Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 282: The previous little girl

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Chapter 282: The Little Girl Before

She didn't want to remember Chu Nian all her life, so she couldn't have any guilt for her.

After clenching his teeth, Gu Ninghuan opened the door and went downstairs to drive away.

Fu Xishen heard the closing of the door, his eyes dimmed slightly.

He walked out of the bathroom, and Gu Ninghuan was no longer in the room.

Gu Ninghuan drove the car quickly and waited for the hospital. He walked to the ward according to the address of the nurse on the phone.

She reached out the door of the ward and saw Chu Nian's pale face covered with weakness.

It looks really hurtful.

Gu Ninghuan looked at her calmly and calmly, without any ups and downs of emotion: "Since you are awake.

You should be able to tell the nurse about your illegitimate child’s phone and let them help you to contact your family. I will leave if I have anything else. "

After she finished, she was reluctant to even look at Chu Nian more. She reached out to open the door and prepared to leave.

But she just opened the door and saw a man standing outside the house who looked a few years younger than her.

The man seemed to be full of academic atmosphere, and the whole person was extremely quiet.

The man walked in and saw Gu Ninghuan slightly surprised, but there was no inquiry or accident on his face.

"Chu Hua, what's wrong, why don't you continue?" Chu Hua heard the words and took a step forward to make way.

Let the man behind walk in. The man behind Chu Hua saw Gu Ninghuan, his eyes full of shock and rejection.

"Why are you here?" Qi Shixin frowned slightly, obviously knowing who Gu Ninghuan was.

Gu Ninghuan didn't answer, coldly said: "Keep away."

"Ning Huan, I didn't expect you would be willing to come." Chu Nian's face was pale, and the proudness in the past was replaced by illness.

Gu Ninghuan didn't even look at Chu Nian on the hospital bed: "I'm mainly afraid that if you really die, the Chu family will let me go even further, otherwise I won't come over to control your life and death."

"I also advise you to ask the driver for help if you can't drive well. Even if you don't ask the driver for help, please don't bring a mobile phone with only my mobile phone number on the road next time." Gu Ninghuan said with a cold look Ready to leave.

But Qi Shixin is still standing in front of her, with a strong tone: "Anyway, Niannian is also your mother, how can you talk to her like this!’

"Chu Nian is not my mother, and what tone I use to treat her, it has nothing to do with you.

What is your relationship with Chu Nian? Even if you want to get ahead of her, you must have at least an identity, right? "Gu Ninghuan looked up at Qi Shixin.

She only needs to look at the two men in front of her to know that they are illegitimate children and boys.

She didn't want to worry about this kind of little three living by women, but since he didn't provoke her with long eyes.

Then you can't blame her for using his strength to teach him to be a man.

"You! There is no tutor! Gu family is big and small can be regarded as a wealthy man, did they educate you like this from an early age!" Qi Shixin was half angry, but now Chu Nian is watching here, he dare not say anything serious .

Gu Ninghuan sneered: "How do I educate me at home, I won't bother you. Instead, I want to ask, what kind of tutor is your family?"

Actually educated you such a junior? Under the name of true love, you who destroy other people's families, what qualifications do you have to question my tutor. "

Qi Shixin was choked by Gu Ning.

But even so, he was still stuck in the doorway and would not let it go anyway.

The blood on Chu Qi's face slowly disappeared, and his eyes stared at Gu Ninghuan with a dark expression.

Originally, his impression of Gu Ninghuan only existed that she might have a successful match with Master Chu.

As long as she can give the bone marrow to Father Chu, then his mother can be sure to let him and his father formally enter the Chu family.

But even if they had sought Gu Ninghuan, it did not mean that his father should be humiliated by her at will.

Chu Qi stepped forward: "Miss Gu, anyway, my father is also your elder, and my mother is also your mother, should you be more polite in front of them."

"You're polite? Have you ever seen anyone who is polite to boys and sons? As for you, because the things of the previous generation have nothing to do with you.

So I don’t really want to target you, but if you continue to say some inexplicable words in front of me, believe it or not, I will pull your tongue out and tie it back before putting it back! Gu Ninghuan's language was cold, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Chu Nian looked directly at Gu Ninghuan, probably because Gu Ninghuan had done a good job of ignoring her.

So she thought that Gu Ninghuan was just like a stranger to her.

But today, she looked at the girl with a beautiful face in front of her.

To Qi Shixin, every word they say is contempt, disdain, hate and disgust.

It can be said that Gu Ninghuan is not so stingy.

Gu Ninghuan was very sweet when she was a child, and she would nest in her arms and act like a cute little girl.

But at this time Gu Ninghuan was so cold in front of her.

Whether in the future, no matter what she does to compensate her.

Gu Ninghuan will always hate her and her family.

"Ning Huan, they are too concerned about me. They did not intentionally want to trouble you. I hope you don't care about them too much." Chu Nian said slowly.

Gu Ninghuan is still indifferent: "I didn't want to worry about being anonymous or not, after all, it was bad enough for them to hide like a mouse.

But if they cheat too much, I don’t mind thinking about it, so please take care of them, or don’t blame me. "

"Is it because I've been abroad for too long, how can I not know the little Gu family, and actually have the ability to fight against the Chu family!" Qi Shixin said disdainfully.

Gu Ninghuan slightly lifted his lips: "Of course, the Gu family is not the opponent of the Chu family, but what kind of Chu family are you?

Not to mention anything else, have you ever stood by Chu Nian rightfully at any party of the Chu family?

A small third in every district, who dare to call himself the Chu family, is really ironic! "

After Gu Ninghuan finished speaking, he didn't even bother to give them a glance of extra eyes and stepped out.

Her hand only touched the handle. Suddenly she felt a pain in the back of her neck, and her eyes were black. She fell softly to the ground without consciousness.

"Qi Shixin, what are you doing?" Chu Nian looked at him excitedly.

Qi Shixin kicked Gu Ninghuan's back and kicked: "I just received the news from Chu Zhai. The old man suddenly got sicker yesterday and we have no time to come slowly."

"Even if this is the case, you don't have to stun Ning Huan, you know to follow this child's temper.

If we knew that we had not agreed with her, we would forcefully select a sample from her.

What happens after she wakes up? Chu Nian frowned slightly, disapproving in his tone.

Qi Shixin is very confident: "Then shut her up to the matching test results, let alone, this time it was her own door.

If we do not seize the opportunity, it will not be so easy the next time. "

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