Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 248: Do you like me, right?

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Chapter 248 You like me, right?

Gu Ninghuan: "I don't want to go home, so I strolled everywhere."

"Why hang up my phone." The man's tone almost asked.

Gu Ninghuan sneered and reached out to push Fu Xishen away.

But he couldn't push it, and he didn't push it. His hands fell naturally on his sides, his chin raised slightly: "Because I am happy!"

Fu Xishen heard the words and pulled his lips: "Are you upset for Jin'er?"

"I don't, why should I be unhappy for Qiao Jin'er." Gu Ninghuan didn't admit it.

The man lowered his head, his thin lips were close to Gu Ninghuan’s ears, and her warm breath touched her delicate skin: "I just helped Jiner a few times before meeting you, which can bother you. .

Then you're hiding me and go to the old house with Leng Han to see Wan Meiying. Should I be angry too? "

Gu Ninghuan was stunned, but did not expect that Fu Xishen would actually know this.

"It turned out that you were not happy that day because of this matter." Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised, but did not expect that Fu Xishen would actually know about it.

"That night, I didn't hide from you on purpose, because Gu Shi threatened me with something that everyone in our family wanted to forget.

And I don’t want to disturb you, so I didn’t tell you. Gu Ninghuan anxiously explained.

Fu Xishen's tone was very weak: "In your subconscious mind, I think I can't be trusted."

After talking, Fu Xishen loosened the hand holding her chin, opened the door, and went out.

Gu Ninghuan was standing in the room, how could it not be understood until now.

Because of her distrust, Fu Xishen felt unhappy.

Gu Ninghuan knew that he was really not that good.

If she was really good, Gu Shi would not be easily fooled by Gu Shi in her previous life.

Even though Gu Shi and Ji Zixing were not well-intentioned, she hadn't committed too much trust in others in her previous life.

After rebirth, she wholeheartedly wanted revenge, but she knew that relying on her alone was not enough to fight Gu Shi.

So she did not divorce Fu Xishen for the first time, she wanted the identity of Mrs. Fu Jiashao.

She never thought that she would love the tall man.

Gu Ninghuan never thought that Fu Xishen, who did not love her, would also want to gain her trust.

A cold-blooded man like him would actually want to enter her world.

Actually, she still feels jealous because she notified Lenghan instead of looking for him?

Gu Ninghuan turned to open the door of the room, followed Fu Xishen into the study.

Fu Xishen was standing in front of the bookshelf at this time, his face cold and indifferent, and he heard the door opening without turning his head: "Something?"

"Yes!" Gu Ninghuan closed the door and walked to Fu Xishen in a hurry.

The man lowered his head, glanced at her lightly, then withdrew his gaze: "What's the matter."

"Fu Xishen, were you jealous? I contacted Leng Han that night, but did not contact you?" Gu Ninghuan stood beside the man and asked with a lip.

"A bit."

This answer surprised Gu Ninghuan. She did not expect that a man would be so honest.

Her petite body leaned closer to Fu Xishen, and her beautiful eyes looked as if they contained a fine starlight: "You will be jealous, does that mean you like me?"

Gu Ninghuan asked straightforwardly, and also asked frankly.

Fu Xishen stretched his hand to hold the book slightly stiff.

He lowered his head and looked at the smiling girl standing in front of him.

Gu Ninghuan's facial features, when not smiling, are an aggressive and dazzling beauty.

But as long as a smile, it is as pure as a child.

Obviously, it was just a simple smile, but Gu Ninghuan was here to make him unable to keep his eyes open.

It seems to have always been the case, obviously the day of the wedding night.

After drinking a little bit of added water, he realized something was wrong and didn't touch it again.

But she was easily seduced by her.

Obviously in the mall these years, there are not many women who seduce him.

In the final analysis, only Gu Ninghuan succeeded.

If this feeling is like, then he thought, he should like her.

"If you don't answer, just because there are so many people who like me, don't ask you to like me anymore. Huh!" Gu Ninghuan was somewhat proud to turn around and leave.

But after only one step, he was buckled by the man's waist and pressed against the shelf semi-compulsively.

The distance between the two was very close, the man's thin lips slightly moved, and his voice was cool: "Who likes you?"

"Want to know? Then tell me, do you like me?" Gu Ninghuan reached out and hooked the man's neck.


As soon as the man's voice fell, Gu Ninghuan was too late to say anything, and the lips were kissed.


Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and pushed the man's shoulder. How could he like to say it the second before, and kiss it the next second.


The next morning, when Gu Ninghuan got up, she ate breakfast.

Reminiscent of Fu Xishen's liking last night, the lip angle couldn't resist rising.

"Mrs. Young seems to be very happy." Ma put the freshly steamed steamed buns in front of Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan held out his chopsticks, picked up a small dumpling, and put it in the small bowl in front of him: "Is that obvious?"

"Yeah, since you appeared this morning, the smile on your face hasn't disappeared," Li said.

Gu Ninghuan said that the smile on his lips was more obvious.

People are more accustomed to hiding sadness, but happy emotions sometimes cannot be concealed even if they want to hide.

Gu Ninghuan's mobile phone on the desktop rang, she scanned the number and answered the phone: "Your secretary has sent me the time and place, I will pass on time tomorrow, you don't need to call again, you should know I don't like your voice very much."

"I don't want to offend you, I just want to chat with you." The tone of the person sounded sincere.

Gu Ninghuan smiled: "If you didn't make that choice, you would have a lot of time to chat with me.

But you still chose to live a better life in your mind. Since this is the case, don't pretend to say such things. "

She finished speaking and cut off the phone.

Gu Ninghuan put down her mobile phone, and Li went to Gu Ninghuan's side and said: "Mrs. Young, my wife called, please come to answer the phone."

"it is good."

She stood up, walked to the sofa and picked up the phone: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Ning Huan, I think the relationship between you and Xishen is quite stable now. Is it time to make up for the wedding?" Mrs. Fu's words were a little cautious.

Gu Ninghuan froze for a moment, then smiled: "I listen to my mother."

"Okay, that's good." Mrs. Fu was a little happy and Gu Ninghuan agreed to the matter.

Gu Ninghuan held the phone and asked, "But mom, why did you suddenly think you want to make up for the wedding?"

"Jin'er reminded me."

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