Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 258: Fu Xishen, you like me so much

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Chapter 258   Fu Xishen, So you like me so much

Gu Ninghuan also wanted to ask why Gu Shi was here.

"Did your aunt kill you?" Gu Ninghuan asked coldly.

She asked very straightforwardly, and even Jin Hui couldn't help but froze.

His eyes fell on Gu Shi, no matter how, he could not connect such a weak girl with the murderer.

Gu Shi shook his head desperately: "Ning Huan, why do you doubt me like this, I know I have never been a good person in your heart, but I will never do such a thing!"

"Really? But how long have you and your aunt reunited? It's weird that you are so sad."

Gu Shi's crying reaction was too exaggerated, it was inevitable.

"Ning Huan, you really can't injustice me so much, even if my aunt and I have only been together for a few days.

But just because they saw me alone and helpless, they took care of me in the hospital. I can thank them all their lives. "After Gu Shi said a few words, he was crying again.

Song Ci frowned, and Gu Shi had never been kind.

Otherwise, she would not kill her family who raised her.

But a person with no kindness in his bones, how could his temperament change greatly after being injured, and suddenly understand what is called gratitude.

"Okay, please don't delay your family's time. Isn't she still seeing you now?" The police said impatiently.

Hearing the police, Gu Ninghuan did not ask any more, and let Gu Shi go in to make notes.

Although Song Ci was caught in, there was no direct evidence to identify her for killing.

So after understanding this case, Jin Hui comforted Gu Ninghuan in turn.

Jin Hui has applied for bail pending trial, but Song Ci still has to stay in the police detention room tonight.

Gu Ninghuan was worried about Song Ci's fear and offered to stay beside her.

The police did not allow it. At the end, she could only follow Fu Xishen back.

Gu Ninghuan sat in the co-pilot, only to feel that everything was too weird.

Song Ci is definitely not going to kill people, but she has her fingerprint on the dagger found at the scene.

She couldn't remember what happened after entering the hospital toilet.

"Can the hospital's monitoring be obtained?" Gu Ninghuan turned around and asked Fu Xishen.

The man had a handsome face and said lightly: "It has been asked to be taken, and it has been sent to the villa, and another copy is given to Jinhui."

"Thank you." Gu Ninghuan thought of everything, but not thought of it.

Fu Xishen has taken her into consideration.

"No, but Song Ci hasn't been sentenced yet. Jin Hui also has a great chance to help her escape from crime. You don't have to be so sad."

Gu Ninghuan nodded, but the tightness in his heart was still not lacking.

After arriving at the villa, Fu Xishen helped Gu Ninghuan unfasten the seat belt, she pushed the door open.

Just a few steps after getting off, the footsteps were crooked and almost fell.

Even though Gu Ninghuan stabilized his body in time, he was still seen by Fu Xi.

He stepped forward and reached out to hug her directly.

Gu Ninghuan's legs vacated, and his heart jumped for a sudden because of his sudden movement.

She looked at Junmei's side face through the dim parking light, and she was a little lost in an instant.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward and kissed him on the chin: "Thank you for contacting Jin Hui and Song Ci today. This rewards you."

The man stopped slightly and looked down at her: "There is also hospital monitoring."

Gu Ninghuan smiled and raised his eyes, kissed him again.

She reached out and hugged Fu Xishen's neck, buried the tip of her nose in his neck, and murmured in her mouth: "Fu Xishen, why do you smell so good?"

"do not know."

"Have you ever held your ex-girlfriend like this?"

"I don't have an ex-girlfriend."

"Will I be your last wife?"


"Fu Xishen, how nice you are, I really like you more and more." Gu Ninghuan hugged him even harder.

The man smiled faintly, with warmth in his eyes.

Fu Xishen took Gu Ninghuan and walked into the villa. Li Ma saw Gu Ninghuan held by Fu Xishen.

He hurried forward and handed slippers to Gu Ninghuan: "Mrs. Shao, are you injured in the leg? Should I call the doctor right away."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

She waved her hand in a hurry: "Ma, Li, I'm really fine."

Ma Li looked at Gu Ninghuan suspiciously. The worry in her eyes did not disappear much because of her saying so.

"Are you really okay?" Li Ma couldn't help asking again.

Gu Ning laughed and comforted Li Ma: "Li Ma, rest assured, I'm really okay."

When Li Ma heard Gu Ninghuan say this, she nodded with confidence: "It's fine if it's fine, it's fine if it's fine."

Gu Ninghuan changed his slippers and reached out to Fu Xishen around him: "Hug."

He smiled lightly and stepped forward to hug Gu Ninghuan.

"Fu Xishen, you are really comfortable holding people." Gu Ninghuan leaned on his shoulder with a sweet tone.


"Have you ever held anyone else?"


"Will you hug other women?"

"will not."

Gu Ninghuan hooked his lips, and Fu Xishen's answer was almost perfect.

He looked down at her like this: "So happy?"

"Of course, liking is monopolizing, and nothing can be more enjoyable than monopolizing the past and future of the people you like."

"Out of breath." The man's thin lips slightly tickled, his tone light.

How did Gu Ninghuan feel from Fu Xi's deep mouth that he heard a few words of disgust.

She took the head lightly against Fu Xishen's shoulder and snorted gently.

"You let me down, I don't want you to hug." Gu Ninghuan had a little emotion, she was about to start to lose her temper.

"Do not let go."

"Fu Xishen, it turns out that you like me so much that you can't even put me down for a moment, right?" Gu Ning Huan Huan raised his chin, his tone a little proud.

Fu Xi smiled lightly and didn't speak.

But he didn't speak. Isn't this the default?

Anyway, no matter whether Fu Xi thought so deeply.

Gu Ninghuan took what she thought as the most correct answer.

Fu Xishen took Gu Ninghuan into the room and just put it on the bed.

His cell phone rang, and he reached out and took it out.

Gu Ninghuan intuitively felt that it was a woman who called him, and he was also curious about who it was, and the whole person was tapping on a man to eavesdrop.

"Cousin, I'm Jin'er." Qiao Jin'er's voice was a little hoarse, inexplicably sad.

"Well." Fu Xishen's style of answering was still consistent and alienated.

Qiao Jin'er's words continued to come: "Cousin, I don't want to get engaged."

"Why." Fu Xi asked deeply.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened in surprise as well. Qiao Jin'er's engagement date was not all set, was it nearly announced?

If the engagement was cancelled now, wouldn't it be that both of them had a hard time on their faces.

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