Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 270: Hope your wedding goes well

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Chapter 270   I hope your wedding goes well

Meng Jingwen put the phone on the bed and walked to the balcony in thin pajamas.

Fu Xishen is about to hold a wedding, and the relationship between Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen will be well known in the world.

For her, she must have laughed at everyone.

Thinking of this, Meng Jingwen felt that she didn't even want to go out again.


Song Ci elicited the suspicion, and Gu Ninghuan also began to be concerned about wedding preparations.

But to care about, it is just to choose the diamond style, the wedding designer.

On this day, Gu Ninghuan finished talking with the French designer and proposed the place to be revised before the designer got up and said goodbye.

"Young lady, the wedding shop just called and said that your wedding dress has arrived. Please try the wedding dress when you have time." Li Ma said to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan tried the wedding dress before, but she didn't like some small details, and the designer changed it again.

"I have time now, and I'll check it out later." Gu Ninghuan picked up the tea in front of him, took a sip, put it down, and drove out to the bridal shop.

By the time the bridal shop was reached, the shop had been emptied to serve her exclusively.

Gu Ninghuan got off the bus, and the employees of the bridal shop came up: "Mrs. Fu Shao, the wedding dress and the crown have arrived. If you see any dissatisfaction, please be sure to tell us.

However, today Miss Qiao suddenly said that she would come to see the wedding dress. Maybe you will meet later, I don't know if you will mind. "

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind." Gu Ninghuan smiled faintly.

She walked in and heard a familiar voice: "The sapphire in this crown is so beautiful. May I change my crown to something like this?"

"Sorry Miss Qiao, because the sapphire setting process is too complicated, we can't make a crown before you get engaged.

Mrs. Fu Shao's top was ordered by Mr. Fu a long time ago in order to give it to Mrs. Fu together with this sapphire necklace. "The bridal shop staff explained.

Qiao Jin'er looked dull, and said to Ancheng standing beside him: "But I really like this crown."

"The diamond crown is also beautiful." Ancheng's gentle comfort.

Qiao Jin'er was somewhat depressed, and he saw Gu Ninghuan and the bridal shop staff walking sideways.

The first time Gu Ninghuan came here, he saw the sapphire crown placed on the glass counter. It was indeed very dazzling. No wonder even Qiao Jin'er, who has jewelry endorsements in hand, would like it very much.

"Ning Huan, you are here." Qiao Jin'er saw Gu Ninghuan and smiled softly.

Of course, Gu Ninghuan would not embarrass Qiao Jin'er, and nodded and returned a formal smile.

"Ning Huan, although it would be embarrassing to say this, but I still want to ask you, can you lend me this sapphire crown for engagement?" Qiao Jiner bit her lip and asked her to let the crown This matter is really the most difficult thing for her in more than two decades.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er calmly and opened his lips: "Sorry, no."

As soon as she refused, all the people present were stunned.

Gu Ninghuan's wedding was two months after Qiao Jin'er was engaged.

Qiao Jin'er is also a relative dearly loved by Fu's family. They all thought that Gu Ninghuan would not like Qiao Jin'er, but should give her a face.

But Gu Ninghuan refused so neatly, leaving no hint of politeness.

Qiao Jiner had been recovering from Gu Ninghuan's refusal for a long time: "Sorry, I made a non-divided request."

"It doesn't matter, since it's okay, then I'll go to see the wedding dress first and wish you a happy engagement." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Qiao Jin'er nodded: "Thank you, I hope your wedding goes well."

"Thank you."

Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, went in to try the wedding dress with the help of the clerk, she looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes full of gentle smile.

She put on her wedding dress, and once she did not know where she had heard a sentence. The most beautiful day in a woman's life must be the day when she put on a wedding dress for her loved one.

At that time she only thought that this was too arbitrary, but now it is not unreasonable to think about it.

The wedding dress was perfect, and Gu Ninghuan did not make any excessive demands. After changing the wedding dress, he did not stay home.

Not long after she got home, she received a call from Mrs. Fu.

"Ning Huan, are you home?" Mrs. Fu's voice was still elegant.

Gu Ninghuan said, "Well, don't you know what happened when Mom called?"

Mrs. Fu did not intend to hide her purpose from the beginning: "Jin'er especially likes your sapphire crown. Can you lend it to her.

Engagement is very important for Jin'er. It is only once in this life. I don't want her to have regrets. Can you fulfill her dream? "

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and squeezed the phone tightly. The engagement was indeed the only thing in a girl's life.

But she is also a girl, she also likes the sapphire crown.

She also intends to wear it when she gets married. This is the crown for marriage, not an ordinary piece of jewelry.

Who would hope that the crown made by his husband would be worn by others.

But Mrs. Fu spoke, and if Gu Ninghuan disagreed, she might be dissatisfied.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment: "Sorry, Mom. I really don't plan to lend my wedding crown to anyone."

Mrs. Fu smiled: "It doesn't matter. I just asked Jin'er. If she really likes it, I'll find a way to help her borrow a similar one."

After talking, Mrs. Fu hung up the phone.

Qiao Jin'er sitting across from Mrs. Fu was disappointed: "Unexpectedly, there is no way you can borrow the crown from Ning Huan."

"The crown was customized by Xishen himself. Ning Huan was reluctant to lend it, and it was also a matter of cleaning up." Mrs. Fu did not want to see Qiao Jin'er sadly and comforted carefully.

Qiao Jin'er nodded thoughtfully: "I know, I haven't blamed Ning Huan, thank you aunt for willing to make this call for me."

"It doesn't matter, but my aunt will definitely give you a wedding crown similar to Ning Huan." Mrs. Fu looked at Qiao Jin'er's eyes full of love.

Qiao Jin'er smiled, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone, she did not expect that Qiao Jin'er would actually ask Mrs. Fu to help her borrow the wedding crown.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like her style.

Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and pressed the number of the bridal shop to inform them that she would get the sapphire crown tomorrow.

She is not a person who does not believe in the bridal shop, but if Qiao Jin'er, with the Fu family, forcibly borrows the crown, it is not difficult to do.

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