Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 277: Then I will not kiss you

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277   Then I won't give you a kiss

Fu Xishen pushed the door open and saw Gu Ninghuan lying on the sofa in a very provocative posture.

His eyes were dark and his voice was indifferent and hoarse: "Gu Ninghuan, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see it? I'm pleasing you." She sat up from the sofa and let the bathrobe slide off her shoulders, revealing more than half of her back. The beautiful butterfly bone hair was looming, showing the ultimate charm.

"Can't see it." Fu Xishen stretched out his hand to unbutton the shirts of the two shirts, his thin lips slightly hooked and looked at Gu Ninghuan.

It seems that waiting for Gu Ninghuan to be more obviously pleased.

Gu Ninghuan bit her red lips lightly, and she wore nothing in her bathrobe.

Now that she has taken off her bathrobe halfway, Fu Xishen is actually acting silly in order to take her further.

This is simply too bad.

However, since today she wants to ease the relationship between Fu Xishen and her, she doesn't plan to bring any more restraint.

She stretched out her hand and slowly untied the bathrobe's belt, let go of her hand, and allowed the bathrobe to slip to her feet.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward and reached out to hook Fu Xishen's neck and neck. His red lips rubbed slowly on his thin lips, as if touching, or as if to separate.

"I didn't tell you the first time that the jewelry was robbed. I did something wrong. Can Mr. Fu forgive me?" Gu Ninghuan's voice was very low, but he was particularly provocative.

It's like a banshee in the deep sea hooking people with singing.

Fu Xishen's thin lips were deeper, and her hands caught her waist: "What if I don't forgive you?"

"Then I won't kiss you." Gu Ning Huan flapped his lips and leaned back slightly, trying to distance himself from Fu Xishen.

But after a slight movement, the lips were kissed by the man.

"Ah... um... bad guy..."

Gu Ninghuan hadn't finished the rest, and was forced into by Fu Xishen. Apart from the poor single syllable, he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Sweet time always passes quickly, and Qiao Jin'er's wedding time has arrived in a flash.

Even if Gu Ninghuan doesn't like Qiao Jiner very much, he will definitely attend her wedding.

Qiao Jin'er and An Cheng's wedding was at seven in the morning.

The designers and make-up artists of Fujiapai have brought clothes and cosmetics, and began to carefully choose clothes and make-up for Gu Ninghuan.

"Mrs. Shao, I have helped so many rich ladies and nobles to make up, but your skin is the best I have ever seen." The makeup artist boasted to Gu Ninghuan while boasting.

Gu Ninghuan slightly lifted his lips and was in a good mood: "Thank you."

After the makeup and clothes are done, the driver drove Gu Ninghuan to the wedding venue.

Qiao Jin'er insisted on a wedding by the sea, so her wedding was arranged by the sea.

But Gu Ninghuan didn't like it. The wedding by the sea was really inconvenient, especially the wedding required a lot of flowers to decorate.

And this season's seaside, because of the strong wind, it is difficult to fix the flowers, and sometimes the flowers are blown down.

What is even more excessive is that Qiao Jin'er insists on the original ecology and does not allow anything on the sand.

This caused every guest to be unable to enter in high heels.

When Gu Ninghuan arrived at the venue, the first thing was to change shoes, otherwise it would be troublesome if he walked into the beach in high heels.

And now she finally knows why, when she saw Qiao Jin'er, she couldn't like her anymore.

Because Qiao Jin'er is too hypocritical.

Gu Ninghuan, the young lady of the Fu family, was placed in the first row of seats.

The wind at the sea continued to blow on her, making her feel a little open.

Her eyes fell on the other guests at the wedding and found that their condition was not much better than her.

Qiao Jin'er's wedding was not only for fulfilling her own dream, but also for the torment of guests.

Just when Gu Ninghuan couldn't bear being blown by the wind, he didn't want to hold on to the wedding and wanted to pretend to be sick, but Fu Xishen arrived.

Gu Ninghuan just wanted to step forward to persuade Fu Xishen to leave with her, but he felt the strong sea breeze that was blowing at the time, but then suddenly quieted down.

This made Gu Ninghuan a little bit confused. Is it that Fu Xishen is so powerful that even the sea breeze will not embarrass him?

But since the sea breeze is no longer blowing, Gu Ninghuan did not pull Fu Xishen away.

She sat back in place, waiting quietly for the wedding to begin.

The wedding started at 11:30 noon, and there is one hour before the wedding.

But after 12 o'clock in time, Qiao Jin'er still did not appear.

Gu Ninghuan felt that something was amiss. Both Qiao and Anjia were very attentive to this engagement.

Even Qiao Jin'er had refused any job for two weeks before the engagement, just to prepare for this engagement.

So this kind of thing should be impossible to be late, then why Qiao Jin'er hasn't come yet.

Just when Gu Ninghuan was puzzled, she saw Mrs. Fu pulled aside by Qiao Jin'er's mother.

Qiao Jin'er's mother said something in Mrs. Fu's ear. Mrs. Fu's face changed, and she seemed a little surprised.

By half past twelve, all the guests had lost their patience and could not help whispering.

Seeing that it couldn't be delayed, Ancheng gritted his teeth and walked to the ceremonial side, trying to maintain his manners and said to the microphone: "Because Jin'er is unwell, this engagement will be temporarily postponed. I'm really sorry, let me Ladies and gentlemen, run for nothing."

Ancheng's rhetoric is simply not enough to convince the public.

None of the people here are fools, if Qiao Jin'er is really sick.

Ancheng will definitely announce early, how could it be delayed until now, this is clearly an excuse.

It doesn't matter what the guests think.

On the surface, the kung fu is still full, and does not make Ancheng embarrassed at all.

But when this engagement without a bride is over, what will happen to them in private when they go back in private? This is unclear.

Gu Ninghuan hadn't recovered on the way back, she never thought Qiao Jin'er's courage was so big that she dared not come to join her own engagement.

This undoubtedly gave the Anjia and Qiao families a slap in the public. Qiao Jin'er did such a willful thing.

When he returned to the villa, Gu Ninghuan received the phone call from Fu's family.

Qiao Jin'er didn't refuse to participate in the engagement, she disappeared completely.

The Anjia and Qiaojia sent out almost all the forces to find Qiao Jin'er in the whole city.

But after this engagement banquet, it was when countless eyes were staring at them.

They did not dare to make any big moves to find Qiao Jin'er.

Leading to find no news of Qiao Jin'er at 8 o'clock in the evening,

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