Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 298: The murderer is actually him

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298   The murderer is actually him

"Someone asked me to hand this letter to you, please take a look." The child handed the envelope in his hand to Gu Ninghuan.

After Gu Ninghuan took it, the child said goodbye very politely, and jumped away.

Song Ci took away the envelope in Gu Ninghuan's hand: "What time is it now, and there are people who still use letter paper to spread their words, which is also a bit too earthy."

"I feel a bit like the routine of the ancient romance drama, so according to the routine, the letter must be written on the letterhead." Gu Ninghuan replied.

Song Ci was excited: "If that's the case, let's disassemble this excitement and see if we can really figure out who was kidnapped, and we will save him!"

Gu Ninghuan nodded gently, and when Song Ci saw her agree, he quickly removed the envelope.

A thin piece of white paper slipped inside because Song Ci moved too much.

Gu Ninghuan stooped to pick it up and opened it, and saw a very short sentence on it, "Want to know who the murderer is, come to the woods east of Beijing University."

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci glanced at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

five minutes later.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walked to the east woods.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci did not come very often in the small forest of Beijing University.

Because here is so good because of its concealment, it often makes passers-by encounter shy pictures.

Song Ci looked at the infatuated couple leaning on the back in front of him, silently looking away.

This is the fifth kissing couple they have seen since they entered the grove.

They didn't feel any bad when they were fascinated, but the people they passed by still felt embarrassed.

As Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci walked further and further away, there were fewer people and sunshine to see.

And the person they are looking for is at the end of the grove.

When they walked out of the grove, they never thought that the person in front of him was actually him.

"General Manager Meng?" Song Ci couldn't believe it.

She never imagined that Meng Qingchuan, who had always had little presence in the Meng family, would actually appear here.

"You are finally here." Meng Qingchuan looked at them coldly.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci, their eyes widened, if they saw Meng Qingchuan at this time, they could not notice the problem.

Then they are a bit silly.

"It's you who kidnapped Wanjun, and it's you who half-dead the person who spread the indecent photo of Meng Jingwen.

You are a man, but Wan Jun said that the person who kidnapped him was a woman's voice because you used a voice changer. Gu Ninghuan said calmly.

Meng Qingchuan looked around from the remote woods and determined that they had nowhere to escape, and then slowly spoke: "Yes, Mrs. Fu's family is really smart. No wonder Jingwen has suffered from you repeatedly."

"Meng Jingwen has her own responsibility today. As her father, you should teach her well, not help her retaliate." Gu Ninghuan said lightly.

Meng Qingchuan seemed to hear something funny: "Jingwen and Fu Xishen are so close to each other. In order to please Fu Xishen, an unmarried girl is even willing to raise a little girl.

And Fu Xishen not only ignored her efforts, but also married you!

Isn't Jingwen willing to make mistakes? The wrong thing is you, you are the one who robbed her of happiness! "

Song Ci was shocked by Meng Qingchuan's three views to the point that he could not describe it in words.

She used to think that Meng Qingchuan was the only sensible person in the Meng family.

Now think about it, she was really blinded by the surface.

Gu Ninghuan was not as surprised as Song Ci, she had long felt that Meng Qingchuan was not right.

But she never imagined that Meng Qingchuan would kill in order to protect Meng Jingwen.

"Originally, I did not intend to kill you so quickly, but now that you have saved Wan Jun.

And Jingwen hates you, then you die! Meng Qingchuan slowly raised his right hand, and the anesthesia gun in his hand was aimed at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan sneered: "Look at your way to deal with Wanjun, their means are so bloody, do not know how to deal with me?"

"Wait a minute, you will know." Meng Qingchuan's words made Song Ci numb.

Meng Qingchuan's voice had just dropped, and when he saw Gu Ninghuan's face, there was no slight panic.

Before waiting for him to pull the trigger, several armed policemen emerged from the woods behind Gu Ninghuan.

All the weapons in their hands were aimed at Meng Qingchuan, who was standing opposite Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan took out his mobile phone and clicked on the recording. Meng Qingchuan admitted that the voice of kidnapping Wan Jun was extremely clear.

She slowly raised her lips: "I think your wife should be lonely in prison alone. You should accompany her too."

Seeing so many policemen, Meng Qingchuan's pupils contracted suddenly, throwing away the anesthesia gun in his hand and pulling out his dagger, he rushed towards Gu Ninghuan.

He knew he had no way to escape today, but even if he died, he would never let Gu Ninghuan live!

Of course, the police will not allow Meng Qingchuan to attack Gu Ninghuan.


With a gunshot, Meng Qingchuan's pupils enlarged, and his face was distorted by the severe pain, and the whole person fell **** the ground.

At this time, all the armed police rushed up, and will also try to struggle Meng Qingchuan uniform.

Song Ci stepped forward and shook his head: "In order to help Meng Jingwen revenge and hurt others, now even you have to go to prison.

The Mengjia company was no longer possible. Now, if you go to prison again, will Meng Jingwen be more lonely and helpless. It's really stupid, neither parent has set a good example.

No wonder Meng Jingwen fell to the point where he is today, but he still does not know how to repent. "

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes, and now Meng Qingchuan was imprisoned.

The Meng family should not be able to make any waves.

Gu Ninghuan watched Meng Qingchuan being escorted into the police car and turned to see a familiar figure.

The two eyes met, and the man walked out of the crowd and smiled at her: "Miss."

"Why are you here?" Gu Ninghuan saw him without a good attitude.

Dana: "I'm passing by Beijing University, and I will give you gifts by the way."

After finishing speaking, Dana took out a beautifully packed box and handed it to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan took it and threw it in his bag.

She didn't really want to collect the Chu's things, but if she refused, Dana would definitely send someone back to the villa.

This is just the difference between early harvest and late harvest.

"I have already collected the things, so you can leave." Gu Ninghuan finished and turned to leave.

"Miss, go slowly." Dai Na saw Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci leave after leaving.

He took out his mobile phone and pressed the number of the Chu family, and said respectfully: "Master, the lady is very beautiful in handling the affairs of the Meng family. Meng Qingchuan has been arrested by the police."

Without knowing what was said on the phone, Dana looked at Gu Ninghuan's back and became more and more unpredictable.

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