Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 280: Mr. Fu! Are you there too?

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Chapter 280 Mr. Fu! Are you there too?

Chu Nian's words sounded cool.

Gu Ninghuan's pupils shrank, and the hand on the quilt was clenched because of panic.

But her voice was extremely relaxed: "If you dare to say this, I will let the world know about the ugly things you did.

When I can live a good life, I can take into account the decentness of our family and help you conceal your mischief in your marriage.

But if I can't live alive, then I have to take care of my family's decent things, of course, to pull you into the water. "

"Are you the attitude to speak to an elder?" Chu Nian's tone was mixed with a half-bearing anger.

For a person who has been in a high position for a long time, Gu Ninghuan can't stand the straightforward provocation one after another.

Gu Ninghuan leaned back on the soft mattress with a cold tone: "Ms. Chu Nian, if you want to listen to a good tone, you should go to your illegitimate child who would rather divorce and protect her.

I have heard that his identity has not been recognized by the Chus. So far I have heard that he and his little three father, like the dirtiest mouse in the basement, have an unknown life in secret? "

Gu Ninghuan's words have not been finished yet, Chu Nian's phone has been hung up.

Even in the face of business opponents, the most violent attack can always face Chu Nian.

Repeatedly defeated in front of his own daughter.

Probably because, no matter what she said to herself.

At first, she was derailed because of true love, so she should not have any guilt for Gu's family.

But for so many years, she ignored her biological children.

It reappeared because Gu Ninghuan may have a successful match with Master Chu.

Use Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow to help her stabilize her position in the Chu family.

With such a purpose, she will inevitably feel guilty for Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan threw the phone on the bed, pulled open the drawer, picked up a jar of vitamins, and pour the contraceptive pill out of it.

Hot water mixed with slightly bitter pills crossed her throat.

Gu Ninghuan was not worried that Chu Nian would tell Fu Xishen that she was taking birth control pills.

If she is determined to use all the power of Gu's family and fight with Chu Nian, she may not be able to do so.

Chu Nian attaches great importance to fame, and the private chaos is private. On the surface, she is still the most favored little daughter of the arrogant Chu family.

After washing downstairs, she was having breakfast and the phone rang.

After the maid took it, she walked solemnly to Gu Ninghuan: "It was Fu's phone just now. They said that Miss Song was at Fu's house at this time."

"What did you say? Isn't Song Ci abroad? How come he came back soon!" Gu Ninghuan was slightly surprised.

The maid was also puzzled: "I don't know, but the Fu family said that after all, you are Miss Song's friend, so please go over there too."

Gu Ninghuan listened, immediately put down the cutlery in his hand, got up and drove out to the Fu's house.

She did not expect that Song Ci was so bold that she dared to face the Fu family alone.

When she drove to Fu's house, Song Ci happened to come out with Ancheng.

Gu Ning walked happily to Song Ci and looked at her: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I have explained the matter to both Ancheng and the two. The ambiguous picture of the two of us was also proved to be ps by Fu's computer hacker." Song was a little relaxed in his expression.

Qiao Jinerguang has more than 30 million fans on social media.

If she really makes trouble, then she will definitely be attacked by netizens.

This is why Song Ci would come back so anxiously that she could not afford to have fans.

Ancheng bowed his head, apologizing in his tone: "This time Jin'er was impulsive and made you wronged. I'm really sorry."

Song Ci waved his hand: "It's okay, some misunderstandings have been explained clearly, you and Qiao Jin'er can also be engaged smoothly, I wish you a good year in advance, and have a good son early."

Song Ci is not a carefree person. After all, few girls can calmly deal with the fiance's cheating.

Even if Qiao Jin'er acted excessively this time, she still didn't have the idea of ​​saying bad things in front of someone's fiance.

Ancheng Ruya smiled: "Thank you for your blessing."

"Ancheng, I have something to tell you." Qiao Jin'er's cold voice came, and the sound of the heels hitting the ground from far and near.

She looked at Gu Ninghuan: "I was disturbed yesterday, sorry."

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly, knowing that her apology was not sincere, but did not go to her heart.

"Are you still owing me an apology?" Song Ci said.

Qiao Jin'er lowered his eyes, his tone was plain: "Sorry."

"You apologize really can't hear who is right, but it doesn't matter, who makes you more fans I will bear you. Hum! Ning Huan, let's go!" After that, Song Ci took Gu Ninghuan's arm away.

Song Ci didn't want to worry about Qiao Jin'er, but she was angry when she saw Qiao Jin'er's proud look.

Everyone is a human being, so why should Qiao Jin'er show such a superior look all day long.

"Ning Huan, someone who hates Qiao Jin'er, you have to be her eternal relative. I really sympathize with you!" Song Ci shook his head, remembering that Qiao Jin'er had a stomachache.

Gu Ning smiled and said, "Fortunately, even if Qiao Jin'er is self-willed and arrogant, I am not the one to bully him.

Are you free today? Come with me to the hospital, I don't have much medicine. "

Speaking of birth control pills, Song Ci's original cheerful eyebrows were covered with a faint haze: "Are you still taking that drug? Is it really bad for your health?"

"Should not, I can trust that doctor." Gu Ninghuan replied.

Song Ci stopped, "Ning Huan, I didn't understand before. Why did you take medicine without Mr. Fu?"

But when I was explaining the photos today, there was a maid passing by with the child. Mrs. Fu's eyes even looked at the maid's child full of love.

I suddenly understood you, Mrs. Fu wanted a grandson so much, if you tell her that she doesn't want a child for the time being, she must be unhappy. "

"Yes, so this matter can never be said, but I always worry that I can't hide it." Gu Ninghuan sighed slightly.

If her secretly taking medicine was discovered, she wouldn't dare to think about how much trouble there would be.

Song Ci accompanied Gu Ninghuan to the hospital for medicine. The doctor gave Gu Ninghuan a list. Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci went to get the medicine together.

Just walked to the hospital lobby, Gu Ninghuan stood outside the VIP pharmacy.

Before she handed out the medicine list, she heard a voice that she didn't want to hear.

"Mrs. President?"

When Fu Xishen's assistant's voice sounded, Gu Ninghuan only felt tight, and she didn't even have the courage to look back.

"Mr. Fu! Are you there too?" Song Ci turned around and looked at the handsome and tall man in front of him, his heart lost his rhythm because he was too flustered.

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