Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 294: The whole person rests in his arms

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294   The whole person lies in his arms

Qiao Jin'er was accused by Wan Yiyi, and his face was very unsightly.

At this time, the originally closed door was opened again, and Mrs. Fu walked in with Gu Ninghuan.

Seeing Mrs. Fu, Wan Yiyi slightly narrowed the anger on her face.

For her, Qiao Jin'er is useless, but Mrs. Fu is the elder she has always respected.

"Yiyi, I have visited your brother just now. He is now awake and looking for you." Mrs. Fu looked at Wan Yiyi kindly.

Wan Yiyi heard that even if she wanted to continue to investigate, she was even more worried about the safety of her younger brother and took the steps to go to her younger brother's room.

Qiao Jiner saw Wan Yiyi gone, and then he was relieved.

"Today's event, how are you going to get rid of it?" The elderly, who has been silent, only spoke after Wan Yiyi left.

Qiao Jin'er thought for a while: "The first thing that should be done now is to appease the mood of Wanjia and avoid this matter from expanding further."

"Everyone was opposed to your invitation to Meng Jingwen. Why did you insist on the invitation?" An Lao continued to ask.

Qiao Jin'er didn't have the slightest nervous opening: "Me and Meng Jingwen are acquaintances after all. Engagement always wants a little more blessings."

Gu Ninghuan stood beside Mrs. Fu and watched Qiao Jin'er write stories there.

After she finished editing, An Elder's face did not relax much.

Aunt looked at Qiao Jin'er and slowly said, "The first time you got engaged, you ran away because of a misunderstanding.

The second engagement, because of the guests you forcibly invited, caused such a big disturbance.

It’s just engagement, it’s all such twists and turns. I don’t know what kind of trouble you will have when you actually marry Ancheng. "

Qiao Jin'er only felt a hot pain on her face. Because Aunt Mu came to Fu's house because of scruples, she was always very kind to her no matter what.

Even if she fled the engagement scene last time, she was not embarrassed about Qiao Jin'er.

But this time Qiao Jin'er obviously stepped on her bottom line.

She even regretted agreeing to this family matter.

Qiao's family is not a fake, but their family never needs a rich wife.

What's more, Qiao Jin'er is still a star.

Who likes his daughter-in-law going out all day to show his head.

But even though Qiao Jin'er has so many things that Aunt didn't like, An's mother still took it for Fu's sake.

But what I did not expect was that Qiao Jin'er would have caused so much trouble for their family.

Qiao Jiner bit her lip and did not answer, and Mrs. Fu also did not take a position to help her because Qiao Jin'er was indeed unreasonable.

This cruise line, which should have lasted longer, also returned early because of the Wanjia incident.

Meng Jingwen had such a big scandal that Gu Ninghuan didn't see her come out until the cruise ship docked.

After Meng Jingwen and the maid collided with the Champagne Tower, she had no memory of the rest.

After she woke up, she had returned to the Meng family.

She opened her eyes and looked at the completely unknown maid in front of her: "How are you? Xiaorong?"

"Xiaorong has been dismissed by the master because he didn't protect your safety on the cruise ship." The maid said.

Meng Jingwen didn't understand it at all. She stared blankly at the maid in front of her.

Suddenly, everything she did on the cruise ship appeared so clearly in her mind.

Meng Jingwen froze for a moment, suddenly burst into tears.

She was naked and photographed by so many people on the cruise ship, now what would she do.

"Help me get the ticket right now, I'm going abroad!" Meng Jingwen couldn't accept someone's instructions.

Want to hide for a while while going abroad.

But her idea was directly rejected by the maid: "The old man has told me that, starting today, you will not be allowed to go out of this room for a step. Miss, please ring the bell, and I will come to you immediately. "

After talking, the maid turned and left.

After listening to what the maid said, Meng Jingwen realized how different her room was now.

She walked to the bed, reached out the curtains, and saw that the window had been sealed, and that the door had already been locked.

Meng Jingwen has completely lost his freedom.


Wan Yiyi's younger brother is now in the hospital.

Qiao Jin'er didn't seem to want to have a bad relationship with Wanjia, to avoid being prodded by Wan Yiyi. She rushed to the hospital as soon as she reached the next round.

When she reached out and pushed open the door of the ward that the nurse said, she saw that there was no one in the ward.

Because the signal on the cruise ship was not good, the servants could not be brought on board, and the people of the Wanjia family did not arrive at the hospital so quickly.

Wan Yiyi was only able to get medicine by herself, but she didn't expect that it was just a matter of taking medicine, and her brother was gone.

Qiao Jin'er appeared in the ward.

Wan Yiyi stepped forward and directly pulled Qiao Jin'er's arm. When she raised her hand, she slapped her face.

Qiao Jin'er didn't react, and Wan Yiyi was slapped hard.

"Wan Yiyi, calm down!" Qiao Jin'er reached out and covered his face.

Wan Yiyi's tense hands were shaking: "Calm down? Calm down, Qiao Jin'er, where did you get my brother? I warn you, if something goes wrong with my brother, I will never let you go!"

"You can rest assured that I will let your brother return safely no matter what!" Qiao Jin'er promised.

In the dim old garage, Wan Jun's hands were tied to a blood-stained iron chain.

He opened his eyes and looked at the stranger who was wrapped in a black robe before him.

He didn't know who this person was, but from the female voice in front of him, it should be a woman.

"A good person like Miss Meng, why don't you accept her!" The man's voice was terrible.

Wan Jun looked at the man in front of him, only to think that the man spoke too strangely.

Not to mention that he and Meng Jingwen have an age difference. Even if he and Meng Jingwen are of the same age, he would never like her.

After the man finished asking, he didn't wait for Wan Jun's answer, and stepped forward to cover his mouth with tape.

"You can rest assured that there are so many people on the cruise ship that hurt Meng Meng. I will bring them here one by one and let you die together!" After that, the man turned and left.


Gu Ninghuan lay on the sofa and ate a cake. After coming off the cruise ship, she felt that each bone was painful.

Now it's hard to get home, she can't wait to lie down everywhere.

The variety show on the TV was very lively and made her like it. The pink lips couldn't help rising.

The door was pushed open, and Fu Xishen walked in.

Gu Ninghuan saw the man and smiled deeper on his lips. He stretched out his hand on the sofa and wanted the man to hug him.

Fu Xishen walked over, stretched out his hand and put her hair behind the face to the ear, Gu Ninghuan sat up and hugged the waist of the man, the whole person was in his arms.

"How come you come back, do you know what happened on the cruise ship?" Gu Ninghuan's pink cheek rubbed against the man's shirt.

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