Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 236: Fu Xishen, then kiss me

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Chapter 236: Fu Xishen, then kiss me

"Jin'er was entangled in the bar when he went out to play. This kind of thing is not a fun scene to handle." The man glanced down at her and said lightly.

bar? Gu Ninghuan heard a man say this, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Such a cold and arrogant person like Qiao Jin'er.

No matter how you look at it, you can't go to the bar.

"I'm going, and if you don't take me, I will follow you by car." Gu Ninghuan reached out and hugged him directly.

Whatever you say, insist on following.

The man frowned slightly, knowing that if Gu Ninghuan was to be secretly driven to follow him.

This will make her more dangerous.

"Give you three minutes, change the skirt to long pants." Fu Xi said in a deep voice, and finally gave in.

Gu Ninghuan said that there was no delay at all.

Loosen the man's waist, turn around and run into the dressing room.

Within a minute, she changed clothes.

Fu Xi deeply saw the long-sleeved trousers she was wearing, and her frown was slightly loosened.

Gu Ninghuan went out with Fu Xishen, this time he did not let the driver follow, but drove by himself.

When he arrived at the bar, Gu Ninghuan followed the man.

She comes here from time to time in places like bars, but she comes to this kind of non-member bar.

Gu Ninghuan started by entering the bar.

I felt that all my cells were ignited with excitement in the blood.

She had never thought of a bar with such an unsafe atmosphere.

Actually with a different kind of stimulation.

Fu Xishen started to enter the bar, and his sight was always on Gu Ninghuan.

Of course, the excitement of her eyes was not missed.

He lowered his face a little displeased and reached out to hug her slender waist: "You are not allowed to come here with me and Song Ci."

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, only thinking that Fu Xishen was somewhat too powerful.

She did think she had to come here with Song Ci later.

But before careful thinking, he was noticed by the man.

"Why, Qiao Jin'er is also here, why don't you let me come, you are treated differently!" Gu Ninghuan's delicate body leaned on the man, complaining a little.

The man looked at her sideways: "Because you are mine."

Gu Ninghuan was stunned for a moment, she once said that she liked it with men more than once.

But men are always so cold and indifferent.

She knows that men are born cold and may not fall in love with anyone in this life.

Gu Ninghuan is actually mentally prepared.

And she's not the kind of person who doesn't get the love of a man and has to die.

When she confessed, she thought very clearly that she liked Fu Xishen.

No matter whether Fu Xishen likes or dislikes her, she must decide him.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xishen would say that she belongs to him.

With such a simple sentence, Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but feel more joy in his heart.

She knew that such a sentence did not mean that the man loved her, or even liked it.

But she was just happy.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and hugged the man's waist, pushed him to the corner, leaned tightly against him, tipped his toes: "Then kiss me, will you?"

The man's lips whip up a very light arc, leaning over and kissing her.

Her lips twitched, and she stretched her hand to hug his arm harder, wishing the whole person was buried in his arms.

Blame it on the wrong place at this time, otherwise there must be more than just a kiss between them.

The two approached the door of the box, and the man reached out and pushed open the door.

Seeing the light inside the box, a long, greasy man was crouching on the ground, his face full of fear.

There are many people in the box, but all the people who can stand are dressed as bodyguards.

From the appearance, he knows that it is the manpower arranged by Fu Xishen.

She said why men are so calm along the way, it turned out that they had already been arranged.

Qiao Jin'er wore a snow-white long dress with a suit on his body.

The whole person was lying on the sofa in the box, blushing, and it seemed uncomfortable.

She heard the sound of the door opening, her shoulders shrunk reflexively, and she looked terrified.

"Sir, Miss Qiao seems to have been greatly stimulated. We want to send her home, but she said she wouldn't bring us close." The bodyguard stepped forward slowly.

Gu Ninghuan asked softly: "Qiao Jin'er has not been bullied."

"No, when we came, Miss Qiao was well-groomed, but she was slapped on the face, but we have hit back ten times." The bodyguard replied.

If Qiao Jin'er really suffered any substantial harm.

I am afraid that these people in the box at this time, there is no way to wait for Mr. Fu to come alive.

Gu Ninghuan said with a sigh of relief.

As long as Qiao Jin'er has not been violated.

But someone as high-hearted as she actually suffered a loss in the wine bureau. Perhaps this alone made her unacceptable.

Qiao Jin'er didn't want to be touched.

But she can't let her really spend the night in this smoky box.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she was a girl after all, and went to persuade Qiao Jin'er to be better than a boy.

She walked to Qiao Jin'er's side without speaking.

Qiao Jin'er dropped his hand and waved at her suddenly.

The large piece of glass held in her palm reflected the cold cold light under the light.

It happened so suddenly that Gu Ninghuan was too late to react.

The man behind stepped forward and directly caught Qiao Jin'er's wrist, his tone slightly cold: "Qiao Jin'er!"

Gu Ninghuan saw that the glass sheet stopped a few inches away from her, and immediately hides behind Fu Xishen.

Qiao Jin'er saw Fu Xishen, his eyes gradually turned red, and the glass fragments in his hand fell. He grasped Fu Xishen's hand tightly with his backhand: "Cousin, I'm so scared, they..."

For the rest, Qiao Jin'er didn't say anything, just kept holding Fu Xishen's hand and kept crying.

Qiao Jin'er's attack on her just now may have come from a deep self defense.

In the face of almost being violated, the girl is a little emotional, which is also normal.

She didn't take Qiao Jin'er's attack on her to heart, but saw Qiao Jin'er grasp Fu Xishen's hand.

I don't know why, she really wanted to step forward and push her away.

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and told himself to be patient.

Anyway, Qiao Jin'er is Fu Xishen's cousin. She wants to be generous, she must be generous.

When she opened her eyes again, Qiao Jin'er was able to stand up.

But he still needs Fu Xi's deep support to walk.

Gu Ninghuan was slightly cold, not very happy.

When she arrived at the villa, Li brought the shocked soup to Qiao Jin'er: "Miss Qiao, drink this and you will be more comfortable later."

Qiao Jin'er's lips were pale and he said, "Thank you."

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