Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 267: The kiss is gentle and affectionate

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267 The Kissing Action Is Gentle and Affectionate

Gu Ninghuan leaned back in the man's arms and kissed his side face on tiptoe.

Her eyes are full of warm smiles, and Song Ci has the expression of a battered dog.

Before she apparently looked at the relationship between Gu Ninghuan and Mr. Fu, it was still a bit cold.

But now how suddenly became so intimate.

Now that Gu Ninghuan is so happy, it is a super crit against her.

And obviously she also has Su Muzhe, why is she still suffering from heartache because of the love between Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen.

Probably, she and Su Muzhe were never like Ning Huan and Mr. Fu. They were full of love for each other in just one look.

So she would envy Ning Huan.

"Cousin, Ning Huan." A soft, water-like voice sounded.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci looked down at the same time and saw Qiao Jin'er standing side by side with a man.

Fu Xishen and An Cheng faced each other in mid-air, and the two men greeted each other with a courteous smile.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the man next to Qiao Jin'er, who was not bad in appearance, tall, tall, elegant, and gave a feeling of comfort and closeness from the inside out.

Was he the legendary son of Mayor An, Ancheng?

Qiao Jin'er didn't say he wanted to cancel his engagement with Ancheng, but now it seems that they should be reconciled.

"Qiao Jin'er, just come when you come. My cousin has always said that she wants to take a photo with you." Song Ci said to Qiao Jin'er with a smile.

Qiao Jin'er still smiles decently: "I have taken photos with her just now, she is really a very cute girl."

"By the way, I heard that Ai Yu was recently burst out to **** du, and was also summoned by the police. Is this true!" When Song Ci saw Qiao Jin'er, he couldn't wait to gossip about the entertainment industry.

Qiao Jin'er still smiles so coldly: "It's true that she sucked du and was taken away by the police. It was already certain.

In fact, it was quite sad for her, did not expect that she would go astray. "

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er talking, with a slight sadness in his eyes, as if it was a pity for Ai Yu.

This made her frown slightly, Ai Yu's attitude towards Qiao Jin'er, she had seen it with her own eyes.

Obviously Ai Yu's attitude towards Qiao Jin'er is so bad.

It is normal for Qiao Jin'er not to fall down after Ai Yu sucked du and was arrested, but it was a pity for Ai Yu instead.

This is a bit too good-hearted, to be a normal person, in the face of a peer who bullies himself everywhere.

It's already not easy to not fight back and silently endure, but she is actually tolerant and sympathetic.

"It's no pity, **** du all his life black!" Song Ci talked about sucking du, his eyes full of aversion to Ai Yu.

Although Song Ci's party was under the control of Su Muzhe, he did not invite any nightclub-style undressers.

But there are still many things that can be played, but none of them can attract Gu Ninghuan.

She sat in the corner with a cake, watching them lively and a little bored.

Song Ci wanted to go to Gu Ninghuan to accompany her, but she was the host of the party today and had to be dragged by Su Muzhi to entertain.

Fu Xishen has always been entangled by people who want to cooperate with Fu's company.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Fu Xishen, who was stopped by the crowd, and walked to the garden with the cake.

She had heard before that the back garden of the Garden of Love is very beautiful, and the golden cherry blossoms can float down on the swing in the garden.

Gu Ninghuan sat on the swing, reached down and pressed the button, and saw the blossoming cherry blossoms floating down with golden light.

She leaned on the swing and wanted to reach out and touch, but just stretched out and was held by Fu Xishen.

"Why are you here?" Gu Ninghuan was surprised.

Shouldn't Fu Xishen be entangled in the lobby at this time?

Fu Xishen sat next to her and spoke lightly: "Because I saw you coming out."

"I saw you and Song Ci are very busy, and I was quite boring in the banquet hall, so I came out." Gu Ninghuan said leaning his head in the man's arms.

The man's hand supported her waist and looked down at her long, curly eyelashes, with a gentleness never seen before.

Qiao Jin'er walked alone to the back garden of the Garden of Love and raised his eyes to see that Fu Xishen, who had always been indifferent and precious, was bowing his head and kissing the girl's lips in his arms.

His expression was indifferent, but his movements were gentle and affectionate.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes closed, and the whole person relied on sleeping in the arms of a man.

Qiao Jin'er's footsteps paused a little. Instead of moving forward, she just stood on the spot, watching her cousin who was regarded as the protector from an early age, and kissing another woman.

She had heard of the things Gu Ninghuan did, and she knew the absurdity of courting Gu's gardener's son.

Qiao Jin'er didn't understand, what a ignorant and shallow woman like Gu Ninghuan is, in the end, what is the qualification to get all the gentleness of her cousin.

Fu Xishen, in the hearts of all of their Fu family, is as omnipotent as a god.

But the noble cousin like God was defiled by Gu Ninghuan.

She admits that Gu Ninghuan's appearance is out of the question, but the face test alone is not worthy of her cousin.

Qiao Jin'er slowly tightened his hands and turned to leave.

Gu Ninghuan was woken up by the vibration of the phone in the bag.

She lifted her face from the man's chest and looked at the dark to deep sky outside, somewhat confused.

"I thought, I'm going to hug you back today." The man's cool fingers crossed her soft cheeks.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and hugged his waist tightly, and the whole person relied on him again: "I don't care, even if I wake up, I want you to hug."

After Song Ci's entertainment, he looked for Gu Ninghuan everywhere.

When we waited in the garden, we saw the scene where Gu Ninghuanlai couldn't get up in Fu Xi's arms.

She stepped forward and cleared her throat slightly: "Ning Huan, even if it is a garden, but you should also pay attention to it. If too much dog food is sprinkled, it will cause dissatisfaction among singles."

"I don't talk to single dogs, please leave." Gu Ninghuan straightened up and glanced at Song Ci lazily.

Song Ci dragged his long skirt and walked in front of Gu Ninghuan: "You are unconscientious, I am worried that you will come here to find you on accident, you are a joke, I am a single dog!"

"If you don't want to be a single dog, then you can hide Su Mu! As long as he is your boyfriend, aren't you a single dog?" Gu Ninghuan stood up and walked to Song Ci.

She put her chin on her shoulders and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "You and Su Mu have been together for so long, you should have given him a place, right?"

"But if we are really together, he will definitely take me as a child." Song said with a slight complaint.

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