Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 237: I'm not jealous

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Chapter 237

Li Li waved her hands, watching Qiao Jin'er's eyes worried.

I heard it was after Miss Qiao came out of Warner.

Just witnessed a tragic car accident and was scared like this.

Gu Ninghuan walked to Qiao Jin'er's room with his family doctor and saw Ma Li was carrying out the empty bowl.

"Mom Li, I hope that today Qiao Jin'er will be scared by the car accident. You can keep it confidential and not pass it to the old house, otherwise it will make Ma worry." Gu Ninghuan smiled.

Ma Li nodded: "Relax, Mrs. Young. What should I say, what shouldn't I say, I know."

"Well, then you go to rest." Gu Ninghuan said.

"Mrs. Shao also rested early." After that, Ma Li turned and left.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and knocked on the door, and walked in after getting permission.

"I'll take the doctor to check your body for you." Gu Ninghuan's tone is very ordinary, not much familiarity, and not much disgust.

Qiao Jin'er held the hot tea in his hand and looked at Gu Ninghuan in front of him: "Ning Huan, what I did in the bar of the bar today, I didn't mean to try to deal with you intentionally, sorry, I almost hurt you."

Gu Ninghuan's lips and lips smiled politely: "It's okay, I didn't care about it, and I know you at that time must be very scared."

She and Qiao Jin'er can indeed be regarded as relatives.

But Gu Ninghuan did not have any deep feelings for Qiao Jin'er.

The two said politely.

Gu Ninghuan asked the female doctor to examine her in Qiao Jin'er's room.

She returned to the room herself, and the bathtub was filled with water.

After a while, she got up and went out.

Fu Xishen had not returned from the study, Gu Ninghuan lay in bed and took out his mobile phone.

When I saw the circle of friends, they had been dynamically screened by Song Ci and Su Muzhe.

Song Ci, a person who dynamically screens in a daily circle of friends, is normal to post a circle of friends.

But Su Muzhe is a person who rarely sends out the dynamics of the circle of friends.

Actually followed the invention of star dynamics.

From this point of view, Song Ci sent the phone with Su Su covering the phone.

After watching Ninghuan for a while, he quitted his circle of friends with a smile.

Song Ci and Su Muzhe seemed to be injured by Song Ci.

And became closer.

She put the phone away and lay down on the big bed to prepare for sleep. Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door: "Young lady, no good, Miss Qiao and the young master quarreled."

Gu Ninghuan heard this sentence and immediately sat up from the bed.

How could a cold personality like Fu Xishen be able to quarrel with Qiao Jin'er.

But Gu Ninghuan immediately opened the door, and while going downstairs, he asked: "What's the matter? Wasn't it still good?"

"I don't know, it seems that Miss Qiao said she wanted to leave after the doctor examined her, but the young master refused." The maid said.

Gu Ninghuan frowned, it was almost ten o'clock now.

At this time, no matter who it is, Qiao Jin'er will not leave.

When Gu Ninghuan came downstairs, he was very excited to see Qiao Jin'er: "I just want to go out to find Annie, why don't you let me go.

My emotions have recovered now, and I can take care of myself. "

Fu Xi raised his eyes deeply and looked at her coldly: "Let you go out and see the girlfriend who tricked you into the bar?"

Qiao Jin'er sat on the sofa with a choked tone: "I believe Anne will not lie to me. The two of us are best friends.

What happened tonight is definitely an accident, I am going to find her. "

Gu Ninghuan sat on the sofa and glanced at Qiao Jin'er.

I just think she is really a wealthy man.

The person in the box is not a good person at first glance.

And listening to the meaning of Fu Xishen's words, it was Anne who deceived her into the box.

"If there is someone who knows you, pick up your cell phone and call me, do you know what you will face tonight?" Fu Xishen's tone did not soften at all.

Qiao Jin'er looked up: "I know I'm a burden. I also know that because I almost hurt Ning Huan today, you are not happy."

"Cry enough, just go upstairs to rest." The man stood up and said the temperature was cold like cold water.

He walked past Gu Ninghuan and picked her up smoothly.

To the maid: "Send someone to optimistic Jiner, if she makes trouble again, let the bodyguard shut her up."

"Yes, young master." The maid replied.

Qiao Jin'er looked directly at the two men and women walking side by side.

Just looking at the back, they both feel that the two of them are inexplicably harmonious and match.

I don't know why, she suddenly had a weird emotion in her heart.

Fu Xishen has always been a looked-up presence in the family.

As long as he is in place, the light on everyone is suppressed.

Among the crowd, only he is the most prominent.

"Are you upset?" Fu Xi lowered his eyes and looked at the calm little woman beside him.

Gu Ninghuan lazily raised his eyes and looked at the man: "There was a little before, but now it is gone."

"Gu Ninghuan, why haven't I found out before that you love jealousy so much." His hand fell on the woman's waist with a half smile in his words.

Gu Ninghuan broke away from his hand with some displeasure, she walked forward a few steps: "I didn't jealous."

Fu Xi's deep and cold eyes, with a faint smile.

Qiao Jin'er sat in the living room.

Without blinking, he watched Fu Xishen and Gu Ninghuan walk into the room.

She didn't look away until the door was closed.

The maid looked carefully at Qiao Jin'er in the living room.

Now she looks very calm, but the maid still hasn't let her down.

I don't know when Qiao Jin'er will make trouble again.

But Qiao Jin'er didn't. She sat in the living room for about half an hour, and then returned quietly to the room.

When Fu Xishen went downstairs the next day, he saw Qiao Jin'er eating breakfast at the table.

Her condition is much better than last night.

Fu Xishen sat at the dining table, just sitting down, Qiao Jin'er's eyes fell on him.

Qiao Jin'er hesitated and said: "Cousin, I was out of control last night, but I didn't do it on purpose. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Fu Xishen let out a faint hum, and didn't give much response.

Qiao Jin'er had long been accustomed to Fu Xishen's indifference, but he didn't care about it.

"Ning Huan hasn't woke up yet?" Qiao Jin'er looked up at the stairs, but he didn't see Gu Ninghuan.

"She didn't have a class in the morning, so she slept a little longer." Fu Xishen picked up the financial magazine on hand and turned a page and said faintly.

Qiao Jiner took a sip of milk, and his tone was a little low: "Wouldn't it be Ning Huan who was still bitter about the things of last night, so hide from me by the name of sleeping."

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