

In her life, how could she lose to Qiao Jin'er twice in a row.

Ai Yu showed a fierce face, lifted her steps, and approached Qiao Jin'er step by step.

"Qiao Jin'er, I'll ask you again, do you have to grab my role." Ai Yu gritted his teeth and asked.

Qiao Jin'er smiled faintly: "Ai Yu, I already said that if that character is really yours, no one can take it away.

I don’t mean to grab your stuff, but I also like that role very much, and I will not give up competition for this role. "

"In this case, then don't blame me." Ai Yu's voice just fell, and he extended his hand and pushed it **** Qiao Jin'er's shoulder.

Qiao Jin'er avoided it in time, but still hit the handrail of the stairs fiercely.

There was a sharp pain in the waist, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Ai Yu stepped forward and lifted herself to wear ten centimeters of high-heeled shoes, and stepped **** Qiao Jin'er's ankle.

As long as her foot is injured, there is no way to participate in the acquired trial, and then that role will be hers.

Ai Yu's abacus was very clear and loud.

But he did not expect Gu Ninghuan to appear in time and pushed her away.

"Ai Yu, it seems that the last blockade did not give you long memory, you actually dare to hurt someone!" Gu Ninghuan approached the stairwell.

What I saw was a picture of Ai Yu about to step on Qiao Jin'er's ankle.

Ai Yu sneered: "Gu Ninghuan, it's your turn to deal with me and her!

If it were not for you to block me, I wouldn’t have to value a niche movie so much! What the **** are you doing now! "

Having said that, Ai Yu didn't care about Qiao Jin'er who had fallen underground, he just walked away.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward and called for an ambulance while reaching out to support Qiao Jin'er.

"No need to call an ambulance, I remember there should be a medical box in my cousin's office.

It should be fine if I apply some medicine. Today I really thank you. "Qiao Jin'er stood up by Gu Ninghuan and said gratitude to her."

Gu Ning gazed at her still trembling calf: "No need to thank, just raise your hand, but are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

"It's really not necessary. It's just a minor injury. Just wipe the medicine. Could you please help me go to the rest room?" Qiao Jiner said to her.

Gu Ninghuan saw her perseverance, but did not force it.

Supported her to the lounge.

The secretary in the secretary room did not know the relationship between Qiao Jin'er and Fu Xishen.

But he did not dare to neglect, and soon he found a secretary with medical experience to help Qiao Jin'er take medicine.

"I'm injured, can you please keep it secret and don't tell Xishen, otherwise I'm afraid he will worry about me." After finishing the medicine, Qiao Jiner said to the secretary.

The secretary nodded, and of course she would be fine to spread such words.

But she is also really curious, what is the relationship between the lady and the president, the president will actually worry about her.

She should never ask about things that should not be asked.

Qiao Jin'er finished wiping the medicine and notified the Fu's driver to take her back.

Gu Ninghuan felt unhappy, but thought her unhappy mood was particularly inappropriate.

She was still a bit hungry before coming.

But after the conflict between Ai Yu and Qiao Jin'er, she no longer wanted to eat anything.

She took out the contraceptive pills she had bought in the pharmacy and swallowed it with water.

The tip of the tongue tasted the bitterness of the medicine, making her frown.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand to open the compartment of the lounge, and now there is still some time before Fu Xishen's off work.

I plan to lie down on the bed and just sit down.

I saw an exquisite ladies watch on the nightstand in the lounge.

She picked up her watch and tightened her lips.

Fu Xi raised his hand and glanced at the time, frowning slightly.

He reached out and pressed Gu Ninghuan's phone, and it rang for a second before being connected: "I'm home, that's it."

After finishing this sentence, Gu Ninghuan cut off the phone and tossed the phone aside.

The man's face sank, his expression very ugly.

Gu Ninghuan drove back to the villa, his face full of coldness.

She didn't know who the watch was, but she knew that not everyone in the lounge compartment where the watch was left could go in.

"Young lady, this is the hot tea you want. The young master just called back and said that he would not come back for dinner." The maid opened her mouth carefully and watched Gu Ninghuan's emotions.

Gu Ninghuan nodded slightly, very coldly: "I know."

Wait until the maid goes out.

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of tea, trying to suppress the weird emotions in his heart.

But the more I drink, the more irritable.

She picked up the tablet and opened a recently popular variety show.

The popular star on the screen is making games and laughing, but she can't laugh at all.

But the cheers and laughter on the tablet still add something relaxing to this room.

At eight in the evening, the man opened the door.

When I saw Gu Ninghuan sitting on a chair and watching the video, I reached out and wanted to rub her long, soft hair.

But the moment she held out her hand, she was evaded, and the man's hand hanging in the air slightly stiffened.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, looked at the man, took out his mobile phone and opened the photo she took at noon: "I want to know why there is a ladies watch in the compartment of your company's lounge?"

The man's voice was low: "I don't know."

Gu Ninghuan was not surprised by Fu Xishen's answer.

He is the President of Fu, and he has to deal with many things every day.

Of course it is impossible to pay attention to the lounge.

Moreover, even if he has an improper relationship outside.

Few people take their lovers to the company lounge.

Gu Ninghuan knew this, but was still not happy.

The man reached out and touched her cheek: "Since you care about this watch, I called the secretary to ask if they were good?"

"Just whatever you want." Gu Ninghuan left this sentence coldly and got up and left.

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