Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 266: I used to be grateful

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266   I was grateful once

Gu Ninghuan said here that he paused slightly, then looked up at Gu Shi's changed face.

She must be very scared, except that Gu Yan was burnt to death. The rest is entirely in Gu Shi's mind.

"What else? What else do you dream of?" Gu Shi reached out and grasped the table in front of her tightly, her voice shivering because she was too excited.

Gu Ninghuan looked at her coldly: "Then I escaped, and your bodyguard killed me."

After the dream was over, Gu Shi fell into a long silence.

"Gu Ninghuan, you said you are crazy, you will suspect me because of a dream." Gu Shi laughed out loud.

Gu Ninghuan stood up: "I feel that I have made this dream worthwhile. Otherwise, I will continue to be deceived by you.

How can I see what you are like a prisoner at this stage, Gu Shi, I just feel extremely happy to see you like this.

You will spend the rest of your life in prison. "

Having finished speaking, Gu Ninghuan did not stay any longer and turned to leave.

"I know that in your heart I have always been a white-eyed wolf, and obviously the Gu family has raised me for so many years, but I am still not satisfied.

But Gu Ninghuan, I tell you, when I was brought home by my brother Gu Yan, I sincerely thank you.

But later, I watched my grandfather and brother Gu Yan's love for you. I watched you and the group of luxuriously dressed people. I was like a stranger who broke into your world. "Gu Shi's face was pale, and until now, she still thought she was right.

Gu Ninghuan looked at her: "Because you feel out of place with us, so you hurt me, so you have to rob Gu family, so you have to kill."

"Who makes grandpa like you so much! Who makes even noble people like Mr. Fu tolerate you! If you are not removed, they will not see me forever!

As long as you die, I can guarantee that I will be filial to Grandpa, and I will love Mr. Fu. "Gu Shi tried desperately to explain. She wanted to prove that her existence was not wrong.

Gu Ninghuan watched Gu Shi's struggle, not much emotional fluctuation.

She has long known that Gu Shi is such a person, no matter how many harmful things they do, they are forced to reduce their guilt.

Such self-deception is really ridiculous.

"Gu Shi, you don't have to find a valid reason for every bad thing you have. Since I met you, I finally realized that not everyone has a trace of conscience.

Of course, you can always quibble that you are innocent, but the law will not listen to your explanation. Two lives and confessions are false, and you don’t know how many years the judge will judge you. "Gu Ninghuan hooked his lips.

Gu Shi's fingertips trembled, and he wished to rush in front of Gu Ninghuan, tearing her calm face.

How much she now expects the dream Gu Ninghuan said just now is what really happened.

Such a miserable person should be Gu Ninghuan instead of her.

Why, why Gu Ninghuan has that **** dream!

Why did Gu Ninghuan doubt her.

Gu Shi looked at Gu Ninghuan with a pair of eyes: "Gu Ninghuan, two people's lives are up to 20 years. After 20 years, the first thing I get out of prison is to kill you!"

"Since you said that, it reminded me whether you should consider letting you die silently in prison." Gu Ninghuan rubbed his lips in a cold tone.

The two eyes briefly met in mid-air, then Gu Shi turned away, and she bit her lip.

She knew in her heart that Gu Ninghuan's status would become higher and higher after 20 years.

But for her, the university had not graduated, just because of the murder and was put in prison.

Gu Ninghuan was not paying attention to Gu Shi, she took a step towards the outside.

Gu Shi will usher in her ending, and she should also embrace her future.

Gu Shi watched as Gu Ninghuan left, his eyes full of unwillingness.

After Gu Ninghuan came out of the police station, the driver immediately got out of the car to help Gu Ninghuan open the door.

She got into the car and saw the indifferent man in the back seat of the car. At this time, Fu Xishen was looking at the data on the computer in her hand.

The first time she approached the car door, her eyes lifted up and fell on her face. After confirming that she had no abnormalities, she did not withdraw her gaze.

"Wait for a long time." Gu Ninghuan asked with a smile on his lap.


Gu Ninghuan leaned on his shoulder and looked at the data on his screen. After reading it for a while, he still couldn't understand it.

She chose to give up, maybe some people are born without business cells, and she is one of those people.

"What did you say to her?" Fu Xi asked deeply.

Gu Ninghuan's soft cheek was against the man's arm: "I told her a dream I once had. In that dream, there was not only Gu Shi but also you."


"I dreamed that on the first day of my wedding, I divorced you. Then the Gu family was ruined, and I had a very desolate life." Gu Ninghuan said while watching Fu Xishen's reaction with his eyes.

Surprisingly, he did not show any obvious mood swings.

"All dreams are fake." Fu Xishen's voice was clean.

Gu Ninghuan raised his lips and did not say anything on the issue of authenticity.

She is a rebirth, and everything in the previous life is a dream for everyone.

But for her, it was real pain and real pain.

Fortunately, everything has passed.

Song Ci’s party in the Garden of Love was much more normal than Gu Ninghuan imagined. At least there were no colorful nightclub lights or the stripper she imagined.

On the contrary, it is so clean that it doesn't look like the exaggerated style of Song Ci at all.

Just when Gu Ninghuan wondered if he was in the wrong place, Song Ci didn't know where it came from and reached out to embrace Gu Ninghuan's arm: "Ning Huan, you are here!"

"Song Ci, did you take the wrong medicine? Why did you hold such a literary party?" Gu Ninghuan was shocked.

Song Ci's distressed appearance: "It's all Su Muzhe's fault. The macho men I put forward also have lights. He didn't organize them according to what I said!"

"Finally someone can control you, which is good." Gu Ninghuan reached out and pinched Song Ci's small flesh face.

The two girls had a great chat, and Song Ci was tightly attached to Gu Ninghuan's body throughout the whole process.

"Ning Huan, I tell you, just now I saw a waiter in the Garden of Love, who looks good and walks around. I will show you around." Song Ci held Gu Ninghuan's arm and wanted to bring her take away.

Fu Xishen stepped forward, put his arms around Gu Ninghuan's waist and brought it into his arms: "My wife will not be interested in boys outside."

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