Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 286: Tranquility before the storm

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Chapter 286: Quietness Before the Storm

Qi Shixin and Chu Hua looked at each other, and Chu Hua turned his attention on Chu Nian.

But Chu Nian at this time did not intend to help.

"Don't waste your time asking for help from Chu Nian, how much weight do you think you really hold in Chu Nian's heart?

For you, Chu Nian is just a pet in her spare time. Of course, she will always protect you, but once it conflicts with her huge interests, she will not control you. "Gu Ninghuan saw Chu Hua's gaze looking at Chu Nian, but he just thought he was naive.

Without wasting time, she reached out and unzipped the black bag, which contained various weapons.

Gu Ninghuan kicked the bag and kicked: "You choose the same one, whoever hits the other person to spit blood can stop."

"Why should we listen to you." Chu Hua stared at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan lifted his lips and took the cup to the ground.

The cup fell to the ground with a clear sound, the door of the ward was pulled open, and a group of people in black came in to surround Chu Hua and Qi Shixin.

"Lessons taught this unruly young man." Gu Ninghuan pointed his finger at Chu Hua.

In the next second, Chu Hua dragged away in black. They didn't avoid anyone in the room. The action of hitting Chu Hua was also very direct. He lifted his foot and stomped straight on him.

Chu Hua is a man who has no control over chickens. He and Gu Ninghuan have suffered such a big loss, not to mention facing so many people in black.

At first he was able to dodge a few punches of the man in black.

But later the whole body collapsed on the ground, and more and more punches fell on him.

"Poof!" Chu Hua was kicked to his back, his mouth spit out blood, and the whole person was beaten dying.

Chu Nian was also distressed when he saw it, and there were some complaints and resistance in Gu Ninghuan's eyes.

Gu Ninghuan's child is more compelling than she thought.

Fortunately, she didn't take her away ruthlessly.

Otherwise, such a person staying in the Chu family is also a very dangerous person.

"You can stop." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

The man in black heard this, and then he stopped. At this time, Chu Hua was not at all arrogant.

All the places he could see all over his body were full of wounds and bruises.

Chu Hua felt that he was going to faint, and even he was looking forward to fainting.

It's a pity that Gu Ninghuan stopped people's hands in a timely manner, and it happened to be stuck at that point, making the wound on his body hurt enough, but it didn't make him faint enough!

Because of this, he hated Gu Ninghuan even more.

"Remember next time, you will put away your villain's appearance at a disadvantage! Do you understand?" Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Chu Hua stared at her deadly, no longer able to answer.

Gu Ninghuan saw Chu Hua's eyes so big, he thought he understood.

After tidying up, Gu Ninghuan felt more comfortable.

The remaining one should be Qi Shixin.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qi Shixin.

"You said, as long as one of our father and son was beaten up with blood, can this thing stop?" Qi Shixin stood in front of Gu Ninghuan, his eyes shy.

Gu Ning laughed: "But your son was spitting blood on me, not you. In this case, should you be the same as Chu Hua?"

Qi Shixin gritted his teeth and stepped forward to watch Chu Hua's eyes full of guilt, but then he did not hesitate to step on Chu Hua's back.

Chu Hua, who was already seriously injured, could withstand Qi Shixin's foot.

In the mouth, he immediately spurted a large mouth of blood, and he fainted directly with his two eyes.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes dimmed slightly, and Qi Shixin was really crueler than she had imagined.

"Now you have learned from the two of them, shouldn't we talk about the bone marrow next?" Chu Nian now has no control over Chu Hua's injuries.

Now what she wants to get is Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow, and only Gu Ninghuan's bone marrow can make her care.

Gu Ninghuan looked to Chu Nian with unprecedented clarity in his eyes: "I will not donate bone marrow to Master Chu."

"What do you mean by what you said to me when you entered the hospital?" Chu Nian's tone was cold.

Gu Ninghuan was not guilty at all: "I just said that I knew I had a successful match with Master Chu, but I never said that I would donate bone marrow to Master Chu."

"So you have been playing us all the time!" Qi Shixin looked excited.

Gu Ninghuan: "If you understand this way, it is not impossible."

Qi Shixin couldn't bear it, but glanced at the bodyguard standing next to Gu Ninghuan, but he still didn't step forward.

Gu Ninghuan was completely happy to see Qi Shixin's dare to speak out.

"I was kidnapped for one night, your illegitimate child was beaten to vomit blood by me, and the villa was burnt by me. In this case, we are countless." She finished and turned to leave.

Qi Shixin was stunned by Gu Ninghuan's heart just now, and no one dared to stop her.

Gu Ninghuan walked out of the ward and Song Jinnian was waiting for her outside.

When she saw her come out, she smiled and said, "Is it easy?"

"Of course, thank you for your willingness to lend me someone else, otherwise I may not be able to avenge this smoothly!" Gu Ninghuan looked up at Song Jinnian.

Song Jinnian and Gu Ninghuan walked to the elevator door. He reached out and pressed the elevator button: "Are you hungry? I booked a seat and will go to dinner together?"

"No, I have to go back. There is no way to call Fu Xishen if the phone is broken. I don't know if he will worry about me now." Gu Ninghuan walked into the elevator and kept pressing the power button.

But the screen is still black with no changes.

Can Fu Xishen really worry about her?

Maybe she didn't realize that she didn't go home all night.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, only to feel very uncomfortable.

Song Jinnian was rejected by Gu Ninghuan with a trace of loss in his eyes, but he did not show it.

Gu Ninghuancai and Song Jinnian walked out of the elevator and were stopped by the five bodyguards in front of them.

"Mrs. President, the president is waiting for you at home." The bodyguard said very politely.

Gu Ninghuan said that he put the phone in his bag and turned to smile and say goodbye to Song Jinnian.

After she finished speaking, she followed the bodyguard and left.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know why, but she didn't mean to resist at all, but the bodyguards seemed very nervous.

At this time Gu Ninghuan would certainly not know that these bodyguards sent by Fu Xishen had already sought her all night.

None of them thought that the wife of the president who had disappeared all night would actually be with other men.

If this is known by the president, I don't know how much fire will happen.

Gu Ninghuan was sitting in the car at this time, not knowing what he was about to face.

The bodyguard drove the car quickly along the way. Gu Ninghuan looked at the street scene passing by the window and felt that the bodyguard was a little strange.

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