Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 271: Long half an hour

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Chapter 271: The Long Half Hour

If you wait until Qiao Jin'er gets married.

She saw Qiao Jin'er head wearing her sapphire crown, and Gu Ninghuan could not step forward and grab the crown on the spot.

The next day, Gu Ninghuan drove to the wedding shop to retrieve the sapphire crown and necklace.

But just out of the shop, I saw a black figure and slammed straight at her.

Gu Ninghuan only felt a pain in the hand holding the jewelry box, and the man actually grabbed her jewelry box.

Without any hesitation, she chased it directly.

And the high-heeled shoes she wears today are ten centimeters, and it is impossible to catch up with the man in front of her.

Just when Gu Ninghuan was too weak to stop and wanted to give up, a familiar figure rushed up.

He thumped the robber and grabbed the suitcase in his hand.

But the robber was not willing to be robbed of what he had robbed. He picked up a stone and slammed it into Song Jin's forehead.

Bai Yu's generally holy man was soon smashed with blood on his forehead, but Song Jinnian was not a kind-hearted person even if he was in poor health.

He kept pulling out a thin blade from the cuff, and cut off the robber's tendons.

The robber couldn't hold the stone in his hand because of the pain in his wrist.

After Gu Ninghuan called the police, he pulled Song Jinnian off the ground and looked at the scarlet blood on his forehead. He was very worried: "I have called an ambulance and the doctor will be here soon."

"No, I have to go to the company, this minor injury is okay." Song Jinnian handed the box in his hand to Gu Ninghuan.

Then he took out the handkerchief from his pocket, pressed the wound on his forehead, and lightly described it, making Gu Ninghuan feel guilty.

"How can you still go to work like this? Your shirt is covered with blood." Gu Ninghuan's eyes were red and he was crying.

Song Jinnian still smiled so faintly: "It doesn't matter, if you really don't feel good about it, will you help me buy a men's shirt?"

He took out a card from his wallet and handed it to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan saw that the medical staff and the police were coming, so he took the card to help Song Jinnian buy clothes.

But when paying, she handed out her own card.

Song Jinnian was injured in order to help her retrieve the suitcase, how could she use his money to buy clothes.

When she bought the shirt and trousers back, the medical staff had wrapped Song Jinnian's wound, and the gauze on his forehead was particularly eye-catching.

Gu Ninghuan handed the packaging bag and the card to Song Jinnian, and whispered: "Do you really not need to go to the hospital? If there are any sequelae, I am afraid you will have an accident."

Song Jinnian took the clothes: "Thank you, rest assured, I will not be okay."

After finishing talking, he took his clothes and walked to the single lounge of the mall to change. After coming out, he saw that Gu Ninghuan had not left yet.

Is she always standing outside waiting for him? Thinking of this, Song Jinnian's heart moved slightly.

"I still don't worry about you. Your current state is not suitable for driving, otherwise I will send you to the company." Gu Ninghuan looked at Song Jinnian's slender and gentle figure and pursed his lips.

Song Jinnian shook his head slightly: "The things in your box should be very important to you. In this case, you should go back first, not send me."

"I have asked the driver to take the box back, so rest assured." Gu Ninghuan walked to Song Jinnian's side.

She asked the driver to take the things back, not because she was worried about the jewelry being robbed again, but because she was worried that the jewelry would once again bring danger to Song Jinnian.

Song Jinnian heard the words and agreed.

Gu Ninghuan drove Song Jinnian downstairs to the company. She turned around and just wanted to get him out of the car.

But I saw that Song Jinnian did not know when to start, and had already slept.

Gu Ninghuan got out of the car and opened the rear seat door. He stretched out his hand and touched Song Jinnian's forehead.

The tentacle was a hot temperature. Gu Ninghuan withdrew his hand and immediately drove Song Jinnian to the hospital.

She is really stupid. She should know earlier that Song Jinnian is just bragging, even if Song Jinnian is so cruel.

But he is also an ordinary person, even an ordinary person who has been in poor health since childhood, how can she let him come.

Gu Ninghuan sent Song Jinnian into the VIP ward, waiting anxiously outside.

Song Ci ran over, panting: "I received your call and rushed over the first time, how is it? Is your jewelry all right!"

"Now is not the time to care about jewelry, your brother's body is the most important." Gu Ninghuan said worriedly.

Song Ci sat down beside Gu Ninghuan: "It's okay, Song Jinnian will be fine. When he was a kid, he was bullied and raised by children at home. When he was a kid, his cousin smashed his head with a hammer.

The entire pillow was stained with blood. This was discovered by the maid at home and told Grandpa to be sent to the hospital. The result did not leave any sequelae. "

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened, but he didn't expect Song Jinnian to have such a past.

But Gu Ninghuan feels that no matter how resistant Song Jinnian was when he was a child, he has grown up now.

When you grow up, you may not be as beating as when you were a child.

Gu Ninghuan spent a very long half hour in her life. She didn't worry until Song Jinnian's attending doctor came out and said that Song Jinnian was fine.

Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan went in to see Song Jinnian together. At this time, Song Jinnian's face was even paler. When he saw him, the guilt in Gu Ninghuan's heart increased a bit.

"Brother, seeing that you are fine, Ning Huan and I will be relieved, but you are a bit too useless. You can help Ning Huan get back the jewelry box and you can be injured." Song even felt a little disgusted.

Gu Ninghuan tweeted Song Ci, instructing her not to say anything.

"Brother Jinnian, are you okay? Is there anything uncomfortable, or what do you want to eat, I will buy it for you now." Gu Ninghuan said.

Song Jinnian hadn't answered yet. Gu Ninghuan's cell phone in the bag rang. After she said sorry, she went out to answer the phone.

She walked out of the ward and saw that the phone on the screen was the number of the villa.

"Is there anything?" Gu Ninghuan connected.

Ma Li asked: "Mrs. Shao, can you come back to dinner at night?"

"No, I have something wrong here, so I won't come back." Gu Ninghuan finished, and hung up the phone.

Fu Xishen came back and saw that there was only one pair of tableware on the table, frowning slightly: "Where is Mrs. Young?"

"Mrs. Shao said that she would not come back to dinner tonight, but I heard the driver say that today when she was going to get the wedding crown, she encountered a robber.

Fortunately, Mr. Song Jinnian assisted, and then took back the crown, but Mr. Song Jinnian was injured because of helping the young lady. "Ma Li wiped her hands and replied."

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