Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 241: It's so arrogant to die

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Chapter 241

Gu Ninghuan's tone was not calm.

It just revealed that she cares about the diamond ring in her heart.

Not even Mrs. Meng thought, like Gu Ninghuan, who owns countless jewelry.

Actually, it will be chaotic because of a diamond ring.

"You don't need to say this to scare me. Grandpa will not allow you to interrupt my treatment.

I will send you an address immediately, you must come here by yourself.

Otherwise, I will tell everyone the cause and effect of your diamond ring. Gu Shi grabbed Gu Ninghuan's handle.

The gesture in front of her inevitably became a bit arrogant.

Faced with Gu Shi's words, Gu Ninghuan was silent.

Then she said: "The address comes."

Gu Shi and Ms. Meng glanced at each other, and they both saw excitement in their eyes.

Mrs. Meng quickly took paper and pen and wrote the address here.

Gu Shi reported the address according to the content on the paper.

"Let me go to such a remote place alone, Gu Shi, do you want to kill people and silence?" Gu Ninghuan sneered after listening to the address.

Gu Shi's tone was relaxed: "You are now Mrs. Fu Jiashao, and even a family as powerful as the Meng family has been struck by you.

I'm just a person abandoned by your Gu family, where can I still fight against a young lady like you?

I just want to ask for money, give me 3 million, I will never appear in front of you. "

Madam Meng glanced at Gu Shi with some approval. Gu Shi was really stronger than Meng Jingwen.

Knowing what kind of words can dispel Gu Ninghuan's doubts.

If Meng Jingwen also has this ability, their mother and daughter may not lose so badly.

Gu Ninghuan did not comment on Gu Shi's remarks.

Hanging up the phone directly, 40 minutes later, Gu Ninghuan's figure appeared at the door.

In this dilapidated house, only Gu Shi sat alone in the chair.

"Bring me to such a remote address, it's not like your style." Gu Ninghuan's high-heeled shoes made a slight noise on the floor.

Gu Shi thought that after Ninghuan Gu experienced Meng Jingwen's false pregnancy, his appearance should become very poor.

But her condition was so unexpected.

It's like the last time, a big divorce.

No matter which woman falls on, it can be said that it is not so comfortable.

Gu Ninghuan showed that the clouds were light and windy.

Gu Shi didn't have this kind of confidence, which was what Gu Shi hated.

"What's wrong, are you scared of even the waste people who can't even walk like me?" Gu Shi was sitting on a chair, his face ugly.

Gu Ninghuan and Gu Shi were some distance away.

Before she could speak, Madam Meng, who had been lurking in the dark for a long time, could not bear it.

"Gu Ninghuan, I finally waited for you." The familiar voice, familiar tone, the difference is that Mrs. Meng's appearance is much worse than before.

Gu Ninghuan saw no surprise when Madam Meng came out.

Even in the face of so many rogue-like people around her, she did not panic.

"I said how could you come here from the hospital, it turned out to be collusion with Mrs. Meng." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Gu Shi stared at Madam Meng: "Did we just say it was good? After Gu Ninghuan gave me the money, you will come out again!"

"Gu Shi, you caught me. What qualifications do you have to talk to me about conditions?" Mrs. Meng smiled, smiling at Gu Shi's innocence.

Gu Shiwanwan did not expect that Ms. Meng actually included her.

"I don't care what plan you have, you have to give me that 3 million!" As long as you can get the money.

Even if Mrs. Meng didn't act according to the agreement with the two of hers, it didn't matter.

Mrs. Meng smiled contemptuously: "Our Meng family lost half of their family property because of Gu Ninghuan, a slut. Now the 3 million she brought should of course be given to me!"

"Ms. Meng, I know you are bad, but I didn't expect you to be so disgusting.

It's no wonder why Meng Jingwen would shamelessly touch Mr. Fu Fu after conceiving someone else's wild species.

You and Meng Jingwen really meet the hot search topic on Weibo, the most shameless mother and daughter in history! "Gu Shi is about to be sickened by Madam Meng's disgust.

Madam Meng was completely irritated by what Gu Shi said.

She stepped forward and raised her hand, which was just a few slaps on the face of Gu Shi.

However, he still felt uneasy and kicked his foot to Gu Shi suddenly.

Gu Shi's chair was kicked by her, and the whole person fell heavily on the ground.

Her body, which was originally in the treatment period, became more severe because of this fall.

Gu Shi was so painful that even his face became twisted.

"You bitch, give you a three-point color, you really think I dare not move you. Believe it or not, I can now let people strip your clothes and throw you down the mountain to feed the dog."

"No, please, Mrs. Meng. Both of us are allies. It is Gu Ninghuan and not me that you should deal with now!" Gu Shi panicked.

She reached out and grabbed Meng Meng's trousers, and kept begging.

Gu Ninghuan watched their dogs biting the dogs, and they were watching them seriously.

But probably it was too obvious for her to see the lively state of mind.

Or maybe Gu Shi has already developed it.

No matter when and where, whenever possible, Ning Huan's habits will be pitted.

Soon, Mrs. Meng's hatred was brought to Gu Ninghuan.

Mrs. Meng was said by Gu Shi, but she didn't even bother to continue working with a small chatter like Gu Shi.

Raised his foot and kicked Gu Shi's belly fiercely, straightened his body, and looked at Gu Ninghuan: "How can I forget, even if I want to strip Gu Shi's clothes to the dog, I should let Gu Ninghuan accompany me You together."

Gu Shi was kicked by Mrs. Meng, and her whole body was so painful that she struggled.

"Gu Ninghuan, it's really been a long time since I saw you. Didn't you think I would be able to come out again?" Madam Meng tried hard to suppress the anger in her heart and wanted to maintain her last demeanor in front of Gu Ninghuan. .

But when she saw Gu Ninghuan, she felt that she couldn't help her anger.

Gu Ning laughed: "What's so unexpected, I didn't think that imprisoning the doctor's family could keep you and Meng Jingwen in the police station for long.

Now you and Meng Jingwen have spent huge sums of money to make such a big contribution to social welfare. I think it is very good. "

Gu Shitong came out with cold sweat on her face. She thought Gu Ninghuan must be crazy.

Now that she is single, she dares to provoke Mrs. Meng.

But this is also good, Gu Ning Huanyue offended Mrs. Meng without knowing it.

Wait a minute, the more intense Mrs. Meng's revenge will be on Gu Ninghuan.

"Gu Ninghuan, you dare to be so arrogant when you die, I really don't know how high it is!" Mrs. Meng walked slowly towards Gu Ninghuan.

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