Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 249: I'm waiting for you in bed

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249   I am waiting for you in bed

Gu Ninghuan's originally happy emotions dispersed one by one.

"Qiao Jin'er is really a careful person." Gu Ninghuan said calmly.

Mrs. Fu did not notice any problems.

Mrs. Fu said with a smile: "Yes, Jin'er is careful. Another day, you and Xishen will come back together. We set the date of the wedding.

Then you choose a wedding dress designer. Just now Jiner is worrying about what style to choose for an engagement ring, and Ning Huan you also need to choose a wedding ring. You can also give each other advice when the time comes. "

"Qiao Jin'er is going to be engaged? With whom? Isn't she single?" Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised. He didn't even think that Qiao Jin'er was about to get engaged.

Mrs. Fu explained: "The son of Jin'er and Mayor An has been in contact for four years, and the relationship between the two is also very stable.

Now Jin'er has graduated and has stabilized. Xi Xishen will not suffer any loss in the entertainment industry.

In this case, the meaning of An's house is to get engaged early, and Jin'er also agreed. "

"I have heard for a long time that the son of the mayor of An's family is very young. He was engaged to Qiao Jin'er, and he was right." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

The two chatted for a while, until Mrs. Fu had something to do.

Qiao Jin'er actually had a relationship with Mayor An's son for four years.

She didn't even know about it.

Especially Fu Xishen didn't even tell her.

Gu Ninghuan felt a little angry, how could Fu Xishen hide such important information!

Fu Xishen returned home at night and saw Gu Ninghuan sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV with the yogurt in his hands.

Hearing the sound of him closing the door, she put down the yogurt in her hand and trot to the man with long legs kicking.

"Fu Xishen, do you know that Qiao Jin'er has a boyfriend?" Gu Ninghuan bulged his cheeks and looked at the man with an unhappy face.

Fu Xi looked down deeply and looked at her bulging cheeks.

With a soft heart, her fingertips touched her soft chin and kissed her directly.

Gu Ninghuan was suddenly kissed and there was a three second blank in his mind.

But still obediently stood on the spot and let the man kiss.

When the kiss was over, he spoke lowly: "I know."

"You know why you didn't tell me." Gu Ninghuan stretched out his arms and embraced Fu Xishen's arm. He unconsciously took three-point coquettishness in his tone.

Fu Xi deep lips: "I thought you were not interested in anything Jin'er."

Gu Ninghuan touched his face unnaturally.

Has her dislike of Qiao Jin'er already become so obvious?

She thought she was hiding very well, but did not expect that Fu Xishen had already discovered it.

"But it's not too late to know now. Does Qiao Jin'er get engaged and we need to give gifts." Gu Ninghuan took Fu Xishen to sit at the dining table.

Then she ran to the kitchen and made a cup of hot tea for Fu Xishen, and brought it to his hand.

Fu Xi took the tea cup deep and took a sip. He looked at Gu Ninghuan, who was sitting beside him, and hooked his lips.

"You say, you say, Qiao Jin'er is also your cousin anyway, how can we send nothing when she is engaged."

"When the time comes, let the secretary choose a gift and send it over."

Fu Xishen didn't care about Qiao Jin'er's engagement.

He didn't even know why Gu Ninghuan was so concerned.

Gu Ninghuan certainly cares.

If Qiao Jin'er is engaged to Mayor An's son, it means that the closest person she will be with is her fiance.

When Qiao Jin'er encounters anything in the future, he should naturally seek help from his husband rather than trouble Fu Xishen.

Then she doesn't have to face Qiao Jin'er from time to time or remind herself.

For Fu Xishen, she and Qiao Jin'er are almost the same.

"So, then I will go to the shopping mall with Song Ci to help her choose a good one." Gu Ning said with a smile.

"Well." Fu Xi indulged her deeply.

When the two had finished eating, they went upstairs together.

Fu Xishen reads documents in the room after bathing.

Gu Ninghuan sat beside him reading a book while chatting with Song Ci.

"So you and Mr. Fu are going to make up for the wedding? Really great, do I need a bridesmaid? I can be a bridesmaid." Song Ci expressed more excitement than Gu Ninghuan.

Of course Gu Ninghuan would not object: "Okay."

After she posted this WeChat message, half a minute later.

Song Ci returned another voice WeChat.

At this time, Gu Ninghuan was very fascinated by reading books. After a little glance at the screen of the mobile phone, he turned on the voice.

"Ning Huan, since you are going to make up for the wedding again, do you want to buy a few sets of **** underwear to cheer for the night after your wedding."

Song Ci's utterance was very clear, and it sounded in this quiet room.

Gu Ninghuan's hand held the book stiff, and the book hit the thick carpet straight, making a slight noise.

She turned her head, headed towards Fu Xishen for the first time, and happened to meet the man's deep eyes.

Gu Ninghuan's face rubbed, and his face immediately turned red.

She can talk to Song Ci between two people.

But when a man is present, it feels different.

Fu Xishen asked her every night to be very fierce, making Gu Ninghuan feel unbearable.

If she buys **** underwear again, would she not be killed by a man in bed.

"She is just kidding, don't worry about it." Gu Ninghuan said stiffly.

She reached out and picked up the book, watching Fu Xishen empty half of her glass.

Strongly resisting the nervous heartbeat, he just reached out and just wanted to pick up his teacup to help him pour water.

But the man stretched out his hands and clasped her wrists, pulling her into her arms.

"Fu Xishen, don't you still have to work? In this case, I will go to bed first and wait for you in bed, OK?" Gu Ninghuan asked tentatively.

Fu Xishen did not speak, reached up and lifted Gu Ninghuan's chin, and kissed him directly.

Gu Ninghuan whimpered, instead of passively accepting his kiss, he proactively extended his tongue and kissed him.


One night, Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes in the morning and picked up his phone to see Song Ci's WeChat screen.

The most recent message was half an hour ago.

Gu Ninghuan returned a message, and Song Ci's phone call came quickly.

She clicked to answer, and Song's words hinted: "You suddenly disappeared as a result of how you chatted last night! Did you secretly do bad things?"

Gu Ninghuan's voice was lazy: "Your news last night, after ten o'clock, there has been no movement, I don't know what you are doing bad things?"

"Everyone is a sister, you know that I was forced! It was Su Muzhe's bad man who seduce me!" Song Cizhi said.

But Gu Ninghuan did not believe at all.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. My appointment time with the man is about to come. I have to change my clothes and go out." Gu Ninghuan rolled over on the big scary bed.

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