Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 278: Quietly watch a play

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Chapter 278  An quiet watching theater

Fu, Ann, and Qiao are very anxious.

Even Fu Xishen, a busy man, was called to help by Mrs. Fu.

Gu Ninghuan, who didn't care much about it, became the only one of them who was not in a hurry.

The housemaid served hot tea and snacks, and Gu Ninghuan lay on the sofa, watching the variety show on TV.

Suddenly, the door of the villa was knocked open.

Qiao Jin'er was tall and slender, his chin raised slightly, and his eyes looked coldly at Gu Ninghuan who was lying on the sofa.

When the maid saw Qiao Jin'er in such a menacing manner, she immediately stopped in front of Qiao Jin'er: "Miss Qiao, what's the matter with you coming here so late?"

Qiao Jin'er didn't answer the maid's words, but she didn't break in. She stood at the spot and said coldly: "I came here today to find Gu Ninghuan!"

"Let her come and call the young master by the way, saying that Qiao Jin'er has been found." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Although she didn't know why Qiao Jin'er was looking for her, she looked at her like this, and knew that it was not a good thing.

"I heard that you and Song Ci are good friends." Qiao Jin'er did not stop the maid from calling Fu Xishen, but stepped on high heels.

Gu Ninghuan raised his head and thought Qiao Jin'er's question was a little funny: "You missed your engagement today. I thought the first sentence you came back should not be to ask Song Ci, but to explain why you suddenly disappeared."

"Why did I disappear suddenly? I think your good friend Song Ci should be very clear. Song Ci is not at home at this time. I hope you can bring her back. I want to confront her with something!" Qiao Jin'er looked at Gu Ninghuan .

Gu Ninghuan put down the teacup in his hand and smiled faintly: "I don't know where Song Ci made you unhappy, so I disappeared without even getting engaged.

But if you don’t tell me the reason for her, I’m afraid I won’t make this call. "

Qiao Jin'er's eyes became colder, she took out her phone and opened the picture, and put the phone in front of her: "I received a photo before I got engaged. It was a picture of An Cheng and Song Ci kissing at the Song Ci party. I think this photo should be enough to prove that Song Ci is a minor."

Gu Ninghuan glanced at the picture, and Ancheng indeed stood with Song Ci.

But the kiss can't be seen. Besides, a photo like ps is not a difficult thing in technology nowadays.

"Don't tell me, it's because of such a true and false photo that you leave behind so many people at the engagement banquet and disappear all day?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Qiao Jin'er hadn't spoken yet, the door of the villa was opened by the maid, and Qiao's mother and Mrs. Fu walked in hurriedly.

Mother Qiao stepped forward, and hadn't waited for Qiao Jin'er to speak. Raising her hand was a slap on her face.

The slap was loud and clear, and Gu Ninghuan was shocked.

"What are you doing, no matter what Jin'er did wrong, you can't beat her." Mrs. Fu stepped forward and hurriedly stopped, wanting to hit Qiao Jin'er's mother.

Qiao's mother's chest kept rising and falling, but he still listened to his sister's words: "You tell me, why did you lose contact for a whole day!"

Qiao Jin'er looked up without any guilt on his face: "When I was doing makeup, I saw someone anonymously send me a photo. Ancheng didn't know what a bad relationship there was with Song Ci.

Under such circumstances, how can I get engaged to him! "

"What picture?" Mother Qiao heard that, her emotions calmed down a lot.

Although she was angry because Qiao Jin'er did not attend the engagement, if Ancheng really did something inappropriate, she also determined that it was impossible to push her own daughter into the fire pit of An's family.

But when Qiao Jin'er put that so-called Ancheng derailment photo in front of Mother Qiao, Mother Qiao just wanted to raise her hand again and slapped her hard.

"You tell me, what can you see in this picture?" Qiao asked, gritting her teeth.

The partial student Qiao Jin'er didn't think she was wrong. She widened her eyes and looked at Qiao's mother incredulously.

"Mom, don't you see it? An Cheng and Song Ci kissed. He is my fiance, but he kissed another woman."

Mother Qiao's face was completely cold: "You will immediately go to Anjia with me to apologize, and wait until Ancheng forgive you, you will say this again."

"I'm not going. Why should I apologize to Ancheng? This is not my fault at all!" Qiao Jin'er insisted not to bow his head.

Seeing this, Mother Qiao stepped forward and wanted to give her a slap, but she was stopped by Mrs. Fu: "If you have something to say, don't always do it."

"Ning Huan, are you a good friend with Song Ci? Can you call and ask Song Ci about this?" Mrs. Fu said to Gu Ninghuan.

While Gu Ninghuan was watching the show, she was suddenly named by Mrs. Fu, and it took a few seconds to realize it.

"There is no need to ask, this photo doesn't look true no matter how you look at it. So many people were at the party of Song Ci that day. Even if Song Ci really had any thoughts on Ancheng, it would be impossible to make a mistake on that occasion. Proper thing." Gu Ninghuan is funny, a problem that a normal person can think about.

The partial student Qiao Jin'er insisted on holding this photo.

Was she really doubting that Song Ci had an improper relationship with Ancheng, or did she want to use this photo to refuse to get engaged.

"Don't you believe Song Ci that way? What if your friend isn't what you think? If she really seduce my fiance!" The tone of Qiao Jin'er, who always pays attention to manners, also becomes a little louder.

Gu Ninghuan's tone is still dull: "She can't seduce your fiance, let's talk about it, if you really have questions, you can take this photo and ask your fiance, why do you have to find Song Ci confrontation."

Qiao Jin'er didn't say anything, she heard a footstep ringing, and she turned to see Fu Xishen coming back.

She had always been stubborn and refused to bow her head, her eyes suddenly turned red.

She turned and walked towards Fu Xishen with a poor tone: "Cousin, I..."

"The people in Anjia are waiting for you. Now I apologize. One month later, your engagement with Ancheng will be held as usual." The man interrupted Qiao Jin'er's words, and his tone was lukewarm.

Qiao Jin'er looked at Fu Xishen without blinking, and his eyes were filled with disappointment: "This is not my fault at all. I will not apologize.

If I don’t get the answer I want today, I won’t go. "

"It's up to you! But I tell you, if you are going to stay here tonight, no maid will clean up the room for you.

Just ask Miss Qiao to find the room key by herself and make the bed by herself. "Gu Ninghuan's eyes dropped, and she no longer wanted to continue participating in this farce.

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