Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 251: Kiss on his lips

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Chapter 251: A Kiss on His Lips

"It's not tracking, it's protection." Fu Xi's deep ossified fingers plucked the hair that fell on the eyelashes of her eyes behind her ears, lowering her head to kiss her beautiful eyes.

Gu Ninghuan said that he thought the man was right.

Last time, if he had sent bodyguards beside her, Song Ci and her were already killed by someone sent by Gu Shi.

But she didn't like the feeling of being followed by bodyguards, and she always felt uncomfortable.

Gu Ninghuan rested his chin on the man's shoulders, his red lips slightly murmured: "But I just don't like the feeling of being seen by bodyguards, so they will tell you no matter what I do."

"Is there anything you can't let me know?" The man's voice was calm, with a faint smile.

Gu Ninghuan thought about it seriously, and she really could not tell Fu Xishen's secret.

For example, her identity as a rebirth, and another example of how ridiculous her mother did.

Gu Ninghuan pulled his chin off Fu Xishen's shoulder. She didn't know how much the man knew about the man she saw at noon.

But her biological mother's affair with her father while she was still married to her father was a wound that Gu couldn't touch.

Today, she doesn't want to mention it again.

Fu Xishen reached out and touched her warm cheek: "Since she is a sealed memory for your family, you can continue to seal it now."

"You all know whether it is." Gu Ninghuan raised his head, clutching the shirt on the man's chest tightly with his small hand.

Fu Xi nodded deeply.

Gu Ninghuan loosened the man's shirt, and the whole person sat on the bed: "When I was young, I didn't know what she left because of what I did. I hid in the corner, watching my brother stepping forward to stop her and not let her go.

But she still walked so determinedly. In order to stop her, her brother accidentally rolled down the stairs, and forehead knocked a lot of blood on the stairs.

But even so, she did not look back, why there is such a mother in the world. "

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and looked at Fu Xishen, not knowing why.

But she thought, Fu Xishen might not have a way to understand her, after all, Fu mother is so good.

The matter has passed for so many years, no matter how much resentment Gu Ninghuan had in her heart, it has almost disappeared.

"Do you know why she was looking for you?" Fu Xi asked faintly.

Gu Ninghuan nodded heavily: "Know a little, it seems that something happened to the Chu family, so let her, who has disappeared in front of me for more than ten years, once again appear as a mother."

Before she met Chu Nian, she already knew that Chu Nian had a plan to see her.

Although she didn't know, what a big family like Chu family could ask her.

But she knew that Chu Nian's purpose of seeing her was impure, but Gu Ninghuan didn't care about it, she still went to see Chu Nian.

But what I did not expect was that Chu Nian met with her and never mentioned her purpose.

Instead, she persuaded her to divorce, Chu Nian did this, and could not help Gu Ninghuan's thoughts became dark.

Does Chu Nian want to divorce her, does she want to cut off all her forces that can threaten the Chu family.

If she divorced Fu Xishen and returned to the Gu family, she would not have the qualification to fight the Chu family at all.

No matter what Chu Nian wants to take away from her, it will be easily available.

But why Fu Xishen knew about it.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and grabbed Fu Xishen's arm, with a question in his eyes: "Leng Han couldn't find out what happened to the Chu family, but do you know if it is? Can you tell me that she has been in trouble for more than ten years? Appear again, what do you want from me?"

"Old Chu needs bone marrow transplantation. Everyone in the Chu family has done bone marrow matching, and all have failed, including your brother."

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, and his brother actually did the matching, but why he didn't tell himself.

It turned out that the older brother had already seen her, but the older brother kept himself in the dark.

Gu Ninghuan got up from the bed, and his emotions became very excited in a moment: "I'm going to find my brother. How can he go to match the Chu family without telling me."

She felt that she had been deceived, and her brother actually concealed such an important thing from her.

But she had just taken a step, and her wrist was caught by a man: "You didn't go to see your biological mother without Gu Yan."

Gu Ninghuan was said by Fu Xishen, the momentum of the whole person instantly became weak.

"How can this be compared? I'm afraid that if I told my brother about her, he would not accept it." Gu Ninghuan replied sternly.

Fu Xi tickled his lips lightly: "Your brother may think so too."

Gu Ninghuan's delicate eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

She once again made the bed: "So Chu Nian came to me this time, hoping that I could go to the hospital to match Chu Lao's bone marrow?"


"In this case, why doesn't she say it straight, why should she turn the corner. Even if I don't like her, I won't even be reluctant to match the bone marrow.

Also, do you know how old Chu is now? Is it serious? Gu Ninghuan asked, trying hard to pretend not to care.

Fu Xi looked down at her with deep eyes: "From the time Chu became sick, the Chu family invited him to the top American medical team to come to the Chu family for treatment. Within ten years, there should be no danger to his life."

Gu Ninghuan said that the tightness of the heart was slightly loosened, so think about it too.

If Chu Lao is really in danger of life, then why Chu Nian is free to deal with her, it is estimated that she will be tied to the hospital to force her to undergo bone marrow matching.

"Fu Xishen, you said I should take the initiative to call her, and then tell her I am willing to go for a match?" Gu Ninghuan reached out and hugged the man's waist, his soft cheeks pressed against his chest and asked.

Fu Xi reached out and touched her soft hair: "Follow you."

"But if I don't take the initiative, she can't wait to send someone to tie me up one day, and you don't know how dangerous the Chu family is."

"She dare not."

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen say this, and she was very happy. She looked up at the man’s beautiful chin and smiled sweetly: "But what if she dares one day? What should you do if you are there, I Will not be tied by her."

"You will not be tied to her when I am with you."

Gu Ninghuan heard him say this and let go of Fu Xi’s deep waist: "If I were tied, would you worry?"

"No such thing will happen." Fu Xi answered with a deep smile.

Gu Ninghuan saw that his face was faintly cold. He couldn't help but stepped forward and fell a kiss on his lips: "I'm just kidding you, why are you angry again."

"Not funny." The man glanced down at her.

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