Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 233: It's getting hot soon

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Chapter 233

But she took only one step and was squeezed tightly by the man's slender waist.

Regardless of her resistance, she hugged herself directly into her arms.

The man raised his hand and placed the phone on the desktop and pressed the secretary's number.

The phone rang twice and was connected: "President, do you have any orders?"

"Who used the compartment in the lounge today." Fu Xishen's voice was not slow.

Gu Ninghuan heard that the phone was connected.

When you reach out, you want to break apart the man's arm that fell on her waist.

She asked, and Fu Xishen called the secretary.

How much it feels like he was forced.

Gu Ninghuan didn't like this at all.

She doesn't want to substitute for the jealous woman.

But the man's hand fell on her waist seemingly casually.

But it was not Gu Ninghuan's strength that could forcefully separate.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't push his arm at all, and sat in his arms angrily.

The secretary's capable voice sounded in Gu Ninghuan's ear: "This afternoon, when Miss Qiao came, you were in a meeting with the President, so Miss Qiao spent a few hours in the lounge."

After Gu Ninghuan heard Qiao Jin'er's watch, he still felt a little stubborn.

But at least no one else, Qiao Jin'er is only Fu Xishen's relative.

The cousin waited too long, so it's no problem to borrow the company's lounge.

After the secretary finished answering, he raised his hand and hung up the phone, then looked at Gu Ninghuan, and said lightly: "Now I know it is Jin'er, can I not be angry?"

Gu Ninghuan's mood eased a lot, but there was one thing left unsolved.

She reached out and grabbed the man's neckline: "Qiao Jin'er is about to enter the entertainment industry. Wouldn't it be your sole responsibility to plan her career."

"There will be someone responsible."

Gu Ninghuan heard him say this, and then let go: "But Qiao Jin'er is your cousin after all. If someone else is in charge of her career plan, what will happen to her, wouldn't that mother be angry?"

"I don't care about her. What do you care about her so much?" The man reached out and pinched the little woman's cheek in his arms.

After Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen's sentence, I didn't care about her.

The gloomy mood suddenly became better.

"Because Qiao Jin'er is your cousin, and mom likes her very much, so I want to treat her better on weekdays, will mom like me more." Gu Ninghuan reached out and hugged the man's neck.

The man looked down at her with a thin lip and kissed her soft cheek: "Don't care about them, please please me."

Gu Ninghuan was a little tickled by his kiss and wriggled to try to escape.

But his body was firmly controlled by him, but he kissed it deeper.

The clothes on her fell to the ground like snowflakes, and her fair body was exposed to the air.

The cool wind blew in from the doors and windows that were not closed yet.

Gu Ninghuan was cold and shrunk his shoulders, and the whole person leaned towards the man even more.

"Fu Xishen..."


"I am cold."

"It's hot right away." The man's voice was low, with a dull suppression of his desires.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes fell on the tablet that hadn't been turned off, his fingers hadn't touched him, and he was picked up by the man.

She was breathless by the man's lingering kiss.

His warm breathing and messy fingers were flicking her nerves: "Fu...Fu Xishen, I haven't bathed yet..."

"After finishing, wash again."


When she woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, and her long black roll was draped over the shoulders of snowy white jade.

Recalling last night's madness with men, Gu Ninghuan felt tired.

She didn't even understand that Fu Xishen was a man who was so absent-minded in appearance.

But why the performance on the bed is so passionate.

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed. She didn't feel the uncomfortable soreness of yesterday, but showed a coolness.

It seems that after the end of last night, Fu Xishen applied her medicine.

He also realized that he wanted too hard, did he hurt her?

Well, he was able to find her uncomfortable, so at first glance, it was not so cruel.

Gu Ninghuan just walked out of the bathroom and heard the voice of the maid outside:

"Young lady, Mr. Meng came to visit. He has been waiting outside the villa for two hours. Do you want to see him?"

Gu Ninghuan did not like Meng's mother and daughter, but did not have any bad impressions about Meng Qingchuan.

Besides, the mother and daughter of the Meng family did such a thing.

It has also caused a lot of impact on the Mengjia company. Until now, the official Weibo of the Mengjia company is still abusive.

"Then let him come into the living room, I will wait for a while." Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and adjusted the clothing angle. In any case, the Meng and Fu families were also friends.

No matter how much she hates Meng Jingwen's mother and daughter, she should not vent her emotions on Meng Qingchuan.

Gu Ninghuan knows that his family will not feel good no matter what kind of things it is.

But she didn't expect it.

Meng Qingchuan's whole body would be so exaggeratedly thin, with serious dark circles under his eyes. It seemed that since Meng Jingwen had an accident, he didn't sleep anymore.

"Mrs. Fu Shao, can you please let my daughter go for a horse? She has just had a miscarriage. She was caught in the police station before her body was raised. I haven't come out until now. I am really worried about her." Meng Qingchuan looked Somewhat cramped.

Gu Ninghuan said with a faint smile on his lips: "Your daughter's actions have made me really unable to find a reason to forgive her.

And if you are really worried about her, there are obviously many ways to prevent her from doing things, right? "

"What does Mrs. Fu Shao mean? I don't quite understand." Meng Qingchuan's eyes evaded, and he didn't dare to look directly at Gu Ninghuan's eyes.

Gu Ninghuan leaned back slightly on the soft sofa, her eyes scattered but with three points of shrewdness: "In Mrs. Meng's heart, she thinks you are a very incompetent person. She thinks that you will only keep the company, but not Expanding territory is because you are useless.

But I don't think so. I think a person who can hold Mengjia company for decades and allow the company to develop slowly must be capable, even a smart person.

Such a person, I don't believe you can't control Meng Jingwen. "

Gu Ninghuan watched Meng Qingchuan's face change slightly.

She felt strange from the beginning, if Meng Qingchuan was a powerless man.

In front of Mrs. Meng, it would be reasonable to say so, but Gu Ninghuan realized that he was not.

Then he kept lowering himself in front of Mrs. Meng and Meng Jingwen because he really loved them.

Because she loves so much, she indulges them.

As a result, Ms. Meng and Meng Jingwen both became so ignorant.

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