Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 264: Plastic sisterhood

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Chapter 264: Plastic Sisterhood

Gu Shi at this time, where can you see a little bit weak.

"I just said the truth, or you are so guilty that you can't hear any truth." Gu Ninghuan stood up straight and looked at Gu Shi coldly.

Gu Shi leaned back, leaning her back on the wheelchair and glared at Gu Ning: "I know that Song Ci is your good sister. Did you bully me to help her out?

But Gu Ninghuan, even if you splash dirty water on me, you can’t change the fact that Song Ci is a murderer. "

After a short period of disorientation, Gu Shi quickly became calm.

The anxiety made her lose her calmness, causing her to barely reveal her feet.

"Miss Gu Shi, we found your skin tissue in Li Ming's nails, plus the scratches on your face.

Now we have reason to suspect that you are related to the murder case of Wang Feng, and we will immediately conduct an autopsy on the deceased. The policeman said coldly.

Gu Shi gritted his teeth: "I've already said that, I absolutely disagree with you performing an autopsy on my family, or are you really willing to force me to death!"

"You are now suspected to be involved in this murder case. All your rejections may be to cover up the real murderer." The police did not agree.

Gu Shi forced herself not to care too much, she could never let the police see any clues.

"Li Ming and Wang Fenglai are much stronger than you in terms of physical strength. I'm curious. Just how did you kill both of them alone?" Gu Ninghuan walked slowly to Gu Shi, lightly Said lightly.

Gu Shi coldly looked at Gu Ninghuan: "I say again, I didn't kill. The murderer is Song Ci!"

"Really? I hope you will be able to say so after the autopsy results come out. In addition, I will tell you quietly, in case I fear you run away before the autopsy comes out.

I have hired a group of bodyguards at my own expense to protect your safety all the time. "Gu Ninghuan's tone was biting heavily in protecting these two words.

Gu Shi's fingertips were trembling, and Gu Ninghuan was now determined to kill her.

If Wang Fenglai's true autopsy of mother and son, if they find medical sleeping pills in their body, then her suspicion will be more serious.

"Gu Ninghuan! You bitch! You die!"

The nerves in Gu Shi's brain were tense and broken, and she spoke extremely angry.

She raised her hand and hit Gu Ninghuan's face.

Jin Hui quickly stepped forward and pushed Gu Ninghuan aside, making Gu Shi hit an empty space.

When Gu Shi saw that Gu Ninghuan was not hit, of course she was not reconciled. She rushed forward and wanted to start.

But he was restrained by the crowd of police.

Gu Shi struggled desperately: "You let me go, you only know how to help Gu Ninghuan!

Do you know how much I have suffered? If it weren’t for Gu Ninghuan’s mischief, I’m already the eldest lady of the Gu family! "

Gu Shiyue said, his eyes were redder.

She didn't want to kill people either. If Gu Ninghuan forced her to this point, would she need to?

If it weren't for Gu Ninghuan, she would not need to be hospitalized, nor would she be entangled by Li Ming's mother and child.

All this was caused by Gu Ninghuan.

"Why do you make Miss Gu Jia, besides the last name Gu, do you have any relationship with Gu Jia?" Gu Ninghuan said with a slight mocking tone.

Gu Shi still wanted to say something, but the police did not give her this opportunity.

She blatantly beat someone at the police station, so the contempt of the police station's behavior is to be detained.

"Wait until the inspection result comes out, you should be able to prove that Song Ci is innocent." Gu Ninghuan watched Gu Shi be taken away and said slowly.

Jin Hui nodded: "According to Gu Shi's reaction, Wang Fenglai's mother and son's death should be inseparable from her."

"I hope Song Ci will come out earlier." Gu Ninghuan pursed his lips.

Since Song Ci was caught in the police station, she has not worried about her for a moment.

Now I finally found a clue, I hope this autopsy can go smoothly.

Gu Ninghuan was not taken by the police station long before he was picked up by the villa car.

The following things have become very smooth.

The police detected prescription sleeping pills in Wang Fenglai's mother and son.

After the hospital's investigation and evidence collection, it was proved that it was the same medicine as the doctor prescribed Gu Shi.

Wang Fenglai lived in Gu Shi’s ward before the death of her mother and son, but on the day of their death, they were only seen entering the ward, but they were not seen out.

Instead, the cleaners pushed and pushed the cart several times, which made the police feel that Gu Shi's suspicions were even heavier.

The deeper they investigate, the more they doubt Gu Shi.

After several days of sleepless interrogation, Gu Shi couldn't hold it up either.

There are more and more loopholes in her testimony.

Jin Hui provided evidence to prove Song Ci's innocence.

In the end, Song Ci was found not guilty by the police. When she left the police station, Gu Ninghuan specially picked her up.

Song Ci walked out of the police station and looked at the sun in the sky.

She saw Gu Ninghuan standing at the gate of the police station, her lips lifted, and ran towards her: "Ning Huan! I knew you would save me."

Gu Ninghuan was happy for Song Ci, but when she thought that she might be too happy because she had left the police station, she might get her nose runny by crying and making trouble.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan's emotions still defeated reason.

She held out her fingers decisively, pressed against Song Ci's eyebrows, and forcibly opened the distance between the two of them: "Song Ci, please restrain yourself, don't rub your nose on me."

"Woo woo, Ning Huan, do you not love me anymore, you actually despise me!" Song Ci waved his little hand and wanted to hug Gu Ninghuan.

However, Gu Ninghuan took a step back more firmly: "This is not a problem of rejection or rejection, but I am wearing a white shirt today.

It will be especially noticeable if it gets snot on it. "

Originally, Song Ci was just too excited to hug Gu Ninghuan, but now I heard her say that.

She began to feel unhappy with ten thousand and ten thousand.

"No, I must hug you today, otherwise I'm sorry for the plastic sisterhood between the two of us!" After that, Song Ci forcibly extended his hand and patted Gu Ninghuan's finger, the whole person must stick to her.

Just as it was about to be posted, Song Ci's back collar was grabbed by one hand and picked up.

Song Ci was empty, and his long legs were helplessly pedaling in the air.

"Su Muzhe, what the **** are you going to do, let me go! I will wipe my tears on Gu Ninghuan, and I will die if I die!" Song Ci made a bold speech.

Su Muzhe looked at her helplessly: "Grandpa Song asked me to pick you up."

"When I go back home, my grandfather has asked me to sign a plea of ​​guilty. If I wouldn't have died, I would have to stay in prison now!" Song Ci said that he was still aggrieved.

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