Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 293: If she hadn’t taken care of the Fu family, she would have stepped forward and slapped

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Chapter 293 If she hadn’t taken care of the Fu family, she would have stepped forward to give her a few slaps!

Qiao Jin'er said everything seemed correct.

Is she obliged to help Gu Ninghuan?

of course not.

She has no obligation to help Gu Ninghuan.

But she helped Meng Jingwen to harm others.

If it weren't for her, Meng Jingwen was simply not qualified to board the cruise ship.

Qiao Jin'er didn't even try to help Meng Jingwen sit at their table just now.

Is it easier for her to start?

Once participating in the struggle of any party, there is no qualification for neutrality.

Gu Ninghuan raised her hand, and the watering can was facing Qiao Jin'er's side. She quickly pressed the watering can when she was too late to respond.

Qiao Jin'er only felt a dampness coming from his side, turned his head to see the watering can in Gu Ninghuan's hand.

Immediately knew what was holding in her hand at this time.

She stood up abruptly because the movement of getting up was too big.

He even brought down the chair sitting behind him.

Qiao Jin'er stretched his hand and wiped his face nonstop.

She remembered hearing Meng Jingwen say outside the beauty salon today.

This aphrodisiac will strike immediately when it touches human skin.

Qiao Jin'er was so frightened that he wanted to go out to find a doctor, but Gu Ninghuan grabbed his arm: "What's wrong, now I know that I'm afraid? When you helped Meng Jingwen, why didn't you think of this day?"

"Gu Ninghuan! I tell you, if you make me ugly at the engagement banquet, I will definitely tell my cousin this matter." Qiao Jiner's angry face flushed.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er indifferently: "You can tell Fu Xishen now, and I also want to tell him about you and Meng Jingwen."

After finishing speaking, Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and pressed Fu Xishen's number in front of Qiao Jin'er.

But before she could press it, Qiao Jin'er rushed over very nervously, reaching for her cell phone.

Of course, Gu Ninghuan could not let her grab it, and soon she took the phone back.

"Miss Qiao, who was loved by the Fu family, would have something to fear." Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qiao Jin'er pressed the back of the chair with her palm, and she now felt her body start to heat up.

Isn't it awaiting the aphrodisiac in her body?

Thinking of this, Qiao Jin'er hurriedly wanted to leave here.

She can't be ugly, she can't be ashamed.

If she was ugly about this engagement, she would rather die.

But now the room door has been locked.

Gu Ninghuan's posture is like she will never let her go.

"You don't need to panic at all, because this watering can doesn't contain aphrodisiac, but this time it doesn't, it doesn't mean it won't.

If you continue to play behind the scenes next time, I am afraid that your arrogant rich man's image will not be guaranteed. "Gu Ninghuan spread his palm, and the watering can in his hand was filled with transparent water."

Qiao Jin'er looked at Gu Ninghuan, his palms tightened slowly.

It turned out that Gu Ninghuan had deliberately lied to her just now.

She just wanted to see what she did when she lost her calm.

Qiao Jin'er stood up straight: "Don't you think it's naive to play like this?"

"Not naive, after all, the old saying is good, you have to be polite before soldiers. I have given you politeness now.

If you don’t converge anymore and continue to do so, don’t blame me for being cruel. "Gu Ninghuan finished talking and turned to leave.

But suddenly, as if thinking of something, he stopped and looked sideways at Qiao Jin'er: "I have said to Mrs. Fu, transfer the maid beside you to my side and take care of my daily life.

When I said, it happened that the An family was also there, and they all thought you were the future daughter-in-law of An family.

The servants who have been using the Fu family are not unreasonable, so they will prepare you with a servant who is happy.

In the future, the Fu's servant, you may not be able to put it around. "

After that, Gu Ninghuan opened the door and left.

Qiao Jin'er bit her lip when she knew that Gu Ninghuan knew the inside story.

She suspected it was the maid around her.

But she hadn't had time to prove it yet, and Gu Ninghuan was about to leave.

She even put people in the villa where she lived, so no matter how much she wanted to ask the maid, there was no way to do it.

Gu Ninghuan dared to calculate her like this.

Qiao Jin'er is even more angry.

The maid who followed her for so long would actually help Gu Ninghuan.


When Qiao Jin'er arrived in the hall, he saw nothing but a mess.

Originally placed in the Champagne Tower in the center of the hall, it was also overturned on the ground.

"What's going on?" Qiao Jin'er saw this scene, which was a bit difficult to accept.

Ancheng walked to her side, picked up a suit jacket and put it on Qiao Jin'er's body, and spoke softly: "Meng Jingwen suddenly got mad and undressed. When the Meng housemaid pulled Meng Jingwen off the man, both of them were careless. Hit the Champagne Tower."

Qiao Jin'er didn't continue to speak, but his expression was very unpleasant.

The service staff on the cruise ship approached Ancheng and said, "Young Master, Sister Wan is calling for Miss Qiao in front of the old man."

Qiao Jin'er frowned: "Wan Yiyi? What did she ask me for?"

"Meng Jingwen took off his clothes and held Wan Yiyi's younger brother without letting go, and even nearly invaded him.

Wan Yiyi's brother was too panicked and fainted. He didn't wake up until now.

I have asked the doctor on the cruise ship to treat Wan Yiyi's younger brother, and no one knows what will happen. "Ancheng explained.

Qiao Jin'er closed his eyes and only felt that the troublesome thing was really one after another.

Wan Yiyi's younger brother is famous.

Moreover, she has a spicy personality and offends her people. She has never had any good fruit.

"Let's go, let's see Wan Yiyi. I believe that as long as we talk to her, she should be able to understand us." Qiao Jin'er and Ancheng walked towards Wan Yiyi's room together.

The service staff pushed open the door and saw Wan Yiyi sitting on the sofa with a very poor complexion.

Opposite her, they are the two old men.

Qiao Jin'er had just walked in, and Wan Yiyi looked up at her, and her lips twitched a sarcastic arc: "My brother has been in trouble for thirty minutes before Miss Qiao appeared, and she really has the style of a cruise ship hostess. ."

The smile on Qiao Jin'er's face froze, of course she could hear it, Wan Yiyi was mocking her.

"Miss Wan, your brother was harassed. I am also very sorry. I will be responsible for finding the best psychologist to walk out of the shadows he suffered today." Qiao Jin'er finished.

Wan Yiyi threw the cup in his hand directly to Qiao Jin'er.

The hot hot tea brushed past her ears, and the tea cup fell to the ground, breaking into pieces.

"Do you have a doctor that the Qiao family can find, can't we find it in the Wanjia? Qiao Jin'er! Today is your engagement.

You should have been responsible for the safety of every guest who boarded the cruise ship, but you not only did not, but also let dangerous people like Meng Jingwen get on board! "Wan Yiyi glared at Qiao Jin'er. If she hadn't taken care of the Fu family, she would have stepped forward and gave her a few slaps!"

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