Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 247: The whole person is pressed against the door

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247   The whole person is pressed against the door

"Xishen! You don't have to be so fierce to Jin'er, you also know that Jin'er has depended on you since she was a child.

She is not very young now, and she has to go to power to face such celebrities. It is inevitable that the whole person will be nervous. "Mother Fu was a little unhappy with Fu Xishen's attitude.

In her view, Fu Xishen and Qiao Jin'er are pro-cousins ​​and sisters, so they should support each other.

Qiao Jin'er withdrew his hand and smiled faintly: "It's okay, aunt. When I should grow up, I can't rely on my cousin like everything when I was a kid."

Fu Xi lowered his head and saw Qiao Jin'er withdraw his hand and walked away to Gu Ninghuan in the distance.

"Cousin and Ning Huan have a really good relationship." Qiao Jin'er looked at Fu Xishen's direction and spoke.

Mother Fu heard Gu Ninghuan's name and smiled: "Ning Huan is a good daughter-in-law."

"My aunt likes Ning Huan as much as her cousin, that's really good." Qiao Jin'er's eyes were happy.

After she finished speaking, the housekeeper informed Qiao Jiner that she was ready to take the stage.

After Qiao Jin'er came to power, in addition to the people who have always wanted to attend this celebration banquet, thank you.

There is no need to say anything extra.

The main purpose of this celebration was to let everyone know Qiao Jin'er.

Let them all know that the relationship between Qiao Jin'er and Fu's family, no matter what happens in the entertainment circle in the future, someone will look at Fu's face to help her.

Qiao Jin'er was wearing a long dress, smiling and going to the stage.

But when approaching the stage, the whole person fell **** the ground.

There was a cry of pain in Qiao Jin'er's mouth.

Qiao Jin'er was immediately picked up by the hotel staff who was not far away from her the next second.

When Ai Yu saw Qiao Jin'er fall, she quickly and steadily retracted her tripped foot.

Qiao Jin'er was lifted, gritting his teeth and looking at the smiling Ai Yu.

"What's wrong with Miss Qiao, is it because the starring movie box office is too high, so happy even the road is not stable?" Ai Yu was gloating.

Qiao Jin'er took a deep breath, still smiling, and nodded slightly to Ai Yu, showing no signs of anger.

Such an episode quickly passed.

Gu Ninghuan didn't see the friction between Qiao Jin'er and Ai Yu because he was far away from the location.

When she saw Qiao Jiner coming to power, she said that the first sentence mentioned was not someone else, but Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan listened to Qiao Jiner's words, and listened to her saying that Fu Xishen had protected her, and she had withdrawn from the man.

Does this also mean that she is the same as Qiao Jin'er for Fu Xishen?

Gu Ninghuan also knew that Fu Xishen did not like her that much.

But she could also feel that he loved her.

But at this time, Qiao Jin'er stood in the distance and said that Gu Ninghuan and Qiao Jin'er were no different. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Mr. Fu is here to find you, then I will not disturb your husband and wife to meet, I will go to Qiao Jin'er to sign." Song Ci saw Fu Xishen from afar, and left with a glass of wine.

Gu Ninghuan gave Fu Xishen a blank expression and turned away.

When the man saw it, his beautiful brows were slightly frowned, and he just wanted to step forward, but the road ahead was blocked by someone: "Mr. Fu, this is my daughter Fiona. I just came back from England..."

"Keep off." Fu Xi looked at the roadblocker with deep cold eyes.

Frightening the man, he couldn't help but shake, stretched his hand directly over his daughter's mouth and said sorry, hurriedly turned around and left, not daring to continue making time in front of Fu Xishen.

But after being disturbed by them, Gu Ninghuan was no longer visible in the banquet hall.

He took out his mobile phone and pressed Gu Ninghuan's number, and she answered it soon.

"Where?" The man said slightly coldly.

Gu Ninghuan's voice was calm: "I let the driver take me home."

"Why not go back with me."

Gu Ning smiled: "Since I'm not the banquet hall that came with you, is it also not necessary to go back with you."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Fu Xishen looked at the cut off call and looked indifferent.

He stretched out his finger and dialed the phone again, but Gu Ninghuan hung up after only one sound.

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes, only to feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he was not happy with the specifics.

"Don't go back in a hurry, go around first." Gu Ninghuan picked up the phone and said to the driver.

Although the driver did not know what was going on, he still felt keenly.

The person who just called the young lady is the young master.

But I heard the tone of Mrs. Shao's answering the phone just now. It's obvious that she is in a very bad mood. She doesn't even have to go home now, but chooses to go around.

Is this not too good.

If the young master knew, would he get angry on him.

The driver was a little hesitant, and with a slight luck, he drove to Fujia Villa.

But after driving for a while, Gu Ninghuan's cold voice sounded from the back seat of the car.

"I said I don't have to go back now, do you understand? In the same way, I don't want to repeat it a third time."

"Sorry, young lady! I forgot, now I will turn around immediately." The driver was frightened by Gu Ninghuan's cold voice.

Immediately turned around in Kyoto, a large city that sometimes felt empty, and waited until Gu Ninghuan felt that it was enough before the driver sent Gu Ninghuan back to the villa.

"I don't want to spread what happened tonight." Gu Ninghuan glanced at the driver as he got out of the car.

The driver nodded uncontrollably: "Young lady, please rest assured that when someone returns and asks me why I came back so late, I said it was because of traffic jams on the road."

"Well, it's hard for you."

"No hard work, no hard work, Madam Young walking!"

Gu Ninghuan walked into the villa, went to the bedroom, and stood in front of the door, hesitating whether to go in.

But in the end, he reached out and pushed open the door.

Her white and slender hand pushed the door open, but before she retracted it, the man stretched his hand to clasp his wrist and dragged it in.


The door was suddenly closed, and Gu Ninghuan was pressed against the door.

She looked up and met the man's cold eyes.

"Where did you go?" Fu Xishen's voice, with suppressed anger.

Gu Ninghuan had already thought about it when he let the driver walk around with her casually.

If he waited to return to the villa, Fu Xi asked her where she was.

So no matter what, she should never say it. She is also grumpy. How can Fu Xi deeply ask anything, just answer.

But at this time, in the face of this man's cold breath.

She had already made plans in the car, but she lacked the courage to execute.

She turned her head away and didn't want to stare at Fu Xi deeply.

But the man stretched out his finger and forcibly clasped her chin, forcing her to raise her head: "Gu Ninghuan, I will ask you again, where have you been."

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