Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 238: Are you a man?

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Chapter 238   Are You a Man!

"She is not stingy."

Qiao Jin'er heard the words and smiled: "Since this is how I feel relieved, I didn't have many friends.

It is now rare that a friend of my age appears around me. I don’t want to make a bad impression in her heart.

But cousin, can I ask you to help me? "


Qiao Jin'er bit her lip: "Did Anne really want to deceive me into the bar box? For the time being, there is no conclusion. Can you promise me not to shoot her."

The man heard the words and raised his eyes in a calm voice: "Your girlfriend, she admitted that she deliberately deceived you into the box last night. I have already let her throw her to Zimbabwe. She will not be allowed to come back in this life."

Qiao Jiner heard the words, widened his eyes, and wanted to say nothing, but in the end he said nothing.

She should have guessed long ago that Fu Xishen would not give up what he had already decided because she had such a trouble yesterday.

"But Annie is my best friend. Isn't it not good to send her to such a dangerous place in Zimbabwe?" Qiao Jiner's tone was full of worry for Annie.

Fu Xi said indifferently: "Nothing is not very good."

Seeing him vaguely impatient, Qiao Jin'er consciously stopped talking to him about Annie.

After Fu Xishen finished eating, he got up and dropped a sentence: "Miluo will come to pick you up for the audition immediately, and you are waiting here."

"Well, thank you cousin." Qiao Jin'er nodded.

After Fu Xishen left, she picked up the empty milk cup and put it in the kitchen sink.

Mother Li was also in the kitchen at this time. When she saw Qiao Jin'er coming in, she started busy herself after she called out Miss Qiao.

"Ma, Li, have you been taking care of your cousins ​​and Ning Huan in the villa for a long time?" Qiao Jin'er didn't go out immediately after putting down the milk glass.

Mother Li fiddled with the things in her hand and replied: "It has been a while."

"Is the relationship between cousin and Ning Huan good?" Qiao Jin'er asked.

This question is really embarrassing Ma, how to describe their relationship between the young couple.

After all, the mode of getting along between the young master and the young lady really made her feel a little unpredictable.

Let’s say they have a good relationship, but from time to time, they also make trouble.

It can be said that the relationship between them is not good. Once something happened to the young lady, the young master was the first to help deal with it, not like the enemy.

Qiao Jiner saw that Li Ma didn't answer, and she already knew.

She reached out, twisted the faucet, and washed her hands in a hurry: "I hope that Ning Huan will become the cousin of the cousin, and the two can go hand in hand together."

Mother Li heard the words and nodded: "Young Master with Mrs. Shao is more happy than unhappy."

Qiao Jin'er turned off the faucet and raised a half-curved lip angle: "Is it?"

"Yes, so Miss Qiao doesn't have to worry too much about the young master." Ma Li was very sure.

Qiao Jin'er did not answer Ma's words, and turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Going to the living room, I just saw Gu Ninghuan going downstairs.

Gu Ninghuan held a mobile phone in his hand and said something from time to time, with a beautiful smile on his face.

Qiao Jin'er saw Gu Ninghuan, his footsteps paused slightly, his eyes flashed in shock.

She knew that Gu Ninghuan was very beautiful, but she did not know that Gu Ninghuan was even more glamorous when she laughed.

Presumably, his cousin was attracted by Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan's gaze pulled away from the phone screen, and Leng Buding and Qiao Jiner's eyes met in midair.

Qiao Jin'er didn't seem to think that Gu Ninghuan would look at her.

Both were surprised in their eyes, but they also reacted quickly.

Both smiled decently at each other, even after saying hello.

After greeting him, Gu Ninghuan sat at the table with his mobile phone.

Before speaking, the maid brought her a cup of hot milk: "Young lady, you are up, please ask what you want to eat in the morning."

"Noodles are enough." Gu Ninghuan replied.

"Okay." The maid went to prepare.

Qiao Jin'er sat in the living room waiting for Milo to pick him up.

After Milo came, he left with Milo.

At the Third Hospital of Kyoto, Meng Jingwen opened his eyes and felt a faint pain in the back of his head.

When the nurse saw her waking up, she was pleased to press the number and called Meng Qingchuan to inform him that Meng Jingwen was awake.

Meng Jingwen was lying in bed, and the whole person was very weak.

When Meng Qingchuan arrived, Meng Jingwen was leaning on the hospital bed, eating the food fed by the nurse bit by bit.

Meng Jingwen has been in a coma for several days and has been infusion of nutrient solution. The whole person seems to have lost a lot of weight.

When Ms. Meng saw her daughter finally woke up, the whole person was relieved.

Even because I was too excited, my eyes were a little red.

"Mom, why did you come out?" Meng Jingwen was surprised when she saw Mrs. Meng.

At the same time, she and Ms. Meng were both detained at the police station at the same time.

Being locked up in the police station was not because of the doctor, but simply because the Fu family wanted to teach them a lesson.

Now that Ms. Meng is out, does that mean that the Fu family is willing to forgive them.

"Don't mention it, the **** doctor, who took half of our Meng family's property before agreeing to the settlement, I was able to get out of the police station.

But she took our money, turned her face and pretended to donate generously to charity,

Now on Weibo it is all praise that she is not greedy in the face of money, and in turn scolds us that the Meng family is not rich! "Ms. Meng remembered what the netizens on Weibo said, and her angry fingers were shaking.

Meng Jingwen didn't speak, but he was still unwilling in his heart.

At the same time, I felt that I was more affectionate. It turned out that Fu Xi was not deeply moved by Yun Yin.

"Okay, tell the children what these are doing, now that the matter is over.

Then in the future, our family will live a good life, and other things will no longer be concerned. As for those netizens, they just say whatever they want. "Meng Qingchuan's face was somber.

Obviously, I don't want to say more about this matter.

And his appearance of calmness, in the eyes of outsiders, may be the best solution.

But in Mrs. Meng's eyes, it is a symbol of waste.

She reached out her fingertips and nodded Meng Qingchuan's forehead vigorously: "You this nonchalant thing, look at what both of me and Meng Jingwen are being bullied.

You didn't even help us with a word, and even let us calm down, are you a man! "

Meng Qingchuan has not slept well in recent days because of concerns about Meng Jingwen.

I was in a bad mood. Now that I heard Mrs. Meng's words, the anger in my heart became heavier and heavier, but I still endured no attack.

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