Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 235: Reached out the man's cold cheek

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Chapter 235: Extending a small hand and poking the man's cold cheek

Gu Ninghuan didn't return his head, his tone was relaxed: "Relax, it won't be a problem, I'm almost hooked."

"Gu Ninghuan, what are you doing." Fu Xi deeply saw Gu Ninghuan standing on the high ladder.

The other hand is still going to hook the balloon line.

An uncontrollable anger rose from the bottom of the man's heart.

Gu Ninghuan was frightened by the voice of Fu Xishen.

Slightly lowered his head to see a tall, handsome man standing under her, with a deep displeasure in his expression.

"I'm fishing for balloons." Gu Ninghuan glanced at him, then quickly withdrawn his gaze.

She has a slight fear of height, and if you look at it for too long, she will feel dizzy when she wants to jump.

"Down." The man frowned.

Gu Ninghuan heard the man say this.

Of course, I don't want to offend him because of a small balloon.

But now she is about to touch the balloon, and now go down, then it is not a foregone conclusion.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan tipped his toes harder.

The wooden stick in his hand reached the balloon line, and he was almost able to hook the balloon back.

She took a step forward, but she was too anxious.

Instead of looking at the feet, I just felt that the feet were empty, and the whole person fell hard.

Before Gu Ninghuan fell, there was only one impression in her mind that she was over.

The height of the ladder is not high, but it is not short.

But such a direct fall, at least to lie in the hospital for a month.

She closed her eyes tightly, but didn't wait for the expected pain to come.

Instead, he fell into a warm and familiar embrace.

Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes carefully and saw his tight and smooth jaw line.

Looking further up, the man's beautiful face has a thick displeasure, and the gloomy can drip water.

Fu Xishen put Gu Ninghuan on the sofa without a word.

Check her face coldly for any other wounds.

Gu Ninghuan blinked and reached out a small hand to poke the man's cold cheek: "You are angry."

After Fu Xishen's inspection, Gu Ninghuan found no injuries.

Only then did he withdraw his hand, his tone faintly: "No."

After talking, the man stood up.

Gu Ninghuan saw the situation, thought he was going, and reached out to hug his waist: "Are you really not angry?"


"Since you are not angry, would you help me take that balloon off, OK?

The servants at home except for the bodyguards are girls, and I worry that they will fall. "Gu Ninghuan rubbed her small face and acted like a baby.

The man looked down at her faintly, reaching for her soft cheek: "Okay."

Gu Ninghuan agreed to see him so easily. He stood up with some joy, reached for him and walked to the ladder.

The balloon that had embarrassed her for a long time seemed to be removed so easily in front of Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan took the balloon from Fu Xishen's hand, which was an unstoppable joy.

Ordinarily at her current age, she should not like things like children playing with balloons.

But she just couldn't help it.

I used to collect plush toys like stamps, and bought a lot of them.

The maid had to vacate an empty room to put the stuffed toys Gu Ninghuan bought from outside.

But nowadays, Gu Ninghuan probably bought too much, and his enthusiasm for plush toys has been reduced a lot.

Instead of buying stuffed toys from the store in a sweeping fashion, he began to bring balloons to his home.

Fortunately, when she bought it, she considered that the balloon was easily broken.

The broken sound made her unhappy, but she continued to buy in bulk.

But this balloon is different for Gu Ninghuan.

Because this was taken down by Fu Xishen personally.

I think one day, even if the balloon leaks, she won't throw it away easily.

After the two had finished their meal, Gu Ninghuan was lying on the sofa in the room and brushing Weibo. Fu Xishen processed the documents not far from her.

She stepped forward and glanced at Fu Xishen's computer screen.

I saw the words above which she couldn't understand, but it was faintly recognizable as German.

Seeing a man working so attentively, Gu Ninghuan was inconvenient to bother him.

Holding the tablet in his hand, he planned to sit back.

But when I looked at the distance between the sofa and Fu Xi, I did not like it.

Gu Ninghuan placed the tablet in his hand on Fu Xishen's desktop.

Reaching for a chair, gently put it not far from Fu Xi.

Then, he sat down satisfactorily.

The man is clearly on hand.

But she still thinks that the distance between him and the man is not close enough, and puts the slender legs on his legs.

Fu Xishen was striking the keyboard with a slight pause.

Then he glanced down at the fair and beautiful legs that fell on his knees, and the lips were slightly curved.

Men's serious suit pants and women's inconspicuous legs overlap, and under the dim light, they seem to be very hooky.

The mobile phone placed on the desktop vibrated.

Gu Ninghuan was closer to Fu Xishen's mobile phone, and he reached up and picked it up.

When he handed it over to the man, he glanced at the phone screen.


These two words slammed into her heart, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Why is she calling at this time?

Gu Ninghuan calmly handed the phone to the man.

He took it and pressed the answer button.

Gu Ninghuan felt that Qiao Jin'er was Fu Xishen's cousin anyway.

It’s not a special thing for a cousin to call her cousin late at night.

Besides, she is regarded as Fu Xishen's wife.

It should also be avoided as a courtesy of the phone between their cousins.

Gu Ninghuan thought this way, but his body was motionless, but he lay on the table watching him call.

She thinks the sound insulation in Fu Xishen's cell phone is too good.

Why are they not far from each other, but she can't hear anything.

The phone call lasted for about a minute, and I didn't know what Qiao Jiner said to him.

After seeing Fu Xishen hanging up the phone, he reached out and closed the computer in front of him.

"Where are you going?" Gu Ninghuan saw him get up and stretched out his hand to grab him directly.

Fu Xishen bowed his head: "There is something to deal with, you are waiting for me at home."

Gu Ninghuan stood up with him: "What happened to Qiao Jin'er? If so, I will go together."

"It's too dangerous. You stay at home." Fu Xi looked dignified.

Gu Ninghuan stopped in front of him: "I don't want to, you leave me alone at home, I will be very worried about you, so I will lose sleep.

If I have insomnia tonight, my driving spirit will be bad tomorrow, so I will be very dangerous. "

Gu Ninghuan's words did mean a bit of a slap in the air.

But now it was so dark outside, how could she let Fu Xishen go to Qiao Jin'er.

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