Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 295: Don't worry, feed you right away.

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Chapter 295 Don’t worry, feed you right away.

"Yes." The man looked down at her tenderly.

Gu Ninghuan rolled over and looked up at Fu Xishen, not missing any expression on his face: "So how do you plan to help Qiao Jin'er overcome this difficulty?"

"I believe she can handle it." Fu Xi said faintly.

Gu Ninghuan said, slightly lips.

She didn't want Fu Xishen to help Qiao Jiner, even she wanted to tell him what Qiao Jiner had played behind her.

Unfortunately, she has no evidence, and Qiao Jin'er is Fu Xishen's cousin.

In the absence of evidence, Fu Xishen hastily convinced her that this is not a forced requirement.

Gu Ninghuan was silent and suddenly heard the sound of mobile phone shaking.

She looked up and saw Fu Xishen's mobile phone screen is on.

The man reached up and picked up the phone from the coffee table. Gu Ninghuan glanced and saw the word Jiner written on the phone on the screen.

Gu Ninghuan did not know what Qiao Jiner called to do.

But after seeing Fu Xishen receiving Qiao Jin'er's phone call, he suddenly became guilty, and grabbed the collar of the man's shirt with his small hand and kissed his beautifully shaped lips directly.

Fu Xishen was suddenly kissed by her, subconsciously loosened and held the phone, holding her waist.

The length of the sofa is just enough to accommodate Gu Ninghuan alone, but it seems a bit crowded to accommodate them both.

Gu Ninghuan didn't care about the sofa space at this time, she was all attached to Fu Xishen's body, and the hot and humid tip slipped into the man's mouth flexibly.

Slender fingers slipped across the shirt, leaning against the point where the memory slipped on his chest, and pressed subconsciously.

The man loosened her lips, and his eyes were dark and gloomy. He stretched out **** and pinched Gu Ninghuan's chin: "Don't worry, feed you right away."

Gu Ninghuan said that her cheeks were reddish. When Fu Xishen said this, she felt as if she wanted him.

Qiao Jin'er held the phone and heard the emotional voice of the woman over the phone.

She exerted so much force that she almost thought she would crush the ultra-thin mobile phone in her hand alive.

Qiao Jin'er yanked the phone off his ear.

Gu Ninghuan must be intentional!

She deliberately let herself hear her voice with her cousin.

Moreover, in addition to Gu Ninghuan, can such a low-level tool come to mind?

But Gu Ninghuan guessed wrong, Fu Xishen is her cousin.

When she heard Gu Ninghuan's frivolous voice, she only felt that Gu Ninghuan didn't know the checkpoint, and she wouldn't feel anything wrong with her cousin.

Qiao Jin'er was sitting in the corridor of the hospital. His finger accidentally touched the hang-up button on the screen. When he recovered, he hit it again, but no one was connected.

But Qiao Jin'er didn't give up, he kept pressing Fu Xishen's phone mechanically, but Fu Xishen wouldn't give up if he didn't answer the phone.

After more than two hours, the call was connected again.


"It's me." Gu Ninghuan said leaning against the bed.

Qiao Jiner's heart suddenly fell: "Why are you answering the phone?"

"Because you called my husband's phone." Gu Ninghuan only thought that Qiao Jin'er's question was really funny.

Qiao Jin'er endured: "I have something to look for cousin, can you please give him your mobile phone."

"He is taking a bath now, you may have to wait." Gu Ninghuan rested his head on the pillow.

If it weren’t for Qiao Jin’er’s phone call, she wouldn’t answer it at all.

Gu Ninghuan was about to put the phone on the nightstand, and he saw that Fu Xishen had come out.

She handed him the phone, and the man took it and sat by the bed: "What's the matter?"

Gu Ninghuan was also a little curious as to what Qiao Jin'er asked Fu Xishen for.

She reached out and hugged Fu Xishen's waist, resting her chin on his shoulder, overhearing him with a bright voice.

"Cousin, Wan Yiyi's younger brother is missing, and she doesn't know where to go now. She said that if her younger brother couldn't find it, she wouldn't let me go." Qiao Jin'er's voice was panic-stricken.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, never thinking that Wan Yiyi's younger brother would actually disappear.

Fu Xishen's tone was very weak: "I will find it for you."

"Thank you cousin, yes, cousin, Ning Huan didn't say anything to you when he went back?" Qiao Jin'er hesitated to ask this sentence.

She has always been worried that after Gu Ninghuan went back, she would tell her cousin what happened on the cruise ship.

"No." Fu Xi glanced at the little woman lying behind him and said.

Qiao Jin'er heard the words and slowly let go of a heart: "Oh, goodbye cousin."

Fu Xi deeply cut off the phone.

Gu Ninghuan saw that there was nothing to hear, and then she lay back on the bed. She stretched out her little feet and put them on Fu Xishen's lap: "Guess who is the kidnapper of Wan Yiyi's brother?"

"A lot of people are possible." Fu Xishen replied.

He reached out to dial the phone and sent someone to check the whereabouts of his younger brother Wan Yiyi.

Gu Ninghuan was lying in bed, not knowing why he strongly felt that the disappearance of Wan Yiyi's brother must be inseparable from the Meng family.

But in fact, it was a little unreasonable, and now the Meng family is too late to deal with their company's broken things.

Where is there time to kidnap Wan Yiyi's younger brother.

Furthermore, if the Meng family now offends the Meng family, it is estimated that life will be worse than it is now.

Fu Xishen's people quickly responded to him.

The man changed clothes and was ready to go out.

Gu Ninghuan, who had been prepared for a long time, followed him closely.

Fu Xishen turned around, slender fingers against Gu Ninghuan's eyebrows, with a gentle voice in his tone: "You are not safe, wait for me at home, huh?"

"No, if I don't follow you, staying at home is even more uncomfortable." Gu Ninghuan was unwilling.

Fu Xi heard the words deep, held her hand, and looked down: "Don't be afraid of whatever you see later."

Gu Ninghuan nodded seriously, she felt Fu Xishen underestimated her a little.

In any case, she will not be scared by a kidnapping.

Gu Ninghuan did think so, but they waited until their sports car drove to the suburbs and looked at the increasingly desolate scenery outside the window.

Her fingers on her knees tightened slowly, and she didn't know that there was such a remote corner under this bustling metropolis.

Fu Xishen parked the car in an open space. With bright lights, Gu Ninghuan could see several garages in front of him.

She hadn't reached out and pushed the car door, and she saw that the man had opened the co-pilot door.

Gu Ninghuan got off the bus and saw more than 20 cars parked nearby. If they were kidnapped together, would they really dispatch so many people?

She was nervous, reaching for Fu Xishen's sleeve.

The man felt it and reached out to hold her hand instead.

Such intimate intertwined fingers let Gu Ninghuan's heart slowly dissipate.

"Sir, Miss Qiao and Miss Wan are here." The black bodyguard stepped forward.

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