Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 279: Cool lips kissed her shoulder

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Chapter 279: The cool lips kiss her shoulder

Gu Ninghuan's attitude was colder than Qiao Jin'er imagined.

Even in front of Mrs. Fu, she did not leave her a little room.

"Jin'er, don't stop fooling around, follow me back!" Qiao's mother had already reached out to drag Qiao Jiner out if she didn't pay attention to manners now.

Qiao Jin'er stood straight, his eyes falling on Gu Ninghuan.

Her innate pride made her unable to bow her head and speak softly to Gu Ninghuan.

But if she left like this, she would be a little unwilling.

In Qiao Jin'er's hesitation, Mother Qiao didn't give her too much time, but stepped forward to buckle her wrist: "How long do you still have to lie around at your cousin's house, follow me back."

Qiao Jiner's face was ugly, and there was a trace of mockery in his smile: "It's clearly her girlfriend who seduce my fiance, but none of you help me, but stand on Gu Ninghuan's side, it turns out that this is my family."

After talking, Qiao Jin'er turned away without looking back.

"This kid was spoiled by us since we were young, and it's really embarrassing to disturb you today." Mother Qiao apologized to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head gently: "You are too polite to say this. It's getting late now. In order to avoid Qiao Jin'er going to settle down again, it is better for you to follow up immediately."

Mother Qiao heard this and felt very reasonable. She turned around anxiously and followed.

Seeing them leave, Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows, took the phone from the sofa and pressed Song Ci's phone.

She did not follow Qiao Jin'er's words and called Song Ci just because the scene at that time was too uncontrollable.

If she hit, what kind of things Qiao Jin'er would do, no one knows.

But now that Qiao Jin'er has left, she also wants to know why Song Ci and Ancheng were photographed in such a misleading way.

As soon as the call rang, the call was connected by Song Ci.

"Ning Huan, you just called when I arrived at the hotel. You really will choose the time." Song Ci's voice was very cheerful, and Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but tickled his lips.

"Song Ci, how is your relationship with Ancheng?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Song Ci answered directly without thinking: "It's just ordinary relationships. Everyone is in a circle. They can often be met at a party. Sometimes they say a few words. What's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask him?" "

Gu Ninghuan briefly talked about what Qiao Jin'er had just said, and then said: "This matter Qiao Jin'er won't give up easily. The longer she makes trouble, the more damage it will have to your reputation.

You should still come back and explain the matter clearly, otherwise I don’t know what will happen to her. "

Song Ci felt incredible: "At the party, Qiao Jin'er suddenly disappeared. An Cheng came over and asked me if I had seen her. This was the only time when the two of us had a separate conversation at the party.

Unexpectedly, such normal speaking can actually be said to be seduce? I don't want to be grieved by this, you wait for me, I will book a flight back home immediately! "

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone and threw the phone on the sofa.

She turned around and walked towards Fu Xishen, reached out to hook his waist, and her pale lips chuckled at the seemingly absent smile: “Don’t help Qiao Jin'er to deal with Song Ci. With my years of understanding of Song Ci, she must be innocent of."

"Really?" Fu Xi looked down deeply, looking at her charming and enchanting face.

Gu Ninghuan was buried in the man's chest and smiled: "Yeah."

Gu Ninghuan did not know how the temperature between the two people was ignited.

She only knew that after she answered, the man didn't speak anymore, but reached out and picked her up, walked to the room, and pressed **** the bed.

It was not until she was too tired that he let her go with compassion and hugged Gu Ninghuan into the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan was deeply placed in the hot water of the bathtub by Fu Xi. The limbs that had become sore because the matter was too frequent were relieved at this time.

Her arm rested on the bathtub wall, her small face was resting on her arm, and she quietly enjoyed the quiet moment.

But the man behind him, from the beginning, kept himself safe and slowly became extremely dangerous.

His cool lips kissed her shoulder, making Gu Ninghuan's body tremble unconsciously.

She exhausted the last trace of strength and wanted to escape the man's arms, but she couldn't escape his kiss.

The blossoming red like blossoms on her shoulders bloom like traces of cherry blossoms, and there is even a downward trend.

She could feel that Fu Xishen's body was ready to go. Gu Ninghuan didn't understand that Fu Xishen had been busy for a day today. Why was he so physically strong at night?

The exhausted Gu Ninghuan was wiped out of the bathroom and hugged.

Gu Ninghuan didn't even complain about the man's good physical strength. She lay on the bed and rolled over and fell asleep.

Waking up again, I was woken up by continuous calls.

Gu Ninghuan struggled to reach for his phone.

She came across the cold cell phone body, and the sudden coldness made her a little sober.

Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and sat up with the quilt on his back, rubbed his face with his hand, and slid the phone to answer the call: "Who?"

The caller over there obviously didn't realize that it was this time, but Gu Ninghuan actually woke up.

"Sorry, did you wake you up?" Chu Nian's voice passed clearly.

Probably hearing the sound of his disgust, Gu Ninghuan woke up in an instant: "Since I know, you have to speak straight."

"Ning Huan, I heard that you are going to hold a wedding with Fu Xishen?" Chu Nian said.

Gu Ninghuan sneered: "You have investigated the matter clearly, there is no need to ask again."

"Ning Huan, you can marry Fu Xishen in secret, but if you hold a wedding with him, the news will surely reach the Chu family.

The Chu family and the Fu family have been a bit unhappy since ten years ago. The old man will not agree to your wedding. Chu Nian explained slowly.

Gu Ninghuan smiled stronger: "Isn't Mr. Chu seriously ill? In this case, there is still time to control me."

Moreover, I am not your Chu family. If Grandpa Chu really wants to face, he should also know not to disturb the life of our family. "

"Ning Huan! I know that you are young and have the arrogance of young people, but do you know? The things between families are not as simple as you think.

If we really want to dismantle you and Fu Xishen, just move your fingers, for example, if he knows that you have been carrying his birth control pills, will he still spoil you as he is now? "

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