Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 234: Mrs. Young, please come down

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Chapter 234: Madam Young, please come down

Now those who have spoiled themselves are in trouble.

Meng Qingchuan did not restrict it beforehand, but wanted to make up after the big mistake was made.

It's a little too late.

"Mrs. Fu Shao, I know you are very angry now.

Jingwen of our family does what it shouldn't do, but can you help her by paying attention to what she has done?

When she comes out this time, I will definitely discipline her. "Meng Qingchuan begged hard."

This made Gu Ninghuan really feel a bit soft.

But after thinking of what Meng Jingwen did.

She really had no way to open Meng Jingwen out of the police station.

"Meng Jingwen is an adult, and I think she should take responsibility for what she does.

No matter what you say, I will not let her go. Gu Ninghuan said apologetically.

When Meng Qingchuan saw Meng Jingwen insist, he didn't continue to talk.

After earnestly apologizing to Gu Ninghuan, he left with some sadness.

Li looked at Meng Qingchuan's lonely back, and couldn't help but sigh: "I heard that since Meng Jingwen and Ms. Meng went to prison.

Meng Qingchuan had never had a good night's sleep, and has been running outside for their mother and daughter these days. "

"Don't he go to ask for someone from the old house?" Gu Ninghuan thought that Mrs. Fu would look at helping Meng Jingwen with his neighbor's relationship for many years.

It is surprising that this time I did not see any movements in the old house.

"My wife was very angry at first, and she did not want to see Meng Qingchuan.

It is only necessary to explain that he will return the one billion yuan. As for the land, because of the cumbersome procedures, he has not officially transitioned to the name of Meng Jingwen.

Then Meng Qingchuan happily returned all the money.

This made his wife breathe a little, then Meng Qingchuan stood at the door of the old house and waited all night, the husband saw him.

But the wife said, this time the victim is you, Mrs. Young. Even if she regards her sentiment in the past no matter how much she can't pass, you can't forgive Meng Jingwen. "Li Ma said while taking away the tea that Meng Qingchuan had drunk.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes.

If it weren't for Li Ma to say this, she didn't even know that this kind of thing happened.

But now that she knows that Mrs. Fu has decided to put this matter in her hands.

Gu Ninghuan did not need to release Meng Jingwen because of his emotions in the old house.

She put down the teacup in her hand, and the concerns about the old house in her heart had disappeared.

The mobile phone placed on the coffee table has been shaking since just now.

Gu Ninghuan glanced, still a strange number.

But it is the same place of ownership as the number that the person called last time.

She has blacked out the man's numbers during this time.

But obviously that person has more perseverance than she thought.

Gu Ninghuan didn't understand if that person really cared about her so much.

Why didn't she see that person appeared to save her when she was so miserable in her previous life.

Why let Gu family run down, why let her be in hell.

Never say anything about caring.

Obviously, with the man's ability, it was so easy to rescue her.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand to hang up the phone, and skillfully pulled that number into the blacklist.

In this life, she has long needed the person's presence and help.

When Meng Qingchuan left the Fu's villa, he went to the police station.

Even if he brought a lawyer, it took a lot of effort to see Meng Jingwen.

Originally Meng Qingchuan was considered to have a personal relationship with the police chief.

Even if Meng Jingwen had committed something before, it was still very simple to see her.

But this time it was different. After all, no one knows the whole city.

Meng Jingwen's mother and daughter were apparently because of the imprisonment of the doctor's family.

Actually it is because Meng Jingwen is pregnant with someone else's child.

He also tried to touch Mr. Fu, who offended Fu's family and was arrested.

This is a big deal, and no one wants to offend Mr. Fu because of the Meng family.

Therefore, Meng Qingchuan's visiting procedures became extremely troublesome and extremely strict.

With the help of lawyers, Meng Qingchuan finally finally met Meng Jingwen.

Meng Jingwen was only arrested in the police station for a few days, but living a life has already been regarded as her worst in more than two decades.

"Dad...Dad, you finally came to rescue me. I beg you to find a way to let me go out." Meng Jingwen stayed in the police station for a few days. The hair that lacked care lost its luster and cluttered on her head.

Meng Qingchuan's eyes were full of distress for her daughter.

He reached out to touch Meng Jingwen's hair, but what he encountered was cold glass.

"Jing Wen, you can rest assured that Dad will rescue you." Meng Qingchuan looked at the daughter in front of her and felt for the first time what despair was called.

Meng Jingwen looked at the table in front with excitement: "So how long do I have to wait before going out, and how long do I have to wait to free me.

But it's just a small matter of imprisoning people. Why can't it be solved until now?

Do you really want to rescue me?

Or do you want to give up my mother and me, and then leave us alone! "

She can't stand the days at the police station anymore.

From a young age to old age, she lived with clothes to stretch out her hands, and food to open her mouth.

Suddenly, she was taken to the police station.

Originally Meng Jingwen thought that with her family's ability, she could go out at most one day.

But I didn't expect it until now.

Not only did she not go out, but even no one looked at her.

"How is it possible! Jingwen, you need to know that Dad has only you one daughter.

Of course I am reluctant to make you suffer, but this time you and your mother really made a big mistake, if not..."

"Enough! I let you find a way to save me out, not for you to listen to nonsense here! I will ask you now, how long will I have to go out!?" Meng Jingwen suddenly interrupted Meng Qingchuan.

The reason why the children failed this time is because they were too careless.

But Meng Jingwen never felt that he had done anything wrong.

If it is really wrong, it is also the wrong time.

If Fu Xishen did not leave the hotel that day, all this was perfect.

Facing Meng Jingwen's questioning.

Meng Qingchuan opened his mouth, and finally he didn't say a word.

Seeing Meng Qingchuan like this, Meng Jingwen has understood everything.

She stood up with a sneer and left.

Just a few steps, I felt a sense of dizziness, the whole person fell heavily on the ground.


Fu Xishen returned home and saw Gu Ninghuan standing on the ladder and holding a stick to hook the balloon.

The maid stood under the ladder and persuaded her bitterly: "Young lady, will you come down, I will help you get it?"

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