Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 252: Find the little **** to settle the account

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252   Find that little **** to settle the accounts

"Oh, then I won't say anything later, okay." Gu Ning said happily in his arms.

Fu Xi looked at her with a smile, nodding slightly.

The next day, when he got up in the morning, Gu Ninghuan still had no Fu Xishen around him.

She sat at the table and thought about it, as if she had not had breakfast with Fu Xishen for a long time.

After all, Fu Xishen's self-control is really too strong, no matter how late she was tossing her the night before.

The next day, I will get up on time to work without any slack.

Gu Ninghuan is basically a person who missed early.

In particular, her semester class is basically in the afternoon, so there is less need to get up early.

But she decided that she must get up early tomorrow to have breakfast with Fu Xishen.

After finishing the meal, Gu Ninghuan picked up the car key and went out.

Gu Ninghuan's car drove out the door of the villa area, and a figure suddenly rushed towards her car.

She was so scared that she immediately stepped on the brakes and the car suddenly stopped. She rushed forward because of her inertia.

Gu Ninghuan sat in the driver's seat for a moment, reached out to untie the seat belt, opened the door and got off.

When I saw a man, my whole body was lying in front of her car, and at the same time my body was moving hard, trying to get closer to her car.

When Gu Ninghuan saw him like this, he immediately understood.

It turned out that someone was crazy and wanted to touch her in front of her car.

"What are you doing?" Gu Ninghuan said.

When Li Ming heard Gu Ninghuan's voice, the whole person was stunned. He looked up to see Gu Ninghuan's face, and his eyes straightened for a moment.

He listened to Gu Shi's words before and ran to the door of Gu's house to try to touch the porcelain, but there was a driver's car before and after Gu's driving.

He couldn't find any chance at all, so he could only go to Gu Shi again.

Gu Shi found Gu Ninghuan's photo and asked him to touch Gu Ninghuan's porcelain.

When Li Ming saw the photos, he thought Gu Ninghuan was really pretty.

But after seeing a real person, I didn't know what the photo was.

If he could sleep this woman once in his life, it would be worth it even if he died immediately.

"Why didn't you speak, dumb?" Gu Ninghuan asked slightly, raising his eyebrows.

When Li Ming heard Gu Ninghuan ask this question, it was reflected and finally remembered his purpose.

He immediately pretended to be in pain, and yelled, "How did you drive the car, don't you apologize if you hit someone?"

"This person who doesn't know where to run out, I think I need to tell you that there is a driving recorder on my car. It should be clearly recorded that you forcibly rushed to my car.

Now this year, do you still expect to make money by touching porcelain? Is it a bit too stupid. "

Gu Ninghuan frowned, and his speech was full of aversion to people who touched porcelain.

Li Ming did not panic when he heard that Gu Ninghuan had a driving recorder on his car.

Gu Shi told him that nobles like Gu Ninghuan actually paid more attention to money.

It's a reputation. Many times they would rather spend money to save them trouble.

It was like that when Li Ming's mother just went to Gu's house and made a little trouble, they exchanged their clothing and food for so many years.

Gu Ninghuan is the granddaughter of Gu's grandfather and behaves in a natural way.

Li Ming picked up his mobile phone, reached out and opened the video function, and continued to sell miserably: "Let's look at the face of being rich and benevolent, to see how bad they are, and the people who hit them actually bullied us so arrogantly..."

Gu Ninghuan saw that Li Mingfei did not answer her question positively, and even began to sell miserably.

This way, inexplicably began to make Gu Ninghuan seem to know what happened.

Fu Xishen sent Gu Ninghuan’s bodyguard to see that Gu Ninghuan’s car was stopped. Someone felt uncomfortable and stepped forward to ask: "Young lady, do you need any help?"

"Need, please trouble remove this **** in front of my car, thank you." Gu Ninghuan asked coldly.

She remembered who the man was, Gu Shi's useless relative Li Ming.

The trouble that he came here today to find her was probably inspired by Gu Shi.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan lost his last desire to talk to him.

The bodyguard heard the words and immediately waved his hand to make the person standing behind keep up.

They grabbed Li Ming's leg and planned to drag him away.

But Li Ming is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He reached out and grabbed everything that could be caught on Gu Ninghuan's sports car.

Life and death is not willing to let go, Gu Ninghuan stood by the car, coldly watching Li Ming's slapstick.

After the bodyguard pulled a few times, he didn't let go when he saw Li Ming and lost all his patience.

He let go of his hand, straightened his body, lifted his feet in military boots, and stepped **** Li Ming's wrist.

Li Ming shouted in pain, and the crisp bone crack made him release his hand immediately, and a sudden pain came, making him a big man cry directly.

Although his family is poor, his parents have always spoiled him and have hardly suffered for so many years.

Now he finally came out and touched a porcelain.

Actually, after being stepped on the bone by someone, it was thrown to the side of the road just like throwing garbage.

Gu Ninghuan saw that Li Ming was removed, and then turned on the car.

She will not have any extra sympathy for people like Li Ming.

When Li Ming saw Gu Ninghuan, who was worried about touching porcelain, he left so easily.

Feeling indignant, he walked home while crying.

After returning home, Li Ming's mother was using the money she had stolen from the vegetable market today to prepare a stew for her baby son to eat.

But did not expect that Li Ming came back with injuries.

"My baby son, how did you make yourself like this?" Li Ming's mother Wang Laifeng saw her son twisting his hands and couldn't help but stepped forward to look at him.

Li Ming gritted his teeth and said, "It's not Gu Shi's **** yet. She told me that Gu Guci can get a sum of money, enough for our lives.

But I have been squatting for so long, not to mention getting rich, and even my hands are being stolen. "

When Wang Laifeng heard Li Ming say this, he was not angry.

When she remembered that Gu Shi was angry, she heard Li Ming say before.

Gu Shi lived in a large ward by himself, and the sleeps were much better than the kennel they lived in.

She saw them so miserable, not only did not help, but also deliberately framed her baby son!

"Go, let's go to the little **** and see what bad idea she came up with, so that you can eat so much bitterness!" Wang Laifeng really became more and more angry.

She reached out and grabbed Li Ming's arm, and excitedly wanted to take him to Gu Shi to settle the bill.

But she accidentally touched Li Ming's injured hand. Li Ming felt a pain in her arm and raised her hand and gave Wang Laifeng a slap.

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