Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 257: This makes him feel frustrated

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Chapter 257: This makes him feel frustrated

Gu Shi's blood seemed to freeze at this moment. Could it be that Su Muzhe realized that Song Ci was not there, so he came back immediately to find her.

She turned a little mechanically, and saw an old man smile and handed over a pocket watch: "Little girl, your pocket watch fell."

Gu Shi hurriedly took the pocket watch, even without a thank you, and pushed Song Ci who had fainted away.

When the old man saw Gu Shi being so rude, he didn't say anything, but instead grinned grumpily.

The unconscious Song Ci was awakened by the loud sirens and she opened her eyes.

The target was a **** color, she was a little stunned, and stood up strenuously, seeing her in a dark alley.

She clenched her palms blankly, but felt that something was holding in her hand. Song Ci looked down and a **** dagger appeared in her hand.

Song Ci was frightened, suddenly let go of her hand, the dagger fell to the ground, and made a clear voice, and she retreated back.

Only a few steps back, she was stopped by a group of policemen.

"Who are you?" a policewoman asked, looking at the blood on Song Ci's body.

Song Ci opened his lips and his voice was hoarse: "I... I am Song Ci."

"Sergeant Zhang, we found two bodies in the alley." A policeman walked to Officer Zhang and said.

Officer Zhang, who stopped Song Ci, heard the words, and then looked at Song Ci inevitably. "Miss Song, we now suspect that you are related to a murder. Please return to the police station to assist in the investigation."

After finishing the speech, Song Ci was taken into the police car by Officer Zhang.

Fu Family Villa.

Gu Ninghuan was playing games on the sofa. When he saw a strange number calling, he subconsciously pressed to answer.

"Which one?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

"Ning Huan, I'm at the West Street Police Station now. They said I was suspected of murder. Can you come and see me..." Song Ci has been very calm since he took the police car.

But after hearing Gu Ninghuan's voice, she couldn't help it, sobbing.

Gu Ninghuan said, immediately stood up: "Song Ci, don't panic, I will come to you immediately, we have something to say in person."

Having finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan didn't even have time to change his clothes, rushed downstairs to pick up the car key and was ready to go out.

As soon as she walked downstairs, Fu Xishen, who had just returned, grabbed her arm.

"Where?" the man said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes, his eyes slightly flushed: "Song Ci has an accident, it is at the police station."

The man frowned as she saw her cry. "I'll take you."

Gu Ninghuan nodded.

She sat in the co-pilot, holding the phone tightly in her hand all the time, only feeling restless.

Didn’t Song Ci go to the hospital for a review with Su Muzhe today?

Why is it suspected of murder.

If Song Ci had an accident, would Su Muzhe also have a problem?

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and wanted to call to ask Su Muzhe where he was.

But Su Muzhe's call came first.

Gu Ninghuan answered the phone with an anxious tone: "Su Muzhe, do you know how Song Ci is related to a felony like murder?"

Su Muzhe at the end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said: "What are you talking about?"

"Song Ci was at the West Street Police Station. She said that the police said she was suspected of killing. Where are you now?" Gu Ninghuan felt that Su Muzhe's reaction was very strange, as if he didn't even know that Song Ci had an accident.

Still, he really didn’t know.

Su Muzhe: "I'll be here soon."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Gu Ninghuan felt that Su Muzhe's reaction was a bit wrong.

"Why Su Muzhe feels a little strange." Gu Ninghuan looked at the cell phone that had been black.

Fu Xi looked up at her deeply: "It was probably Song Ci who was arrested at the police station. The first person he looked for was not him but you, which made him feel frustrated."

Gu Ninghuan nodded inexplicably. It turned out that gentle men like Su Muzhe would care about this too.

But who calls this first, is it really that important?

Fu Xishen seemed calm, but the speed was extremely fast.

When the police station arrived, Gu Ninghuan was so nervous that even his breathing began to become rapid.

Gu Ninghuan had just planned to walk in and heard the voice of a strange man.

"Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu Shao."

She looked down the voice and saw Jin Hui standing in front of them, with a warm smile on her face.

Gu Ninghuan was completely stunned. Of course, she knew Jin Hui, the highest Chinese lawyer in New York.

It rarely occurs in China. How many wealthy people in China want to ask him to help them in litigation, but few people succeed.

But how did he come today.

"Mrs. Young seemed surprised when she saw me, and it seemed that she did not know what Mr. Fu asked me to come to help." Jin Hui ripped his lips.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened. Was it actually Jin Hui notified by Fu Xishen?

It would be great if Jin Hui helped.

With him there, no matter what happens to Song Ci, he should be able to come out safely.

Gu Ninghuan's entry into the police station has no direct evidence. Coupled with the high degree of coordination of Song Ci, he did not suffer much in the police station.

"Song Ci." Gu Ninghuan walked in and saw her eyes warm.

When Song Ci saw Gu Ninghuan, he immediately cried out.

When she saw Gu Ninghuan, she stepped forward and reached out to hug Gu Ninghuan, and kept crying in her arms.

Gu Ninghuan also hugged her very distressedly.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Fu Xi's eyes turned deeper and deeper, trying to suppress the urge to separate them.

When Su Muzhai came, Song Ci was under the comfort of Gu Ninghuan, and his emotions gradually recovered.

She talked about what happened tonight intermittently, but Song Ci only remembered that she entered the bathroom, and could not remember anything else.

Gu Ninghuan hadn't had time to say anything, and the other person was pushed by the nurse in a wheelchair.

"I am Wang Fenglai's family, my name is Gu Shi." Gu Shi's red eyes, coupled with her thin body, looked even weaker.

"Miss Gu, please mourn and mercilessly, we will only ask you a simple question, please don't be nervous." The police picked up the tissue and handed it to Gu Shi, comforting in a low voice.

Felony crimes like homicide cannot be sentenced without direct evidence.

So Gu Shi was invited to the police station to interrogate after confessing his body.

Gu Shiqiang nodded with grief, and she turned to speak to the nurse behind her: "I'm going to make a note, can you please wait for me?"


After Gu Shi received a positive answer from the nurse, he whispered a thank you and then reached out to push the wheelchair forward.

When Gu Ninghuan saw Gu Shi, his eyes were full of doubts about Gu Shi.

Wan Fenglai attempted to blackmail Gu's family only a few days later, why did he die so suddenly.

Is their death related to Gu Shi?

"Ning Huan, why are you here?" Gu Shi's pale lips moved, his tone full of surprise.

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