Pen Fun Club, the fastest update Splendid Rebirth: Mrs. Fu's latest chapter!

Chapter 244

"I'm going back to China next month, do you want to meet?" The man's voice was tired.


"it is good."

After talking, there was an awkward silence between the two.

Gu Ninghuan waited for three seconds.

Feeling that the person should have nothing to say, toss the phone off the phone and throw it on the bed.

Gu Ninghuan turned on the bedside lamp and glanced at the time.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, but Fu Xishen had not returned.

She picked up her phone and pressed Fu Xishen's number. After a ringing, she was connected: "What's the matter?"

"Are you still in the company?" Gu Ninghuan felt that Fu Xishen's voice was strange, but he didn't take it seriously.


"Oh, then I'll go to bed first."


Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, even though men usually speak famously and concisely.

She also had no hope of being able to talk to him on the phone with sweet words.

But it's just too short to answer only two "um".

Gu Ninghuan hung up his phone on the bedside table and pulled up the quilt to cover his face.

Regardless of him! go to bed!

Fu Shi Nuo's office, the lights flowed quietly.

Baili sat on the sofa, with a wicked look on his face, with a casual smile in his pictures, "Your wife?"

"Um." Fu Xishen replied.

Baili elegantly took a cigarette out of the cigarette case and lit it: "Gu's family are from the top to the bottom of the heart, otherwise they will not lose business continuously.

But your daughter-in-law's appearance looks soft and weak, but she is cruel in her bones. Not only does a spouse like Meng Qingchuan send a divorce declaration on the phone.

Even when she was walking, she did not take away Gu Shi, but let her cry to faint in that broken house, and was finally taken away by the ambulance. "

The deeper Fu Xishen heard, the darker his face.

From the beginning of Wan Meiying's departure from the police station, he sent additional personnel to protect Gu Ninghuan.

This evening, he heard the bodyguard's report afterwards.

I also knew that the first time Gu Ninghuan was in danger, the person he contacted was not him, but cold.

"In fact, you don't have to be unhappy. Your wife and Leng Han grew up together, and you are just a married husband in her eyes.

She chose cold and cold but not you, which is normal. Baili looked at Fu Xi's deep ugly face.

This remark seems to be comforting, but looking at Baili's expression, it really doesn't mean any comfort.

On the contrary, there is more schadenfreude.

Fu Xishen reached out and closed the computer in front of him, picked up the car key and walked long legs away.

"Where are you going, should you go home and quarrel with your daughter-in-law? I advise you not to be like this. Gu Ninghuan is not a fool. She won't go to the suburbs so late for no reason, it must be Gu Shi's hand. What did she do..."

The words of Baili haven't been finished yet, and Fu Xishen's figure is no longer visible.

Fu Xishen drove home, pushed open the door, and there was silence in the bedroom.

He stepped forward to see Gu Ninghuan's quiet sleep.

After pursing his lips, he finally didn't step forward.

After Fu Xishen came out of the shower, Gu Ninghuan, who was sleeping, opened his eyes.

"Wake you up?" Fu Xi asked faintly.

Gu Ninghuan sat up holding the quilt on her chest, and she set her long hair scattered on her shoulders behind her: "It seems that you came back very late today."

"The company has something to do." He reached out and lifted the quilt and sat on the bed.

Gu Ninghuan glanced slightly, looking at Fu Xishen, even in the dim light: "Oh, then I fell asleep."

Gu Ninghuan could feel the low air pressure on Fu Xishen's body.

I don't know why Fu Xishen was unhappy because of something, but she dare not ask.

Gu Ninghuan slid down on the bed.

She rolled over to sleep, but her back fell into a hot chest.

Fu Xishen stretched out her cool fingers and kissed her jaw directly.

Gu Ninghuan did not resist, and his red lips opened slightly, and Fu Xishen kissed him naturally.

But Fu Xishen's actions gradually deepened.

The intensity of kissing her lips was a bit heavy, making her struggle with some dissatisfaction.

The man stretched out his hand and forcibly stopped her movement.

There was a slightly unspeakable roughness in the action, which pressed her to do it again and again.

When Gu Ning woke up the next day.

Fu Xi was drugged in places that made her uncomfortable last night.

But even so, Gu Ninghuan felt sore all over his body.

Fu Xishen was so physically strong in that matter that he could be described as perverted.

But he usually considers Gu Ninghuan's body, how much will be kept a little.

But last night, Fu Xishen did not have the slightest tenderness in her movements, and tortured her enough.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the bathroom, took a shower and came out, and took out a bottle with vitamins on the outside from the drawer.

Pour a contraceptive pill skillfully and swallow it.

Even though Fu Xishen didn't tell her clearly, it seems that he didn't do contraception.

He wanted a child.

But Gu Ninghuan is still studying, and her pregnancy is not mature enough for her.

She doesn't think that now she can assume the responsibility of being a mother.

If this is the case, then don't rush to give birth to the child.

Gu Ninghuan threw the vitamin bottle into the drawer. The birth control pill was specially prepared for her by a doctor she believed.

There is no damage to the body, but also because of this, she will eat with confidence.

Fu Xishen has never done that again since he lost control that night.

Gu Ninghuan did not take Fu Xishen out of control.

It was only because he was abstinent for too long, and he could not control himself for a while.

The time passed slowly, and more than a month had passed in a blink of an eye.

Today is the day when Song Ci was discharged from the hospital. Gu Ninghuan bought flowers early to pick up Song Ci.

Waiting for the hospital, Song Ci is holding a tablet and lying on the sofa to brush anime.

Gu Ninghuan simply glanced at the screen in Song Ci's hands and felt a rush of heat.

Nothing else, because the anime where Song Ci Ci is placed happens to be of the eighteen ban type.

"Song Ci, do you know that? Seeing this in broad daylight, the impact is not very good." Gu Ninghuan reached out and took off Song Ci's earphones, his fingers almost poked on Song Ci's forehead.

Song Ci put away the tablet and looked up at Gu Ninghuan: "Gu Ninghuan! You are talking with your conscience! Do you know how long I have been an adult girl because of illness?

And when I banned yu, you were moisturized every day! You said, does your conscience hurt? "

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"Come on, bye."

Gu Ninghuan turned around and left without a word.

Song Ci was a little anxious when he saw this: "I'm kidding you, don't be angry, don't you say you want to go to the playground together."

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