Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 297: One night passion

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Chapter 297: One Night Passion

Before, she felt that the kidnappers took away Wan Yiyi's younger brother.

But when she arrived at the warehouse, she found that this was not the case at all.

But Wan Yiyi has never received any news of kidnapping by the kidnappers. In this case, why should the kidnappers bring a voice changer?

And the man who was wounded into a blood man in the warehouse was also a rich son, but when the kidnappers brutally wounded him, he was not weak.

"That kidnapper, if not for money, then why did he kidnap Wan Yiyi's brother?" Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly.

Fu Xishen put the voice changer on the table: "The man who appeared in the warehouse with Wan Jun at the same time was the first person to post Meng Jingwen's indecent photos after getting off the cruise ship."

Gu Ninghuan heard Fu Xishen say this and understood.

"But the Meng family has been so dismal now, and they dare to offend 10,000 families. Isn't Meng Jingwen suspected of being bankrupt? Isn't it fast enough?" Gu Ninghuan really didn't know what the Meng family was thinking.

Fu Xishen reached out and rubbed Gu Ninghuan's hair: "This matter is not necessarily related to Meng Jingwen."

The doubts in Gu Ninghuan's eyes are even more intense. In addition to Meng Jingwen, who in the Meng family will do such a thing.

But Gu Ninghuan hadn't said the question in his mouth, and the lips were kissed by the man, leaving her no time to take care of the others again.

After a night of passion, Gu Ninghuan dragged his sore body out to school.

Song Ci also had classes this morning. As soon as Gu Ninghuan turned on, she saw her WeChat and reminded her to drive to her home to pick her up before going to school.

Gu Ninghuan put away his mobile phone, cleaned and drove to the door of Song's house after eating.

After receiving Song Ci, drive to school.

Song Ci has been smiling at the phone since he got on the bus.

After the traffic lights, Gu Ninghuan stopped the car and looked at Song Ci, who was still laughing, and was curious: "What are you laughing at?"

Song Ci smiled until she fainted, and she handed the phone screen to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan glanced briefly and found that the group chat was all about Wan Yiyi going to find Meng Jingwen.

"How does Wan Yiyi know that the person who kidnapped her brother is related to the Meng family?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Song Ci continued to laugh: "Actually Wan Yiyi should only be doubtful, but it doesn't matter whether the person who kidnapped Wan Jun is the Meng family.

Even if it was on a cruise ship, Wan Yiyi went to the Meng family to find them to settle the bill. "

Gu Ninghuan thought that, but it also made sense, so wait to see if Wan Yiyi can take advantage of the Meng family.

"Did Mr. Fu find the person who kidnapped Wanjun?" Song Ci suddenly remembered and asked.

Gu Ninghuan saw the green light and stepped on the accelerator to start the sports car: "It was only one night, how could I find it so quickly, but that person must have been more than kidnapped, Wan Jun and leaked Meng Jingwen indecently according to that person."

"I don't understand, why people like Meng Jingwen still maintain her and even sell her life.

But why is there no one around me? "Song Ci put away his phone, and some wondered."

Gu Ninghuan held the steering wheel in his hand: "Everyone has their own lives, no matter how bad they are, someone must love her."

Song Ci listened and nodded, but felt reasonable.



Wan Yiyi just left, Meng Qingchuan returned to the villa.

He looked at the villa where the eyes of the family were smashed, and even the expensive jade and wallpaper were smashed and scratched.

"Master, Wanjia is so deceiving, why don't you allow us to call the police?" The housekeeper stepped forward and said to Wan Qingchuan.

Meng Qingchuan replied calmly: "Now the Meng family should never make enemies again, take care of Ms. Wan Yiyi at home, don't tell Jingwen."

"Got it, sir." The butler hesitated and answered.

Meng Jingwen lay in the room, the door was opened, and the maid came up with lunch.

She glanced at the maid: "It was so noisy just downstairs, did Wan Yiyi bring someone to make trouble?"

"No, it was so noisy downstairs just now, because the housekeeper was changing new furniture." The maid lied and perverted Meng Jingwen.

Meng Jingwen sneered and looked at the maid quietly.

Since coming off the cruise ship, Meng Jingwen has not left the room in one step.

Probably because she hasn't been free for a long time, even now the maid can lie and lie to her, what's the point of her living like this.

Gu Ninghuan! It's all because of Gu Ninghuan.

If Gu Ninghuan was not on the cruise ship, she would not fall into such a field without letting her go.

"Miss, hurry up for lunch. You haven't eaten much recently." The maid put the lunch on the table beside Qiao Jin'er's bed.

Meng Jingwen glanced at the delicate food and turned his head: "I don't eat."

"Miss, IMHO, your hunger strike is only for your own unpleasant pleasure, and even if you are hungry, your family doctor will ask you to see you." The maid said.

From the maid's perspective, Meng Jingwen hasn't eaten much these days, not for freedom.

Meng Jingwen glanced at the maid: "Without freedom, I would rather starve to death! At least he would die, and he could turn into a ghost and take the life of Gu Ninghuan's bitch!"

"Miss, Madam Fu Shao is not something we can offend. If it were not for you who would offend her, the Meng family would never fall to this point."

"Enough, shut up! You get out of here!" Meng Jingwen reached out and put the maid directly on the table beside her.

The maid also knew that she was wrong and squatted on the floor with her head down to clean up the tableware that Meng Jingwen overturned.

But Meng Jingwen's temper was so big, how could she easily get rid of it, she madly smashed everything she could see.

It was quiet until she hit her to no strength.

After the maid had packed the tableware first, she took the debris out and threw it away. She walked out of Meng Jingwen's door and saw a jug of freshly squeezed juice outside the door.

I don’t know who sent it, but the maid who sent the juice put the juice here.

It should have been frightened by the movement of Meng Jingwen just smashing things.

So I dare not go in.

Thinking of this, the maid had a headache if the salary given by the Meng family was high enough.

She didn't want to serve the young lady who was angry all the time.


Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci both finished the class and walked out of the classroom talking and laughing.

The two of them were negotiating where to go and saw that a child was licking sugar and was stopped in front of them.

"Sister, are you calling Gu Ninghuan?" the child asked clearly.

Gu Ninghuan squatted down halfway, his eyes lined up with the children's eyes: "I am, don't you know what's wrong with you?"

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