Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 272: His wife is in a room with others

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272   His wife is in the same room with others

Fu Xi heard the words deep, and his face sank like water.

In the hospital, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci bought back together.

Song Jinnian was lying on the hospital bed, quietly using her laptop to handle her work.

"Ning Huan, your wedding dress is so beautiful! Will my bridesmaid dress really be made by the same designer as your wedding dress?" Song Ci looked at the picture in Gu Ninghuan's mobile phone, and the words were full of envy.

Gu Ninghuan nodded seriously: "You are my best friend, of course we must be beautiful, so we must be the same designer!"

"Ning Huan, I love you so much!" Song Ci stretched out his hand and hugged Gu Ninghuan's shoulders, and smiled.

Song Jinnian stopped typing on the keyboard: "Ning Huan, is there something I want to tell you alone?"

Song Ci bit the straw: "What do you mean, do you think I am the light bulb between you and Ning Huan?"

"Yes." Song Jinnian closed the computer in front of him and answered lightly.

Song Ci's face was distorted because of Song Jinnian's promise.

She picked up the lunch box angrily and ate it outside.

Gu Ninghuan looked up at Song Jinnian: "What's wrong?"

"Do you know that if you attended Mr. Fu's wedding, the marriage relationship between you and Mr. Fu could no longer be hidden?" Song Jinnian looked at Gu Ninghuan's beautiful face and said slowly.

"I know, and I know what rumours I will face if my marriage relationship with Fu Xishen is open.

But this is what I should bear, and I am willing to bear it for him. "Gu Ninghuan has a faint smile on his face.

Song Jinnian lowered his eyes, and his heart felt like it was hurt by countless fine needles.

"Your mother's family is very powerful, and if they know that you are with Mr. Fu, they will not give up easily.

If I were you, I would not choose to make this wedding public so that I could preserve yourself. "

Gu Ninghuan retorted: "She is not my mother. My mother had already left with my father in the accident when I was a child.

She is Chu Nian and represents the Chu family. It has nothing to do with me. "

Song Jinnian smiled, did not pierce Gu Ninghuan's self-deception.

The blood relationship is not so easy to break clean. Besides, if the Chu family is determined to destroy the marriage contract between Ning Huan and Mr. Fu.

They will not choose to confront the Fu family head-on, but they can take care of the family. If they want to deal with it, it will be as easy as a fight.

"Ning Huan, listen to my persuasion, don't hold a wedding with Mr. Fu, and live your life in a low-key, and enjoy the long-term." Song Jinnian continued to persuade.

Gu Ning smiled: "Thank you, Jinnian brother, I know you are good to me, but my marriage must not be affected by people who are not related to me."

Song Jinnian saw that Gu Ninghuan's heart was decided, and there was some regret in her heart.

The Chu family is a century-old family and the mafia abroad is even more inextricably linked. They are not easy to deal with.

Song Ci played with his mobile phone while eating.

Suddenly heard a footstep, she looked up and saw that Fu Xishen had stood in front of her.

Song Ci shook his hand, and the milk tea in his hand fell on the floor tiles. He never expected Mr. Fu to appear here.

This is a bit too scary, why is he here?

"Mr. Fu, you're here! Ning Huan thanked my brother for saving her in the ward. The two of them started chatting, really!" Song Cisheng was afraid that Fu Xishen didn't believe it, and he explained more.

Fu Xi was expressionless, and he looked sideways in the ward.

Through the transparent glass above the ward, he clearly saw Gu Ninghuan sitting on the sofa.

His wife, who is about to hold a wedding, is in a room with a man.

Even if it was in the hospital ward, it made him unhappy.

Song Ci saw Fu Xi's somber face and immediately stood up and stepped forward to push the door of the ward and said aloud: "Ning Huan, Mr. Fu is here to pick you up!"

Gu Ninghuan turned his head and saw Fu Xishen standing outside the door, and stood up in his heart: "Then I will go back first and come to see you again, I am really sorry that you were injured today because of me."

"Go back and pay attention to safety."


Gu Ninghuan took the bag out and waved goodbye to Song Ci.

She got on the bus, Fu Xishen sat beside her, and asked quietly, "Did you eat dinner?"

Gu Ninghuan replied: "Eat it."

She picked up her phone and wanted to call to ask the police about the robber.

Gu Ninghuan always felt that the robbery she encountered today should not be all accidents.

But when she thought of Fu Xishen being around, she still didn't make the call.

Fu Xi glanced at her lightly. He had been waiting for Gu Ninghuan to speak. He had been waiting for Gu Ninghuan to take the initiative to say that she was in danger today.

But she didn't.

Gu Ninghuan looked carefully at Fu Xishen. She could feel him unhappy, but she didn't know why he was unhappy.

However, since Fu Xi was silent, she did not speak.

Today she experienced a thrilling enough day, and now calm down, she just wants to stay quiet.

After arriving at the villa, Gu Ninghuan got off the bus, but did not see Fu Xishen and followed him.

She stood by the car and looked at him with doubts in her eyes.

Fu Xishen's profile was unsurprised, and Qing Jun's face saw no signs of anger: "I live in the company tonight."

"How to stay in the company suddenly?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

But Fu Xishen did not answer, raising his hand to signal the driver to leave.

Gu Ninghuan bit his lip, is Fu Xishen angry that she went to see Song Jinnian?

But Song Jinnian was injured because of her. She went to see him and it was not too much.

Fu Xishen is not like such a stingy person.

It may be that she thinks too much, maybe because the company has something to do with Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the villa and didn't say anything. Ma Li walked forward with a terrified expression: "Young lady, it's not good. You asked the driver to bring the suitcase back, and Anna took it away."

"Anna?" Gu Ninghuan frowned, how could she never hear the name.

Ma Li frowned even deeper: "Anna is the person Mrs. sent to take care of Miss Jin'er."

"There are so many bodyguards in the villa, did you actually let a maid take my jewelry? Ma, Li, do you really understand that my husband is paying you, not Qiao Jin'er!" Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes and eased After a moment of emotion in my heart, this is the beginning.

Mother Li was confused for a while before she took away the jewelry. Now she thought of it and felt regretful: "I'm sorry, young lady. Because Anna said that if Miss Jin'er didn't have the crown, she would cancel her engagement.

So the husband asked her to take the crown, and she and I promised that as long as they lent her a few days, they could imitate a similar one.

Then they will return the crown, I..."

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