Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 301: Don't understand the provocative relationship

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Chapter 301  I don't understand the provocative relationship

"It's okay, I'll let people package it and send it to the company, and you can continue to eat when you get to the company."

Hearing what Gu Yan said, Gu Ninghuan got up and left.

After they left, Gu Yan’s assistant stepped up and brought Gu Ninghuan’s pastries to the company.

Gu Yan’s office is on the sixth floor, and Gu Ninghuan followed him into the president’s elevator.

I saw a woman with a short skirt, kissing her back to them.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, not to mention that this was the elevator for the president.

Even if it is an elevator for ordinary employees, someone kissing inside is very bad.

After all, this is in the company, not in private.

She stepped forward and wanted to see which employee dared to be so arrogant, but Gu Yan held her arm.

"Brother?" Gu Ninghuan was puzzled.

Gu Yan shook her head gently towards her, indicating to her not to be impulsive.

"Isn't this Gu Ninghuan? How did you come to the company?" Gu Nana heard Gu Ninghuan's voice, released the male publicist's lips, and turned to see Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan had never expected that Gu Nana would be met in the Gu family.

Her eyes moved from Gu Nana's face to the man standing beside her.

Frankly speaking, the men around Gu Nana are indeed pretty good just by looking at Pi Xiang.

But from the perspective of kissing in the company's elevator, there is no need to know that there must be no inner person.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at the two of them before turning around and standing.

People like Gu Nana even seem to be superfluous even if they say one more sentence.

"Gu Ninghuan, are you deaf when I am talking to you? Or, someone is starting to look down on people because they are about to hold a wedding ceremony with Mr. Fu." Gu Nana raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu Ning. Happy.

Gu Ninghuan felt naive when he heard such low-level provocation by Gu Nana.

When Gu Nana saw Gu Ninghuan as if she were not her, she ignored her at all.

The fire in my heart is getting bigger and bigger, but now Gu Yan is here.

She can't do anything to Gu Ninghuan, she can only secretly get sulky.

Gu Yan's office floor arrived, the elevator door opened, and Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan went out.

Leaving Gu Nana secretly angry with her male publicist in the elevator.

When he walked out of the elevator, Gu Ninghuan's calm disguise disappeared: "Why is Gu Nana here?"

"It was her dad's meaning and wanted to make her familiar with the operations of listed companies, so she forced her into the company." Gu Yan was helpless.

Gu Ninghuan seemed to hear something funny: "Uncle Xiao always thought that people like Gu Nana who had studied abroad should not bury themselves in the country?"

"I don't know, but Uncle should have a financial problem recently. He sold all the Canadian mansions." Gu Yan said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan sneered, the mansion in Canada, but the uncle bought it early.

When he bought it, in front of them, he showed off.

Now it is said to sell and sell, it seems that there must be a huge economic problem.

"Brother, don't you plan to find out what happened to the uncle?"

"Grandpa doesn't like investigating each other among our family members. If we investigate rashly, grandpa will be upset." Gu Yan pushed the door of the lounge in the office and let Gu Ninghuan rest in it.

Gu Ninghuan gave some helpless glance at his brother.

Her brother is good at everything on weekdays and has a very gentle personality, but she is too kind to her family.

It is also because of this that the last life will make them become so unbridled bullying them.

But since the uncle has no change for the time being.

As a junior, she just wanted to take action against the uncle, there is no reason, only to wait for him to start.

Gu Ninghuan feels that the current uncle seems to be unable to bear the shot.

After Gu Yan got off work, he pushed open the door of the lounge and saw that Gu Ninghuan was playing games with concentration.

"Ning Huan, pause the game, we are going home."

Gu Ninghuan took the time to raise his head and looked at his brother: "Brother, what the **** are you kidding, and who told you that e-sports games can be suspended, this is not Lianliankan."

Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan are different. He is a person who has no interest in the game at all.

Of course, I don't know that this game played by Gu Ninghuan cannot be suspended.

Since Ning Huan said that he could not suspend the game, Gu Yan had to sit and wait for her.

Ten minutes later, Gu Ninghuan ended the game, and then he followed Gu Yan with satisfaction and returned to Gu's house.

Grandpa was very happy to see Gu Ninghuan come back, and immediately ordered the kitchen to make two more dishes that Gu Ninghuan liked.

As soon as Gu Nana came back, she heard that Grandpa told the kitchen to add food to Gu Ninghuan, and her face immediately became cold.

And when I moved to look at my home, you didn’t do that.

She obviously does nothing at Fu's house all day, and I know how hard it is when I'm at the company "

"Yes, you are really hard working in the company, so hard to kiss someone in the presidential elevator." Gu Ninghuan held the hot tea in his hand and replied.

Gu Nana stared at Gu Ninghuan: "What the **** do you mean!"

"What do I mean, can't you hear it? As an ordinary employee of the company, what qualifications do you have to enter the president's special elevator?

Moreover, as employees kissing people in company elevators, don't you think it's embarrassing? "Gu Ninghuan's voice was very poor.

She didn't want to argue with Gu Nana before in the company.

This is because there is no use other than letting employees read jokes.

But now at home, Gu Ninghuan has nothing to take care of.

Grandpa Gu heard what Gu Ninghuan said, and the crutches in his hand hit the ground heavily: "Nana, is Ning Huan really talking about it, did you really do that?"

Faced with Grandpa Gu's forced inquiries, Gu Nana's eyes dodged: "Of course not, Gu Ninghuan said everything she slandered me, she was jealous that I could enter Gu's company."

"Since you said no, then should I ask someone to call the video of the president's exclusive elevator and let grandpa see who is lying?" Gu Ninghuan put down the teacup, reached for the phone, and wanted to play To the employees of the company.

Gu Nana was stared at by Grandpa Gu, and she didn't dare to grab Ning Huan's mobile phone at all, she could only stay anxiously.

"I just came back a little late, why the family has become so lively." Gu Nana's father entered the living room and looked at Gu Ning with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Gu Nana's father and said hello coldly: "Little Uncle."

"Rarely, I can hear you calling me uncle during my lifetime. I thought you had forgotten to go home after you made friends with the Chu family." The uncle said with a smile, instigating Gu Ninghuan and Gu quietly. Grandpa relationship.

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