Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 283: Set off an uproar

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Chapter 283: Set off an uproar

Chu Nian thought a little, closed his eyes, and finally acquiesced in Qi Shi's new approach.

Since she came back here, Fu Xishen has kept quietly protecting Gu Ninghuan.

Besides, Gu Ninghuan has such a stubborn character. If he does not use a little tough method, he will not easily be willing to donate bone marrow to Master Chu.

Gu Ninghuan was taken out of the VIP ward by Qi Shixin. They have a villa in the suburbs, which is very secretive. Besides, this time Gu Ninghuan came to the hospital on his own initiative.

It's not that they came to kidnap Gu Ninghuan, even if Fu Xishen noticed the aberration, but by that time they also got a test sample from Gu Ninghuan.

If Gu Ninghuan really matches with Master Chu successfully, they don't need their shots. The Chu family will help them deal with the Fu family.

But if Gu Ninghuan and Master Chu did not succeed in the match, with the blessing of Chu Nian, they wouldn't have any trouble in the United States.

Qi Shixin threw Gu Ninghuan on the bed of the villa, and then said to the doctor standing next to him: "The samples taken are tested as soon as possible. This test must be kept confidential. Except for me and Mr. Chu, no one can be informed of the results of this test. ."


Qi Shixin looked at Gu Ninghuan in bed and sneered.

This time, if Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow can really be used on Master Chu, he can finally be admitted into the Chu family as a well-known one.

No more being ridiculed, no longer be looked down upon by others, let alone humiliated by Gu Ninghuan.

After Qi Shixin sent the doctor away, he sat in the living room and drank tea.

Chu Hua sat in front of his father, his face gloomy.

Qi Shixin poured a cup of tea for Chu Hua: "You stay in this villa and look at her, and look for a maid with a strict mouth to take care of her. You can't let her have any accidents."

"Father, what we want is nothing but Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow, why should I offer her." Chu Hua felt a little dissatisfied.

Qi Shixin placed the teacup heavily on the coffee table, and the warm tea was splashed on the expensive marble surface: "You child, how can you be so unclear.

If Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow really saved Mr. Chu's life, do you think that old thing will not see her?

At that time, if he realized that Gu Ninghuan was a little bit bad, he might have looked at the life-saving grace and turned his head to deal with us. "

Chu Hua heard that he could only suppress his dissatisfaction with Gu Ninghuan.

When they can formally enter the Chu family, he does not have to worry about dealing with Gu Ninghuan.

"Then I will wait for the test results to come out. If Gu Ninghuan and Master Chu had a successful match, she would humiliate us today.

But if her matching is not successful, her life will be given to me. Chu Hua took the teacup and took a sip, the words were full of cruelty.


Two o'clock in the morning, Fu's villa.

Qing Jun's noble man stood in the living room, at which point he stood with four black bodyguards.

Fu Xishen's facial features are cold and contoured: "Go over the monitoring of major intersections, and before 12 o'clock noon tomorrow, I will find Mrs. Shao at all costs."


After the bodyguards answered, they turned and went out.

Fu Xi went to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the deep night outside the window.

Because he singled out the contraceptive pill, did Gu Ninghuan run away from home angry?

Want to force him to divorce by running away from home?

Oh, delusion.

Gu Ninghuan was lying on the soft bed, and suddenly felt a burst of coolness, wakening her abruptly.

She opened her eyes, it was dark, and the curtains in the room were blown by the wind, raising a strange arc.

Gu Ninghuan moved his hands and sat up, but just after a move, he felt something was wrong.

Her hands were tied with handcuffs. Although there are no problems with ordinary activities, if you move more deeply, you will not be able to do it.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and turned on the light, looked at this completely strange room, and almost didn't even think about it because Qi Shixin's family had tied her here.

Sure enough, she should not have contacted Chu Nian anymore, nor should she have any intersection with them.

Chu Nian finally exhausted her last bit of tolerance for her.

In the unfamiliar room, Gu Ninghuan couldn’t sleep at all, she didn’t have a cell phone beside her, and the phone line in the room had been unplugged.

When dawn came, a strange maid came in with toiletries, watching Gu Ning wake up, her face indifferent.

"Wash." The maid put things on the bedside table and said.

Gu Ninghuan gave her a glance, even if she was angry because of Qi Shixin's behavior, but she had a slight cleansing habit, she couldn't do it because she was kidnapped by others, and she didn't wash her face.

After washing, the maid walked in with breakfast again.

The maid turned a blind eye to the handcuffs on Gu Ninghuan's hands, and did not feel that there was anything wrong with her being tied here.

Gu Ninghuan knew that since Qi Shixin dared to send this maid over, he was quite sure whether the maid would help Gu Ninghuan for help.

Gu Ninghuan, who knows this well, will certainly not waste time asking the maid for help.

Chu Hua got up to the restaurant, and the maid had set up the breakfast.

"Did the woman trouble you?" Chu Hua opened the chair and spoke lightly.

He was full of thoughts, like Gu Ninghuan's unruly young lady, once she found that she had been kidnapped, it must be turned upside down in the room.

Even Gu Ninghuan would smash all the furniture in the room. Thinking of this, Chu Hua's aversion to Gu Ninghuan was even more.

"No, she is very quiet." The maid said.

Chu Hua was slightly surprised, looking at the maid in shock: "What did you just say?"

"I said that the woman upstairs was very cooperative with my work, and even she didn't embarrass me." The maid said again.

Chu Hua was completely surprised.

He even started to wonder if the maid was bought by Gu Ninghuan.

Chu Hua, full of doubts, walked upstairs and opened the door to see Gu Ning Huan sitting quietly on the bed.

And there was no trace of damage in the room.

"I didn't expect that you are so conscious of the current affairs. You really haven't resisted at all." Chu Hua said.

Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and shook the handcuffs on his hands: "Why don't you take the handcuffs off my wrist, and I will tell you how I will resist."

"Gu Ninghuan, at this point, you still dare to speak badly, do you really think I dare not move you?" Chu Hua frowned slightly.

Gu Ninghuan sneered: "I have the bone marrow you want, do you dare to move me? Chu Nian played such a long mother-daughter show, not just to make me willing to match ?

Even the elder Miss Chu family must bow their heads in front of me. What kind of outfit do you have an illegitimate child here? "

Chu Hua's originally calm emotions caused an uproar because of Gu Ninghuan's words.

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