Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 265: Embrace the man's arm

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265   embrace the man's arm

What Grandpa did that day deeply hurt her young soul.

"Grandpa Song was no way that day, who made you forget what happened on the day that the incident happened, and even you yourself could not be sure whether you were really innocent. Grandpa Song was certainly not sure." Gu Ninghuan There was a faint smile in his voice.

Song Ci red lips beckoned: "But you believe me, grandpa should also believe me."

"I also believe in you under pressure, and even my decision seemed very risky at the time.

Grandpa Song, as elders, certainly don't want juniors to take risks. Gu Ninghuan persuaded patiently.

Even if Gu Ninghuan said so, Song Ci still had awkward faces.

She just wanted to say something, her toes suddenly vacated, and Su Muzhe took Song Ci and forcibly took it away.

"Ning Huan! Don't forget! Tomorrow night I'm in the Garden of Love. I'm having a party to celebrate my conviction!" Song Ci struggled to speak to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ning nodded with a smile.

She got in the car and closed the door.

The next night, Gu Ninghuan was picking clothes for the Song Ci party at home.

After changing her clothes, she pushed open the door of the cloakroom and saw Fu Xishen standing just outside the door.

She hooked her lips and reached forward to embrace Fu Xishen's arm with a sweet smile: "You are back!"

Fu Xi lowered his head and looked at the long dress on her body, frowning slightly, and draped the shawl in her hand over her exposed shoulder.

The shawl and the dress worn by Gu Ninghuan are of the same color, but they look good together.

But now in the 21st century, not many people will choose to wrap themselves so tightly.

However, Gu Ning Huan didn't pull the shawl off. Since Song Ci's accident, she hasn't been so relaxed for a long time. No matter what Fu Xishen does to her, she doesn't matter.

"I'm going to the Song Ci party today. It's too late, so I'll go first. Bye." After that, Gu Ninghuan released the man's arm and was about to leave.

But the wrist was caught by the man, and he opened his lips lightly: "Go together."

Gu Ninghuan stared at Fu Xishen with wide eyes. She thought she had heard it wrong.

Fu Xishen never likes noisy parties.

Especially Song Ci's active personality, just thinking about it, she feels that Song Ci's party will become a nightclub style with a strong color.

And such a party, no matter how you look at it, is incompatible with the abstinence system like Fu Xishen.

"Are you sure? Song Ci's party may be very different from that of the upper class, and there may even be a male striptease show." Gu Ninghuan, even if he is Song Ci's girlfriend, there is really no way to fully guess Song Ci's idea.

As everyone knows, Gu Ning Huan Yue is bold in opening up the Song Ci School, and it is impossible for Fu Xishen to let her go alone.

"Go." The man took her wrist and went downstairs.

Gu Ninghuan followed behind the man, slightly hooked his lips, and his eyes were full of liking him.

After getting in the car, the cell phone she put in the bag rang, Gu Ninghuan took out her cell phone and glanced at it, and saw that it was a police call.

She reached out and pressed the answer button: "Is there anything?"

"Is it Miss Gu? Sorry, bother you again, but Gu Shi cried and wanted to see you again, her lawyer also asked us to call you, do you want to see her?" Police asked.

Gu Shi?

Gu Ninghuan didn't understand that it was all at this stage, and Gu Shi wanted to see her again.

Even if Gu Ninghuan did not pay too much attention, he knew that the police found more evidence about Gu Shi than Song Ci's original evidence.

Now Gu Shi does not hurry up to find a good lawyer for himself, but wants to come to her.


Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and glanced at the time. When he saw that it was still some time before the Song Ci Party began, he agreed without hesitation.

There seemed to be some surprises from the police. Gu Ninghuan actually agreed.

"No need to go to Song Ci Party first, let's go to the police station." Gu Ninghuan said.

The driver nodded and turned around to head to the police station.

After waiting outside the police station, Gu Ninghuan reached out and opened the car door: "You are waiting for me in the car, I will come back after a while."


Gu Ninghuan turned around and nodded: "I have been fighting with Gu Shi for so long, today I want to end it all by myself."

Having finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan pushed away Fu Xishen's hand and got off the car and left.

After waiting for the police station, Gu Ninghuan was brought in by Gu Shi's lawyer to see Gu Shi.

She glanced at the badge on the lawyer's chest. It should be a public lawyer. It's strange.

Even if Gu Shi was kicked out of the Gu family, he would not be short of money to the point where he needed a free public lawyer.

"My client wants to see you no matter what he says. It turns out that we all care that you won't come, but now it seems that our thinking is too narrow." Lawyer Gu Shi said with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly and did not answer.

It's just that whether she is a lawyer or a policeman, she thinks of her too well, but she is also human.

She was not as great as others thought, and she also wanted to see Gu Shi's embarrassment.

Now there is such a good opportunity, how can Gu Ninghuan miss it.

Gu Ninghuan was sitting in position, watching Gu Shi sitting opposite her.

"I knew you would come to see me, Gu Ninghuan!"

There are no outsiders in this room now, and Gu Shi doesn't bother to continue pretending.

Gu Ninghuan took out the makeup mirror, glanced at his makeup, and then closed: "This time it should be the last time I saw you, how can I not come."

"I knew it, I knew you were a vicious woman. Gu Ninghuan, I really don't understand, obviously both of us are equally bad.

Why, why you can live so well, why do I lose to you every time! Gu Shi stared at the diamond necklace on Gu Ninghuan's neck.

Now Gu Ninghuan has stood at the top of the high society with the help of marriage, but what about her?

She became a prisoner.

Gu Ninghuan raised his lips: "Gu Shi, you are wrong, we are not the same evil.

Compared to viciousness, few people can really compare with you. "

"Oh, I'm vicious? Do you have any good things? But I can't figure it out, obviously the two of us were so good girlfriends in the past, why in the end is this step." Gu Shi said.

But without waiting for Gu Ninghuan's answer, he started talking to himself again: "You have always regarded me as the best friend, and the two of us have always been inseparable.

But since the wedding night between you and Mr. Fu, everything has changed. You have become so unknown to me, what did you experience that night? "

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and looked at Gu Shi: "Speaking of which, I should also thank the aphrodisiac that night. If it were not for that medicine, I would not have a dream of sincerity.

In the dream, you killed grandpa, burned my brother, robbed the Gu company, and even imprisoned me in the basement for several years..."

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