Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 287: Awkwardly unbuttoning a man's shirt

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Chapter 287 Awkwardly Solving a Man's Shirt

Even she still doesn't know what she is waiting for herself.

The car stopped steadily, and the driver got off and opened the door for Gu Ninghuan.

She got out of the car and saw that the maid in the villa saw that she was all talkative.

The bodyguard followed her even more tightly.

Gu Ninghuan didn't think he had done anything, why did the bodyguard look so nervous.

Wait until Gu Ninghuan walks to the living room and goes upstairs.

The bodyguard closed the door: "The president will be back soon, please wait a minute."

Gu Ninghuan said, nodded.

She picked up her clothes and walked into the bathroom. Since Fu Xishen hadn't returned, she happened to take a bath.

Gu Ninghuan soaked the whole body in hot water, so she couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

When she came out of the bath, opened the bathroom door, and the warm steam followed her to the room.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and saw Fu Xishen sitting on the sofa.

There is a laptop on his knee.

From her point of view, only the handsome profile of the man can be seen.

Gu Ninghuan could feel the cold emotions on Fu Xishen's body.

She retracted her gaze, and even breathed slowly.

Gu Ninghuan has not thought about how to face Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan coughed twice, trying to attract Fu Xishen's attention, but he didn't even look back at her.

She sat cross-legged on the bed, staring at Fu Xishen in the distance.

Gu Ninghuan did not understand, Fu Xishen let the bodyguard take her back.

Is it just to let her sit on the bed and watch him use the computer to deal with business?

She fell into bed a little bored, and she didn't sleep well last night.

Now back to the familiar room, her tight nerves also loosened a lot, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Gu Ninghuan's hands moved unconsciously, she opened the quilt and drilled in, closing her eyes comfortably to sleep.

Fu Xi deeply ignored Gu Ninghuan's existence, waiting for her to confess, but did not expect it.

Gu Ninghuan's confession didn't wait. Instead, he saw this little woman got into herself and no one was sleeping beside the quilt.

Fu Xishen stepped forward and lifted the quilt to reach Gu Ninghuan's arm and pulled her directly from the bed.

Gu Ninghuan fell down on the carpet because of Fu Xishen's movements.

The carpet is so thick that she won't be hurt by the fall, but it will inevitably be frightened.

"Fu Xishen, what are you doing?" Gu Ninghuan sat on the carpet and looked up at Fu Xishen.

Fu Xi looked down deeply and looked at the trace on Gu Ninghuan's neck, like a kiss mark.

He couldn't help but think of what the bodyguard said and met Gu Ninghuan and Song Jinnian together in the hospital.

Fu Xishenqiang endured his anger: "Where did you go last night?"

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen ask this question. The anger that had disappeared because he had packed up Qi Shi's new father and son was in front of his closest person.

There was a renewed tendency to start, even when she was in front of Chu Nian, she packed up the boys and illegitimate children.

She couldn't care less about Fu Xishen pulling her off the carpet from the bed.

She told Fu Xishen all of her experience yesterday.

Of course, she was worried that Fu Xishen was not happy and deliberately weakened Song Jinnian, focusing on increasing her weight in teaching Qi Shixin.

"I don't agree to donate bone marrow to Grandpa Chu, is it particularly unfilial?" Gu Ninghuan asked weakly.

She didn't mean to let Grandpa Chu die. If Grandpa Chu was really dying, then of course she would save.

But I am afraid that once she rescues Chu Chu, Chu Nian will continue to struggle with her.

Therefore, Gu Ninghuan deliberately acted like a stone heart in front of Chu Nian.

"No." Fu Xishen said after knowing the cause and effect.

Although he did not like Gu Ninghuan and Song Jinnian's relationship too close.

But this time Song Jinnian saved Gu Ninghuan after all.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, even if she had never seen Grandpa Chu, but she had heard of it.

Like the Chu family, almost the entire family business has an inseparable relationship with the underworld, and the Chu master who manages that huge family.

The mind will only be more ruthless than Chu Nian, not compassion.

If she was really involved with such a family, it would be more difficult for her to want to come out later.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she had done nothing wrong. She did not relive her life for the purpose of being connected with the Chu family.

In her last life, when her family broke down, did the Chu family have a lot of friendship towards her?

What's more, Chu Nian is a person, and she also understood the fact that Qi Shixin was kidnapped.

If they are not kind, she is unrighteous.

The slightest sympathy for Chu Nian's remnants had already made her go through the scene of being kidnapped at the door.

"What's going on with the marks on your neck?" Fu Xi asked, staring coldly at her neck.

Gu Ninghuan looked stunned, she stretched out her collar and pulled up the mirror above the bedside table.

I saw a mark on her neck that looked like a kiss mark.

She said why Fu Xi looked so fierce in her eyes.

"It should be the beds in Qi Shixin's villa that made me allergic, so I said that the three things are not useful!" Gu Ninghuan put down the mirror, and she didn't think there was anything.

But after such a reminder from Fu Xishen, I suddenly felt that my neck was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

She subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab, but her nails only touched her neck and was held by her man's wrist: "If you are allergic, take the medicine."

Gu Ninghuan listened to his concern and silently put his hand down.

The man stretched out the drawer of the bedside table and took out the medicine box, and next to the medicine box was filled with the ultra-thin sleeve of the largest size of a certain brand.

So this is what Fu Xishen ordered people to prepare?

He also agreed by default that she might not have children for five or more years?

Gu Ninghuan lowered her eyes. She didn't expect that Fu Xishen would give in on this matter.

"I'm sorry about the contraceptive pill. I'm because Mom especially wants a child, and I'm currently inconvenient.

Avoid your embarrassment between me and mom, so as not to tell you to eat secretly. Gu Ninghuan said.

The man squeezed the medicine for skin allergy on a cotton swab and put it on Gu Ninghuan's neck with a slight tone: "Do you know how much long-term use of birth control pills will harm the girl's body? In the future, you should not take birth control pills .

I will do the measures. As for the Fu family, I will bear it. "

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes and looked at him, reaching out to hug the man's neck directly.

She looked down at Fu Xishen's beautiful neck curvature, without resisting the temptation, and the lips were printed on his neck.

Fu Xishen's body was tight, but he didn't move, allowing Gu Ninghuan to kiss down from his neck.

Her slender fingers clumsily unbuttoned the man's shirt, but the more anxious it was, the more she could not untie it, and she could only helplessly pull.

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