Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 300: She was a little bit uncomfortable

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Chapter 300   She Is Kissed Somewhat Uncomfortably

Gu Ninghuan's lip angle is more pronounced.

"I really didn't expect that a lady like Chu Nian would actually hit someone and have a chance to really want to see."

"Miss Gu, my father and I were punished for your business, and my mother was also suspended for implication.

Our family has become miserable because of you, and I hope you can lift your hand and let us go. Chu Hua continued to whisper.

Gu Ninghuan listened calmly without saying anything.

Chu Hua continued to say: "I know you don't want to recognize the Chu family, but no matter how much you don't want to recognize your blood relationship with the Chu family, you can't deny that Grandpa Chu is your elder.

Father Chu is very dangerous now, even if there is the most professional medical team in the United States all the time.

But no one knows when it will worsen the condition as it did last time. "

"Enough, I don't want to know anything about the Chu family at all.

You have apologized and can now go. Gu Ninghuan finished speaking and stretched out his cloak.

When she returned to the villa and lay on the big bed, she irritated her head into the pillow.

She was afraid, what if she was so dead if Grandpa Chu died?

Gu Ninghuan didn't know if she was right to see the death of Grandpa Chu.

But if she went to rescue Chu Chu, she felt sorry for her father.

In this entanglement, Gu Ninghuan slept slowly.

When I woke up again, I was awakened by a kiss.

Before Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes, the man's lips pressed against her mouth.

She was a little uncomfortable, and moved slightly, but Fu Xishen pressed on her body and kissed deeper.


Gu Ninghuan was lifted by Fu Xi's neck deeply, and she now felt that the temperature of her body was raised by the man's kiss.

She wanted to be sober, but the heavy sleep made her barely open her eyes.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and tried to push him away, but his body moved closer.


Gu Ninghuan woke up again at ten in the morning.

She was lying on the bed helplessly all over, feeling that she was still stuck, and decided to continue sleeping for a while,

But the arm touched the phone very consciously.

After getting the phone, Gu Ninghuan pressed the power button, the phone just turned on, and the phone came in.

Gu Ninghuan didn’t even read the name of the caller, answered it directly, put the phone to his ear: "Who?"

"Ning Huan, it's me. Are you free to eat together at noon today?" Gu Yan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in his office and looked down at the busy streets.

Gu Ninghuan, with a sleepy voice, said angrily: "Don't eat! I can't get up."

Gu Yan knew his sister's temper, and the favorite thing in life was to sleep.

So she didn't take her rejection at all.

"Meeting at three o'clock that afternoon, I will send you the address later." Gu Yan hung up the phone after finishing the speech.

Gu Ninghuan put the phone under the pillow and went to sleep.

It's already one o'clock in the afternoon when I wake up again.

After sleeping, Gu Ninghuan showed a kind of peace in the whole person.

She picked up her phone and saw her brother's text message on it. She glanced at the address and pressed Gu Yan's number.

"Wake up?" Gu Yan's voice was gentle.

Gu Ninghuan leaned on the bedside: "Brother, did you call me this morning?"

"Well, but you who didn't wake up are still a little bit fierce as before." Gu Yan's tone was spoiled.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't remember it. Where did she wake up?

But she is not fierce, in fact, it really has nothing to do with whether or not to wake up.

She reached out and rubbed her hair: "I'm sorry, brother. When I didn't wake up, my head was awake."

"It doesn't matter, since you wake up and go out quickly, I'm waiting for you in the cafe."

"Oh, I'll see you then." Gu Ninghuan finished and hung up the phone.

When she arrived at the cafe, it was already 2:50. She walked in and reported the name of her brother, and the manager took her into the box where Gu Yan was.

Gu Ninghuan pushed the door in and watched the table full of snacks she liked to eat.

"Come on, sit down and have some food. These are your favorite foods." Gu Yan said with a smile.

Facing his brother who was as gentle as ever, Gu Ninghuan reached out and picked up a piece of pastry and ate in a small bite.

"Brother, did you intentionally contract me out today, is there anything wrong?"

Gu Yan raised his hand and brought the milk tea in front of him to Gu Ninghuan: "People from the Chu family have come to me."

Gu Ninghuan's action of eating pastries slightly, then raised his head, simply snorted.

"Ning Huan, the grudges of the previous generation are over." Gu Yan persuaded Gu Ninghuan's young face.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes: "The grudges of the previous generation have indeed passed, but Chu Nian has not changed at all. She is still so selfish.

Even the little boy next to her has been very good for so many years. Why, why can someone who hurts others live so well. "

"But Grandpa Chu is innocent." Gu Yan continued.

Gu Ninghuan took a sip of milk tea and slightly red lips: "If Master Chu didn't teach Chu Nian well, she wouldn't do that."

"Ning Huan, this is not the reason why you die."


Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan said a lot, and Gu Ninghuan's original hard thoughts were also loosened.

As Gu Yan said, Chu Nian made the mistake, and Chu Chu's father was Chu Nian's father.

Even if Chu Nian is not taught well, he should not pay for his life.

Gu Ninghuan lowered his eyes: "Okay, okay, I know, then I will share my bone marrow with this Chu master.

But after waiting for my wedding, I can't put guest pigeons for the Chu family. "

Gu Yan heard the words, his brows were soft, and he reached out to touch Gu Ninghuan's head: "My sister is so good."

Gu Ninghuan patted Gu Yan's hand: "You messed up my hair, I hate it!"

"Well, my brother doesn't touch your hair. Grandpa said I missed you a few days ago, would you like to go back to dinner today?" Gu Yan asked.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Well, it's just that Fu Xishen has been working overtime in recent days. I don't come back to dinner at night. I happened to go home and rub my rice."

"It's still a little time before I get off work. I'll go to the company for a meeting first. It's just that you should be familiar with the company's business." Gu Yan stood up and said.

Gu Ninghuan was reluctant to look at the table before eating a little snack: "But I haven't eaten so many things, is it a waste to go now."

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