Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 243: It's enough to threaten this kind of thing once

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Chapter 243   It is enough to threaten such a thing once

Leng Han raised his eyes and looked at them without any temperature.

It's like watching a group of moving dead things.

The next second, he was like a ghost in the crowd.

The movement was so fast that it was unclear how he shot.

The gangsters fell to the ground one by one.

Leng Han's skill is very good, this is what Gu Ninghuan has always known.

But he never touched in front of Gu Ninghuan.

So Gu Ninghuan did not know that once Leng Han started.

It's so hard-working and sophisticated, like someone who has been soaked in the martial arts for a long time.

But this is unlikely.

Isn't Lenghan just the housekeeper of Gu family?

How can a housekeeper need to fight with people every day.

Without much effort, he easily solved the crowd of people.

At the same time, it was very reasonable to start, did not kill the group of rogues.

They just twisted their joints and made them lose their ability to move.

The people brought by Wan Meiying all lay on the ground at this time wailing.

When Gu Shi saw the cold coming, he immediately reached out and grabbed his collar tightly.

Desperately using his upper body to climb to the cold feet, Gu Ninghuan glanced at Gu Shi.

Seeing that the clothes on the key parts of her body are still intact, there should be no substantial violations.

But the gangsters still beat her very badly.

Leng Han's eyes didn't even look at Gu Shi under his feet, and he stood quietly behind Gu Ninghuan with his hands down.

Gu Ning gazed at Wan Meiying, who was only a single shadow, and hooked her lips: "Wan Meiying, now you might as well tell me, who is going to die?"

"Don't... don't... Gu Ninghuan, you can't treat me like that, my relationship with your mother-in-law is so good.

If you hurt me, your mother-in-law will never let you go! "Wan Meiying, who has been accustomed to Meng Qingchuan for so many years, simply does not understand what is called human suffering.

I never faced a failure scenario at all.

Years of nourishment and superiority make her ability to respond to unexpected accidents may not be as good as an adult suffering from snacks.

"You dare to mention my mother-in-law even now. Don't you know that my mother-in-law's aversion to you is not clear in a few words." Gu Ninghuan's eyes were full of sarcasm.

Wan Meiying stared at Gu Ninghuan. Now that even Mrs. Fu has no way to let her take care of her, she can only save herself.

She picked up a huge rock at random and planned to smash Gu Ninghuan.

But before they approached, Wan Meiying was kicked by the cold to the wall.

The forehead hit the wall hard, and the whole person fainted.

"Cold and cold, the police let the police handle Wan Meiying."

"Yes, Miss."

Gu Ninghuan did all of this, and they turned around and Leng Han planned to leave.

But the cold trousers were held by Gu Shi, and Gu Shi's lips trembled: "Cold, can you beg you to send me to the hospital, I feel pain all over my body now."

Obviously Gu Shi asked Leng Han, but Leng Han looked at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan has some indifferent openings: "Gu Shi asked for you, whether you want to send her or not, just make your own decision."

Gu Ninghuan has no sympathy for Gu Shi, starting from the moment Gu Shi was kicked out of Gu's house.

She is an outsider to Gu Ninghuan.

Leng Han kicked Gu Shi's hand away and glanced down at her: "The ambulance will arrive with the police later."

"Gu Shi. Starting today, I will tell Xie Yu to let the caregiver in Zhang Hospital cancel you.

And, if you want to use that diamond ring to threaten me once again, I will make your life ten times worse than it is now.

To threaten this kind of thing, one time is enough, and the next time, you will not be so comfortable. "

After Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, they left with Leng Han.

They left Gu Shi in this dilapidated house, with the group of people like **** evil spirits.

Gu Shi's crying voice kept coming.

It didn't make either of Leng Han and Gu Ninghuan soft-hearted.

The sports car door parked outside the dilapidated house was opened by the cold.

After Gu Ninghuan sat up and fastened his seat belt, Leng Han also opened the door and took the driving seat.

"Recently, people on their side have been contacting me. Do you know why this is?" Gu Ninghuan was playing a seat belt with his fingers and asked the question that had been buried in his heart.

Leng Han started the car and picked up a box of exquisitely packed dim sum and handed it to Gu Ninghuan: "I heard that the father's body is in trouble, and the reason for frequent contact with the young lady may be because of this."

Gu Ninghuan twitched his lips, and aroused an ironic smile.

"Miss, in fact, it has been more than ten years since the incident, you should let go." Leng Han put his hand on the steering wheel and spoke lightly.

Gu Ninghuan leaned his head against the window and looked at the night scene outside: "I'm just afraid that if Gu Shi really said that, grandpa wouldn't accept it.

You also know that Grandpa is now older, he can't stand any stimulation anymore. "

"But it's too dangerous for you to go in alone tonight." Leng Han disagrees.

Gu Ninghuan didn't refute. She also knew that because of the traffic jam, Leng Han arrived here a little later than her.

Originally, Leng Han asked her to go in with him, but Gu Ninghuan entered the dilapidated house without permission.

But she was also worried that if Gu Shi was really mad and exploded that incident, it would definitely be a disaster for their family.

"Hush, I'll go to bed first, and you will notify me when I get home." Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes, and he didn't want to listen to Leng Han.

Obviously this cold man is not good enough to speak in front of outsiders, but in front of her, but inexplicable words.

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and slept very comfortably. When he was almost at the villa, he opened his eyes naturally.

She got up and saw that she was covered with a blanket. Needless to say, she knew that it was Leng Han who covered her.

When the car stopped, Gu Ninghuan folded the blanket on his back seat and reached out to open the door: "Tonight's affairs, please keep it secret and don't tell Grandpa."


"Good night, you drive safely."

"good night."

After finishing speaking, Gu Ninghuan walked into the villa, and Leng Han didn't drive away until she entered.

Fu Xishen had a party with friends tonight, Gu Ninghuan wanted to find him.

But because of the involvement, she decided to look for Leng Han.

That thing is something she has never wanted people to know.

Gu Ninghuan took a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe. The screen of the mobile phone placed on the bedside table lights up and shows the incoming call.

She stepped forward and reached out to answer the phone.

"I thought you wouldn't answer my phone."

"In the past few days, I have blacked your countless numbers, and I'm really tired. Since that's the case, why not listen to what you want to say."

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