Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 240: Believe it or not, I broke your treatment

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Chapter 240: Believe It or Not, I Broke Your Treatment

Ms. Meng looked at Gu Shi, and there was not much trust in her eyes: "You just said that the relationship between you and Gu Ninghuan is not good at all.

In this case, why do you think you can lure Gu Ninghuan? "

Mrs. Meng felt that God was helping Gu Ninghuan now.

After she walked out of the police station, the first thing was to seek revenge on Gu Ninghuan.

But the bodyguards around Gu Ninghuan kept the lines she protected from leaking, so that no one she sent could get started.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't move. Song Ninghuan, who was recognized as the best girlfriend by her side, was in hospital.

It stands to reason that it should be a very good target.

Not to mention that the Song family behind Song Ci is a problem.

Even more troublesome, Su Muzhe kept her close.

Song Ci's VIP ward is also guarded by Fu Xishen's bodyguards.

Just when Mrs. Meng felt that she could not start, the people behind recommended Gu Shi to her.

It is said that Gu Shi and Gu Ninghuan grew up together since childhood and they have sympathy with sisters.

Although the relationship between the two has been somewhat rusty recently, it is impossible to break the relationship for so many years.

Unexpectedly, what Gu Shi said when he blindfolded.

Let Ms. Meng once again have a more distinct understanding of Gu Ninghuan's cruelty.

Gu Ninghuan actually hurt even the sisters who grew up with him.

Gu Shi tickled his lips: "Gu Ninghuan and I were both upset, but this does not mean that I have no way to trick Gu Ninghuan out.

If you don't believe it, you can give me your phone. I promise to let Gu Ninghuan come out obediently. "

Mrs. Meng intends to give it a try, and now she can do nothing but trust Gu Shi.

But of course she wouldn't be stupid enough to hand her cell phone up.

She pointed her finger at a rogue-looking person next to him and asked him to give Gu Shi the phone.

While the rogue gave Gu Shi his mobile phone, he did not forget to untie the rope in Gu Shi's hands.

Gu Shi moved his wrist and looked at the dirt on the rogue's mobile phone, but he couldn't reach for it.

"Aren't you able to give me a clean mobile phone?" Gu Shi frowned slightly.

The phone in front of her was old and the screen was broken with several traces.

The appearance is even more dirty, which makes Gu Shi unable to accept it.

Mrs. Meng: "Let you use what you use, so much nonsense."

Madam Meng's bad attitude was still somewhat disgusting to Gu Shi.

If it were not for the two of them are now grasshoppers on a rope.

Gu Shicai won't be angry with Mrs. Meng here.

Gu Shiqiang endured disgust, took the phone from the rogue, and reached out to press Gu Ninghuan's number.

When dialing the first pass, Gu Ninghuan didn't connect, and just reached out and hung up.

Gu Shi was unwilling to make a second attempt, but the phone number was blacked out.

"What's the matter?" Ms. Meng saw Gu Shi, didn't make a call at all, and was a little impatient.

Gu Shi embarrassedly took the phone from her ear: "She blacked the number."

"Call with your own mobile phone." Ms. Meng pulled out the mobile phone in Gu Shi's hand.

Gu Shi bit her lips a little embarrassedly: "My phone number has long been blacked by Gu Ninghuan."

"So you are a useless waste." Mrs. Meng laughed.

Gu Shi shook his head suddenly: "No, I can't call Gu Ninghuan.

But I can call other people in Gu's family. My injury is still not good. They will definitely control me and won't want me. "

Mrs. Meng felt that since she had spent a lot of time binding Gu Shi, she should still drain her remaining value and let her give it a try.

"I believe you for the last time, if you have no way to attract Gu Ninghuan.

Then we will leave you here alone, a woman with a broken leg in the wilderness, you should be a little bit counted on what will happen here. "Ms. Meng's tone carries threats.

Gu Shisi has no doubt that Mrs. Meng is the one who can do such things.

In the past few days, she has paid attention to the lack of morality done by Ms. Meng and Meng Jingwen on Weibo.

It is already known to everyone.

Gu Shi's fingers shivered and called Gu's phone.

The constant prayer in my heart must not be a cold call.

Otherwise, according to Leng Han's character, when she saw her call, she would not answer it.

Fortunately, Gu Shi was satisfied that the person who answered her phone was Xie Yu.

"Gu Shi your nurse said you were gone, where are you now?" Xie Yu's tone was plain.

For Gu Shi's disappearance, but to call this thing again, there is no doubt that he is even heavier.

Gu Shi was half angry with Xie Yu's attitude, but now is not the time to care about this.

"Xie Yu, my mobile phone number was blacked by Gu Ninghuan. You can call me and tell Gu Ninghuan.

If she didn’t call me after three minutes, I would tell the world about the diamond ring in her safe. "Gu Shi didn't wait for Jie Yu to answer, and then hung up the phone.

With her hand tightly holding the phone, Gu Shi can only gamble now.

Even after more than ten years of gambling, that matter was still a wound in Gu Ninghuan's heart.

She bet that the ring was not embarrassing for Gu Ninghuan or even the Gu family.

After three minutes, Gu Ninghuan did not call.

Mrs. Meng has lost patience and is ready to leave.

People like Gu Ninghuan.

How could it be dominated by a diamond ring.

She is also stupid, and she will believe that Gu Shi can bring Gu Ninghuan out.

"Ms. Meng, can you not leave? I can assure you that Gu Ninghuan will definitely call." Gu Shi was a little impatient.

She still has a pain in her lower body, and there is simply no way to walk upright.

If Mrs. Meng put her here.

Then she simply did not have the ability to return to the hospital.

"You promise what you promise! What a waste person like you who can't even play the bomb, what can you guarantee?" Ms. Meng sneered.

Gu Shi endured the cynicism of Ms. Meng to her.

I still wanted to say something, and the phone rang suddenly.

Interrupted what she was about to say.

Gu Shijian saw Gu Ninghuan calling, and every cell in the body was shaking with excitement: "You see, Gu Ninghuan, she really called."

"Hurry up and answer!"

When Mrs. Meng saw Gu Ninghuan's phone call, the spirit came at once.

She walked quickly to Gu Shi's side and urged her to answer the phone.

Gu Shi stabilized his mind and pressed the answer key on his phone: "Ning Huan, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Gu Shi, you haven't gotten well yet, and dare to come to our Gu family for trouble. Do you really think I dare not interrupt your treatment?" Gu Ninghuan's tone is very poor, even with a little irritability. .

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