Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 296: Do you know what this is?

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Chapter 296  Do you know what this is?

Fu Xi nodded deeply, indicating that he knew.

A sound of high heels sounded, and Qiao Jin'er walked in front of Fu Xishen and whispered a cousin.

For the first time, Wan Yiyi saw Fu Xishen at such a close distance. She looked at the slender and stern man in front of her eyes. Even if she was accustomed to a beautiful man, she was lost for the first time.

She always knew that Fu Xishen was beautiful, but she didn't know that it was so beautiful.

Fu Xi looked at Qiao Jin'er's swollen cheek and frowned, "What's wrong with your face?"

Qiao Jin'er was stunned and bit his lip: "I accidentally knocked it while walking."

Gu Ninghuan listened to the words and looked at the obvious five-finger marks on Qiao Jin'er's face.

But Qiao Jin'er insisted that he knocked himself. Such an obvious act of lying, did she want Fu Xishen to ask, or Fu Xishen to keep asking.

But Fu Xishen didn't ask. He just gave a faint hum and led Gu Ninghuan toward the long-abandoned garage.

Not long after walking, he reached the garage, and the bodyguard stepped forward to open the garage door.

At the same time, the bodyguards at the scene were holding firearms, looking like they were waiting for them.

As the rolling door was slowly opened, Gu Ninghuan also relaxed.

Until the iron door was fully opened, the bodyguard turned on the lights in the old garage.

Wan Yiyi was worried about the safety of his younger brother and trot into it, but just after entering, a scream came.

Gu Ninghuan and Fu Xishen walked into the warehouse more slowly. Gu Ninghuan saw Wan Yiyi's younger brother strapped to the wrist with an iron chain.

The lips have become chapped due to long-term water shortage.

However, such a miserable situation did not make Wan Yiyi scream. The really horrible thing was not that Wan Yiyi's brother was locked up.

But in this old warehouse, in addition to Wan Yiyi's brother, there is a person who is **** and cannot be called a living person.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at the blood man beside Wan Yiyi's younger brother, and immediately turned his head to the side.

Because it is a bit miserable.

The bodyguard brought by Fu Xishen stepped forward and put down the two people who were bound.

Since Gu Ninghuan entered the warehouse, the tip of his nose has been surrounded by a strong **** smell.

This is not like the smell that a person can emit, it is more like blood already covered in the wall.

When the two were rescued, the late medical staff immediately approached them to check their vital signs.

Brother Wan Yiyi had no obvious wounds outside his body, and his vital signs were normal.

But for another person covered with blood, his vital signs appeared very weak.

Waiting for the medical staff to take Brother Wan Yiyi and another person into the ambulance, Wan Yiyi stepped forward and said: "Thank you, Mr. Fu, this time without your help, my brother will not be rescued so smoothly. "

"Did you hit Jin'er's face." Fu Xi asked deeply.

Wan Yiyi stunned slightly: "Sorry, I was impulsive because I was missing my brother and I only saw Qiao Jin'er in the ward."

"In this case, Miss Wan should not mind Jiner calling back." Fu Xi said in a deep voice.

Gu Ninghuan took a step to the side, Fu Xishen was not close to Qiao Jin'er, but when she was slapped for no reason, she would still seek justice for her.

She still gave way to make it easier for Qiao Jin'er to play Wan Yiyi.

But Gu Ninghuan had just walked a few steps, and felt as if he had stepped on something.

She moved away and took out her handkerchief to wrap the unknown black thing on the ground with a handkerchief, and then took it in her hand.

When she picked up things and stood well, it happened to be the most exciting scene of Qiao Jin'er's acting.

I saw Qiao Jin'er's very generous opening: "It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding between me and Wan Yiyi, and... I wasn't hurt at all by her."

Gu Ninghuan heard Qiao Jin'er talking, but he felt too hypocritical.

Normally, a person is slapped with a slap in the face, and he doesn't have a bit of resentment in his heart.

But Qiao Jin'er insisted on setting up the Virgin who was beaten and ignored.

"Since Qiao Jin'er doesn't care, we are not convenient to intervene in the private affairs of you and Miss Wan, so we go back first." Gu Ninghuan said lazily.

Before Qiao Jin'er answered, he took Fu Xishen out of this **** warehouse.

Seeing Fu Xishen leave, Wan Yiyi turned and apologized to Qiao Jin'er: "It's wrong for me to hit you, I say to you..."

But before she finished, Qiao Jin'er raised her hand and gave her a slap in return.

Wan Yiyi was beaten, and she looked up at Qiao Jin'er, with an angry look in her eyes: "Qiao Jin'er! You just said clearly that there is a misunderstanding between us, you just don't care!"

"I did say that there was only a misunderstanding between us, but I didn't say not to fight back." Qiao Jin'er finished, walking on high heels and turned away.

She walked out of the warehouse, and some bodyguards left by Fu Xishen continued to search the whereabouts of the kidnappers.

The driver of Anjia came forward: "Miss, the young master called just now and asked when you will go back."

"Me and Ancheng are only engaged. I want to go back whenever I want to go back to my own apartment, which should not need to be reported to him." Qiao Jiner replied nonchalantly.

Qiao Jin'er said that the driver did not dare to have any rebuttal.

Qiao Jin'er got in the car and raised her hand to glance at the time. It's a little late now. If you go to the villa to disturb your cousin now, you should annoy her cousin.

But today cousin helped her so much, if she didn’t thank her cousin, she might be too ignorant.

But if she is going to the villa now, if she meets Gu Ninghuan and her cousin again.

Thinking of Gu Ninghuan holding his cousin's hand, Qiao Jin'er felt uncomfortable.

A slutty woman like Gu Ninghuan is simply not worthy of being with her cousin.

She closed her eyes and said, "Go back to the apartment."

"Yes, Miss Qiao."

Fujia Villa

Gu Ninghuan took a bath, put on latex gloves, and took small things that alcohol would pick up from the waste warehouse.

This black thing made her soak in alcohol for an hour, and waited until it was completely sterilized before it was carefully taken out.

But she couldn't see exactly what this thing was.

She took out her mobile phone and took a picture of this thing, and searched the Internet for a long time, but did not find any clues.

"What are you looking at." Fu Xishen walked to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the little thing in front of him and handed it to Fu Xishen: "Do you know what this is?"

Fu Xishen took the little thing from her hand and glanced at it: "Voice Changer."

"Voice changer? Why is there a voice changer in that old warehouse." Gu Ninghuan didn't understand.

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