Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 256: Otherwise, your viciousness will succeed

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256   Otherwise, your viciousness will succeed

This calmness did not make Li Ming feel anything strange.

Instead, it became more obvious to start to kick Gu Shi.

Li Ming came back from buying food that day and saw his mother was sleeping in bed.

Li Ming felt a little strange.

Before he bought the meal, Wang Fenglai still said that he was hungry.

How could he sleep for a while after he bought food?

Li Ming put the lunch box on the coffee table and planned to wait until he finished eating to wake up Wang Feng.

As he ate, he drank the water above the coffee table, and the more he drank, the more he felt top-heavy.

Feeling that something was wrong, Li Ming stood up, and the stumbled person wanted to step forward to call the bell for help, but after only one step, he fell to the ground.

Gu Shi was putting on makeup in the bathroom, hearing the sound of heavy objects falling outside and hooking her lips slightly, she knew that the sleeping pills she put in the tea played a role.

During her illness, because of the pain and insomnia all night, the doctor must not prescribe sleeping pills for her.

But even if she was so painful that she was about to die, she still didn't take a sleeping pill.

The only thing is to wait until she is in good health and be able to be discharged from the hospital with sleeping pills to revenge Gu Ninghuan.

But what I didn't expect was that Wan Feng came first to use this pair of waste mothers and children.

By the time Gu Shihua put on makeup, Li Ming had collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

She put on gloves, took the pillow to the front, turned Li Ming over, gritted her teeth and reached forward to cover Li Ming's nose and nose.

Gu Shi could feel her fingers trembling because of fear. She grew so big that she had never killed anyone.

But today she was forced to do nothing. If the mother and son were not dead, she would have nowhere to go.

Thinking of this, Gu Shi's men worked harder, suddenly at the moment when she was working hard.

Li Ming, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes.

He grabbed Gu Shi's face desperately with both hands, Gu Shi dodge in time, the whole person fell aside.

The pillow placed on Li Ming's face in his hand was also powerless.

Li Ming struggled to twist his body on the ground, trying to stand up and run out.

The rest of the sleeping pills in his body made him struggle to stand up at this time.

Seeing that Li Ming had no energy, Gu Shi was ruthless and continued to pick up the pillow to cover his face.

Her whole body was pressed against the pillow, and her face became terrible.

I don't know how long it was until she could no longer feel any struggles under Li Ming.

She only loosened her body and wanted to stand up, because the whole person collapsed to the ground after being relieved.

Gu Shi looked up at the snow-white ceiling, his mind blank.

After a delay, she stood up and looked at the two corpses in the room. It is time to dispose of them.

Gu Shi has already prepared large trash cans and sanitation workers' clothes for today.

Wearing gloves, she took off Li Ming and Wang Fenglai's original clothes.

Then put on the new clothes she bought online to avoid anything from this room on their original clothes.

Afterwards, the bodies of the two of them were put into the trash bin. It is too early to fit the body.

Gu Shi planned to clean the ward first, but found that the detergent had forgotten to buy it.

She went downstairs in a wheelchair. In fact, she could walk on her own long ago, but if she left here.

Gu Shi didn't even know where he should go.

So she didn't drag on to rebuild, nor did she want people to know that she was recovering.

She sat in the elevator, and when the elevator slowly opened, she heard a familiar voice: "I'm in good health, why should I come back for an examination, I don't like the hospital."

"Be good, don't make trouble, wait until you finish checking, wherever you go, okay?" Su Mu covered up his temper with a good temper.

Gu Shi raised his head and saw that Su Mujie was tall and slender, and his profile was exquisite and expensive. He was lowering his head and persuading Song Ci around him.

Su Muzhe looks good, she knows that even though he is not as good as Mr. Fu, he is also a very famous son of Kyoto.

Especially, compared with Mr. Fu's unattainable temperament, Su Muzhe is obviously more gentle and meticulous.

But his gentleness at this time, but all gave Song Ci.

Why, why an excellent man became Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci's girlfriends in the end.

"Brother Curtain, I haven't seen you for a long time." Gu Shi reached out and grabbed the armrest on the wheelchair, his tone flattering.

Song Ci was originally planning to talk to Su Muzhe, but when he heard Gu Shi's voice, he almost frowned.

Su Muzhe also knew what Gu Shi did, especially when Song Ci was seriously injured and was hospitalized.

If it weren't afterwards, Gu Ninghuan had given Gu Shi the proper punishment, and he would even do it himself.

Gu Shi keenly felt Su Muzhe's aversion to her, and she lowered her head angrily.

She reached out and pushed the wheelchair and walked out of the elevator. Song Ci must have said her bad words in front of Su Muzhe.

Otherwise, how could Su Muzhe ignore her.

She is so miserable now, why Song Ci can be happy.

This is not fair!


After checking Song Ci, and knowing that there was nothing wrong with his body, he wrapped Su Muzhe and said that he would drink a special hot red coffee recently.

Because there were so many people there, Su Muzhe didn't want Song Ci to wait with him, so he went to the queue to buy it himself.

Song Ci sat down in the office and listened to the doctor's precautions.

After the doctor finished speaking, she thanked the doctor and left the doctor's office, went to the toilet and planned to make up.

Song Ci just opened the bag and saw Gu Shi in a wheelchair, appearing behind her like a ghost.

She frowned slightly and looked at the Song words in the mirror with a bad tone: "Are you doing anything here?"

"Song Ci, we have known each other for a long time, why you never waited to see me." Gu Shi asked.

Song Ci sneered: "Because I have seen with my own eyes, at the age of twelve, you put the soil in Ning Huan's juice, and then she gave Ning Huan a drink with a kind face.

Fortunately, I saw this scene and overturned Ning Huan's juice, otherwise your viciousness would succeed?

Gu Shi, if you have not completely lost your conscience, I ask you to think about how disgusting you are doing.

Nothing, just go! I have nothing to say about you and me. "

Song Ci said after reaching out to pick up the lipstick, just ready to apply.

Suddenly heard the subtle footsteps behind him, before he turned around to see.

The whole person's mouth and nose were covered by Gu Shi. She tried desperately to breathe, but her eyelids became heavier and heavier.


Song Ci arrived on the floor tiles in the toilet and Gu Shi withdrew the handkerchief. This anesthetic was better than she thought.

The hospital is really a good place.

Gu Shi closed the toilet door, quickly put on a stolen white coat, and put Song Ci's clothes on the outside of the hospital's sick clothes.

She pushed her whole person out in a wheelchair with difficulty.

Gu Shi entered the elevator and kept his head down.

She pushed Song Ci to the door of the hospital and was about to go out. Suddenly her right shoulder was tapped.

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