Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 259: Isn't it good to be my woman?

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Chapter 259 Isn't it good to be my woman?

But if you really find each other unsuitable before you get engaged, then it’s not bad to terminate the engagement.

But haven’t you heard that Qiao Jin'er and the mayor's son are very stable?

Why didn't you get engaged suddenly?

Gu Ninghuan's heart of gossip is a little tempting, and she is tighter against the man's body.

I didn't realize at all how ambiguous the two of them were at this time.

"Cousin, I have no way to make it clear on the phone. Can I meet and talk to you about this?" Qiao Jin'er said.

Gu Ninghuan nodded and motioned Fu Xishen to agree to Qiao Jin'er's request.

The man glanced at the little woman in front of him, and said casually: "No."

He said these two words, not only made Gu Ninghuan stunned, but looked at Fu Xishen with wide eyes.

Qiao Jin'er was even more surprised. Her words paused slightly: "Why, are you worried that Ning Huan will be unhappy?

Cousin, you can give Ning Huan the phone, all girls, I believe she will understand me. "

"I mind." Fu Xishen's voice was deep and cold.

Qiao Jin'er didn't seem to expect a man to say that, with a clear loss in his tone: "It turns out that way, then I won't disturb my cousin, I've done it myself."

"Jin'er, the marriage is yours. If you are not ready, you don't need to get engaged." Fu Xishen's words were rare and gentle.

Qiao Jin'er: "But I'm worried that if I cancel my engagement, will the family settle for Qiao's family?"

"I will help you with this."

"Thank you cousin."

After speaking, Fu Xishen hung up the phone.

Gu Ninghuan also completed her own eavesdropping. She was far away from Fu Xi and the whole person was sitting on the bed: "It's good to be your cousin. Even the engagement with the mayor's son can be refused."

"Isn't it good to be my woman?" the man asked.

Gu Ninghuan really thought about it because of Fu Xishen's rhetorical question.

In fact, the woman who is Fu Xishen is also very good, but he is also very happy to be his cousin.

If she had a cousin like Fu Xishen, she told her that if she didn't want to marry, she didn't have to marry.

She should have no way to marry Fu Xishen, but if she doesn't marry Fu Xishen, according to the stupidity before her rebirth, isn't she going to marry such a disgusting person as Ji Zixing.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart. She felt that she still had no cousin like Fu Xishen.

"Fu Xishen, have you ever thought that if Qiao Jin'er is actually appropriate with Mayor An's son, wouldn't it make her miss her beloved for an impulse if she said that to her?" Gu Ninghuan thought of himself , Could not help starting to worry about Qiao Jin'er.

"That's the way she chose." Fu Xi dropped the sentence lightly and took the clothes into the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan rolled a few times on the big bed. After Fu Xi finished washing, he reached out and dug Gu Ninghuan out of the bed and hugged him into the bathroom.

She leaned against the man's chest softly, and allowed the man to take off her clothes, and then soaked her in the bathtub.

Gu Ninghuan was a little tired. Fu Xishen did not bother her. After a shower, she did nothing but kiss her a few times.

Fu Xishen helped Gu Ninghuan dry her body, wrapped it in a bathrobe and hugged it out. She bowed her head to see her pink cheeks in red, and couldn’t help but kiss again.

Gu Ninghuan lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep.


But Gu Shi in the hospital couldn't sleep at all. She stood in the bathroom of the hospital and looked at the scar under her eyes.

She looked down and looked at her already long nails, which she probably accidentally caught when she fell asleep.

Gu Shi remembered that at the police station, Song Ci looked frightened and couldn't help laughing.

If Song Ci was convicted this time, the Su family would never accept her anymore.

Gu Ninghuan can’t be destroyed, so it’s not bad to destroy Song Ci. She really stayed in the dirty mud for too long. Now she just wants to pull Song Ci down to accompany her.

The next day Gu Ning woke up and went downstairs to see Su Muzhe sitting on the sofa in the living room, and opposite him was Gu Shi.

In any case, Gu Ninghuan didn't expect the two people to come to her house together.

"Is there anything?" Gu Ninghuan came down and asked Su Muzhe.

Su Muzhe looked up, and his eyes met Gu Ninghuan in the air, and then he was divided at one touch: "Gu Shi wants to talk to you about Song Ci."

Gu Ninghuan heard the words and went downstairs to sit on the sofa, looking at Gu Shi lightly, waiting for her to speak.

"Ning Huan, where you live now is more impressive than Gu's family. You married really well.

Before marriage, she was the eldest lady of the moon, and after marriage, she became the wife of the richest man in Asia. "Envy is in Gu Shi's words.

Gu Ninghuan smiled faintly: "You were treated like Miss Gu Jia before you harmed anyone."

As soon as she said this, Gu Shi's pupils shrank suddenly, her eyes filled with embarrassment.

"I came this time to want to talk to you about Song Ci and my aunt. I know you don't like me, but this time my only relative is killed by Song Ci, I think..."

"Song Ci won't kill anyone, and she definitely didn't kill your aunt. Now she is just a suspect. There is no direct evidence to prove that she killed Wang Fenglai." Gu Ninghuan interrupted Gu Shi and said coldly.

Gu Shi was interrupted and was not angry: "Ning Huan, you don't believe Song Ci is related to the murder case, but the knife found on the scene can be covered with Song Ci's fingerprints, and the blood on her body was also confirmed by my aunt.

As a friend, of course, you can choose to favor her, or you can choose not to believe the facts, but you might as well guess to see if the law will favor her. "

"You shouldn't be here to tell us these things today." Su Mu concealed her lightly.

Gu Shi's tone eased: "No, but I know if a criminal case like murder, if you get a letter of understanding from the victim's family, will it reduce certain punishment.

By the time a lawyer like Jin Hui would help, Song Ci would probably be able to come out after only three years in prison.

After she came out, she could barely be considered a young man, not a middle-aged man. "

"Your understanding letter should not be given to us in vain, right?" Su Muzhe asked.

Gu Shiwei smiled: "Even if Song Ci and I grew up together, but you also know that my aunt is also my mother-in-law, if you forgive me easily, then what am I?"

"We don't need a letter of understanding, I firmly believe that Song Ci is innocent!" Gu Ninghuan replied.

Su Muzhe's tone was calm: "How much will it cost?"

"My aunt's life cannot be measured by money." Gu Shi replied.

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