Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 246: Only she can eat Fu Xishen

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Chapter 246: Only She Can Eat Fu Xishen

The originally relaxed atmosphere between the two.

Because of Gu Ninghuan's remarks, he began to become a bit of a crossbow again.

Meng Jingwen was extremely dissatisfied with Gu Ninghuan's remarks.

She has taken the initiative to apologize, but Gu Ninghuan did not appreciate it.

But this is now the reception held at the Fu family.

No matter how unhappy she was, she still had to endure it.

"Young lady, have you seen Miss Qiao?" The housekeeper's voice suddenly sounded.

It broke the somewhat tit-for-tat atmosphere between Gu Ninghuan and Meng Jingwen.

Gu Ninghuan said, looking up at the worried butler: "Qiao Jin'er hasn't arrived yet?"

"Thirty minutes ago, the hotel's service staff brought Miss Qiao Jiner into the hotel room to dress up, but so far, she has not seen Miss Qiao Jiner coming out.

We sent a maid into Ms. Qiao Jin'er to change the room, but it was empty. "

Meng Jingwen Wenyan red lips slightly aroused: "Butler, you don't have to be so anxious.

It may be that Qiao Jin'er saw which man was good-looking at the reception, so he might jump into the window and fight with people. "

"Meng Jingwen, are you okay, can you not tarnish people's reputation casually." Gu Ninghuan frowned.

The reputation of a girl is such an important thing, can it be fooled by Meng Jingwen?

Meng Jingwen sneered: "Gu Ninghuan, you are not familiar with Qiao Jin'er, of course I don't know what kind of person she is.

When you get acquainted with Qiao Jin'er, you will find out how terrible she is. "

After speaking, Meng Jingwen gave Gu Ninghuan a blank look and left on high heels.

Gu Ninghuan ignored Meng Jingwen's crazy words, she turned her head to the housekeeper and said: "Go to the monitoring immediately, send someone to secretly search for Qiao Jin'er's whereabouts, and inform Fu Xishen and his wife Qiao Jin'er of the missing things."

"Yes, Madam I will do it immediately." The housekeeper immediately began to implement what Gu Ninghuan said.

Gu Ninghuan didn't listen to Meng Jingwen's words, but Song Ci took the heart.

"You said, Qiao Jin'er wouldn't really be a man of ulterior motives as Meng Jingwen said!" Song Ci asked Gu Ninghuan with his cheek and asked curiously.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "I don't know, but until there is no real evidence, it is better not to guess that others will be better."

"However, even if Qiao Jin'er is a person who is deliberate, he has nothing to do with us. After all, she is a person who wants to be a star, and the company in our family has little to do with the entertainment industry." Song Ci said.

Since there is no interest relationship between Qiao Jin'er and them, there will be no problems.

Gu Ninghuan nodded.

She is not close to Qiao Jin'er, but she doesn't want to cause her trouble.

Knowing that Qiao Jin'er was in trouble, Gu Ninghuan was somewhat happy in the heart and cast a light haze.

After about ten minutes, the housekeeper walked hurriedly in front of Gu Ninghuan: "Mrs. Young, Miss Qiao has found it. She came over and said to you, fearing you are worried."

"Where was she found, she is all right!" Song Ci asked.

The housekeeper's eyes fell on Song Ci, and he smiled and said: "The young master found Miss Qiao. Miss Qiao said that because she had never faced so many strangers, she hid nervously."

Song Ci was a little surprised: "Mr. Fu is so powerful, not only is he making money well, he is also so powerful in finding people."

Gu Ninghuan's face sank slightly: "Now that we can find it, can we go and see her? Just my friend wants her signature, too."

Originally Gu Ninghuan was just a simple inquiry, but the butler's face was embarrassed.

"Sorry, Mrs. Young, now Miss Qiao is making up her makeup, I am afraid there is no way to see you."

Gu Ninghuan had a decent smile on his lips: "Is Fu Xishen next to her?"

"My wife is worried that Miss Qiao will have another problem, so I let the young master stare at her." The housekeeper replied.

Gu Ninghuan's expression barely remained normal: "Well, then I know, so please go ahead with yours."

Song Ci looked up at her and was able to perceive Gu Ninghuan's mood a little badly.

"You don't have to think too much. Mr. Fu is Qiao Jin'er's cousin anyway. It's normal to take care of her more." Song Ci comforted Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan smiled faintly: "I know."

Ten minutes later, the door of the banquet hall was opened, and delicately dressed Qiao Jin'er took Fu Xishen's hand and walked into the banquet hall from the door.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the pair of men and women at the door.

Qiao Jin'er was the protagonist of this celebration feast. Anyway, everyone's attention should be placed on her.

But unfortunately, even though Qiao Jin'er is so beautifully dressed today, Fu Xishen's appearance beside her is even better.

Regardless of men and women, as long as the eyes fall on him, they have no time to distract and then look at Qiao Jin'er standing beside the man.

Gu Ninghuan looked at so many women in the banquet hall, staring at her husband.

Their eyes seemed to swallow Fu Xi deeply.

Gu Ninghuan is very unhappy, Fu Xishen is her man, only she can eat Fu Xishen!

"Ming Qiao Jin'er is pretty too beautiful to look at, but standing in front of Mr. Fu has no sense of existence at all." Song said with a smile.

Her life is very simple, just like Gu Ninghuan, she likes it.

What affected Gu Ninghuan's mood, she hated it.

Gu Ninghuan was unhappy because of Qiao Jin'er just now, so she did not have a good impression of Qiao Jin'er.

"Yeah, why Fu Xishen can't grow ordinary, and his appearance is too provocative and rich, it is too good to attract butterflies."

After Gu Ninghuan finished talking, she was about to take her gaze back. She didn't want to continue watching other women staring at her husband.

But as soon as she was about to take her gaze away, she suddenly met the man's cold eyes.

Gu Ninghuan was stunned for a long time, and the two of them were separated by layers of people.

She should not have the illusion that Fu Xishen is looking at her.

Inexplicably, she felt that the man was looking at her.

Gu Ninghuan stood up and wanted to get closer to him to see his face clearly.

When I saw Qiao Jin'er looking up, he was laughing and talking to Fu Xishen beside him.

She stepped out slightly, retracted and sat down.

Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen are in secret marriage. In this banquet hall, only a few people know that she is his wife.

But even so, she must try her best to maintain her calmness and not be able to lose half of it.

After entering the banquet hall, Fu Xishen took Qiao Jin'er to Fu's mother and turned to leave.

But Qiao Jin'er's hand was plain, but he grabbed the man's hand: "Cousin, don't go, okay, wait for me to come to the stage to give a speech, I will be scared without you by my side."

"Hands away." The man looked indifferent.

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