Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 299: Who beat you like this

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Chapter 299: Who beat you like this

Gu Ninghuan pulled the car door, sat in the driver's seat, and put the bag in his hand aside.

Song Ci stretched out the zip of Gu Ninghuan's famous bag and took out the black box.

She used to go to the Fu's villa and pushed open the room where the Chu family's gifts were placed. She was shocked by the number of gifts inside.

And pick it up and open it, it is a treasure of value.

But I just don't know what the Chu family sent today.

Song Ci opened the black box and couldn't help but exclaim.

An excellent green emperor bracelet, lying quietly in the box.

It's really pretty.

"Ning Huan, in fact, a big family like the Chu family, will definitely not give you what you gave back.

In this case, you might as well use everything they send you, don't donate bone marrow to Grandpa Chu.

After all, these jewelry are so beautiful, it would be a shame if they were not used. Song Ci said.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at the bracelet lightly: "No, as long as I wear Chu's jewelry and go out, they will definitely be seen by their people, then they may feel that I have moved to forgive their family.

Furthermore, the Chu family may ask for more excessive demands. Their half-family family is soaked in the dark. Where can a good child like us survive? "

Song Ci felt that Gu Ninghuan's concern was justified.

The Chu family even claims to be whitewashed.

But their roots are all black, where can they wash white.

After thinking about this, Song Ci felt the jade bracelet in his hand.

Seems like a hook used by a devil to seduce good people, full of temptation.

Song Ci closed the box in his hand and put it in Gu Ninghuan's bag.


Chu Family

The simple Chu mansion in the late Qing style, the quiet and rich texture of the ancient house.

Next to the fine wooden window, a pot of green unknown plants stood quietly.

Chu Hua stood a little anxiously outside the room. He looked at Chu Nian around him, his lips slightly trembling: "Master, will you really forgive me?"

When Chu Nian heard the words, he glanced at him coldly, without speaking.

When Chu Hua saw Chu Nian's attitude like this, he dared not continue to ask.

Since the last time he was taken by Gu Ninghuan, he had given a hard lesson.

I thought that even if the Chus didn't make it for him, they should be very sick of Gu Ninghuan's behavior.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jiafei helped Gu Ninghuan, and even forced Qi Shixin to apologize to Gu Ninghuan's bitch.

Even more people send valuable gifts to Gu Ninghuan almost every day.

Chu Hua heard that the Chu family valued Gu Ninghuan so much during his illness.

I was mad directly into the intensive care unit!

Now I've gotten a little better and I can walk down the ground.

Chu Nian took him to the house to apologize to Mr. Chu.

But the two of them waited outside the house for half an hour, and Grandpa Chu still did not let them in.

But even the waiting time is very long.

They dare not have any complaints, nor dare to step forward and knock on the door.

From noon to night, Chu Hua never saw Grandpa Chu.

At dinner time, Uncle Zhang took his servants to deliver food to Grandpa Chu.

When he saw Chu Nian and Chu Hua standing at the door, he didn't mean to say hello.

Instead, Chu Nian spoke to Uncle Zhang with great respect: "Uncle Zhang, I brought Chu Hua today, specifically to apologize to Dad.

I wonder if Dad has time to meet us? "

Uncle Zhang's hair was neat, his back was straight, and he was a special soldier.

Even if you are older, you will not allow yourself to show a loose attitude.

"Miss, the person you need to apologize is Miss Gu, not the old man." Uncle Zhang replied.

Chu Nian was a little embarrassed: "After all, I am Gu Ninghuan's mother. I apologize to her. Isn't it a mess."

"If the young lady still thinks so, I am afraid that your position in the company will not be restored in a moment and a half." After Zhang Shu finished, he walked into Grandpa Chu's room with his men.

After Chu Hua closed the door completely, she murmured in disappointment: "Gu Ninghuan beat me like this. Uncle Zhang actually asked us to apologize to Gu Ninghuan."

"Enough! If it weren't for you and your dad who didn't have a good time, how could I become like this!" Chu Nian frowned.

Chu Hua glanced at Chu Nian: "The reason why Uncle Zhang turned to Gu Ninghuan was not because she and the old man had a successful bone marrow match!

The big deal is that we can find another one who can match the old man. "


Chu Nian raised his hand and gave Chu Hua a slap in the face, his expression never being cold.

"How much financial and human resources have the Chu family spent at home and abroad to find the bone marrow that can match your dad's type, do you really not know?

It’s already very lucky to be able to find Ning Huan. If it weren’t for the absurd decision made by you and your dad, things would not be so bad now. "

Chu Hua lowered his head, the slap marks on his left face were very conspicuous.

"I knew it was wrong, and I immediately went to Fu Jia Villa to apologize to Gu Ninghuan." Chu Hua gritted his teeth.

Now Chu Nian has been suspended because of Gu Ninghuan. For so many years, Chu Hua and Qi Shi have been the new sources of economic resources.

If Chu Nian could not restore his position, it would not be a good thing for them.

Chu Nian did not answer, but waved his hand to let Chu Hua go.

Chu Hua walked out of the Chu family, and there was still indignation on his face.

"How is it?" Seeing Chu Hua coming out, the driver hurriedly followed.

Chu Hua pushed the driver aside impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, the old man is still so stinky.

Not to mention accepting my apology, I didn’t even see me. "

"So what should I do now?" The driver slammed into the car, but he dare not ask for pain, and licked his face to continue to please.

"Driving to Fujia Villa, I'm going to see Gu Ninghuan's slut!" Chu Hua finished and pulled the car door into the car.

The driver hurriedly extended his hand to open the driver's seat and sat up.

Outside the Fu's villa, the lights were bright.

Gu Ninghuan was applying a facial mask, and the maid stepped forward and told her that Chu Hua was going out to see her.

She heard the words, tore off the mask attached to her face, washed her face and got up and went out.

Chu Hua stood outside the iron gate of the villa, his young face with red and swollen slap marks.

Gu Ninghuan was very indifferent and very happy to see such a miserable person.

"Miss Gu, I apologize for my stupid behavior that hurt you. I hope you can ignore the previous suspicions." When Chu Hua saw Gu Ninghuan, she could not help but rush up to tear her.

It was just that there was a carved iron gate in front of him, which made him dare not step forward.

"It's impossible to ignore the previous suspicions, but I want to know, who hit your face?" Gu Ninghuan asked from a distance.

Chu Hua endured the anger in his heart and replied hardly: "Isn't this obvious?"

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