Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 302: This matter will not be discovered by grandpa

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Chapter 302   This matter will not be discovered by Grandpa

Gu Ninghuan frowned, she was willing to donate bone marrow to Father Chu.

She was afraid that Grandpa was worried, so she did not intend to tell Grandpa at all.

She didn't even plan to tell anyone in the Gu family.

Because Chu Nian has always been the untouchable wound and unbearable in the deepest part of the Gu family.

Anyway, Gu Yan and her are related to the Chu family.

However, the Gu family and the Chu family have a very opposed relationship of hatred.

Who would have hoped that his granddaughter would save his enemies' father.

"Ning Huan, the Chu family is looking for you?" Grandpa Gu's eyes fell on Gu Ninghuan, and he couldn't hear anger in his tone.

Gu Ninghuan was not sure, and he did not dare to answer hastily.

Gu Yan walked to Gu Ninghuan and stood in front of her. A protector looks like: "The Chu family sent someone to find me and Ning Huan some time ago."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Grandpa Gu asked.

Gu Yan walked to Grandpa Gu with respect and respect: "Grandpa, some things are very complicated. I will go to this study in the evening and tell you alone."

Gu Nana squinted at Gu Yan: "Yo, are we not a family? Since why can we tell Grandpa something, but not us?"

"Is the Chu family's business related to you? Gu Nana, you have better time to take care of yourself."

Gu Ninghuan just didn't like Gu Nana and was obviously reading jokes.

But he must pretend to care about them.

The uncle took the wet towel from the maid’s hand and wiped it: "Ning Huan, things cannot be said so absolutely.

We must know that our Gu family has always had a bad relationship with the Chu family, and you and Gu Yan recently contacted the Chu family frequently.

Who knows if there is any greasiness between you and their family. "

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes. It turned out that the young uncle deliberately mentioned the Chu family today, not only to provoke their relationship with grandpa.

Even more important is the company.

"We just contacted the Chu family. Uncle, you can think we will betray the company.

Well, I also recently heard that, Uncle, you sold a Canadian mansion. I don’t know if it’s because of financial problems, or because I’m doing something bad that my grandpa is doing. "Gu Ninghuan was unwilling to show his weakness.

The uncle wanted to pull her and her brother into the water.

Then he doesn't want to stay on the shore in peace.

The uncle saw Gu Ninghuan say something like this, his face changed, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Nana was a little stunned. She still knew that her favorite Canadian house had been sold by her father.

There are a thousand and ten thousand dissatisfaction in her heart, but none of them can say it.

"Ning Huan said this thing is true." Grandpa Gu stared at the uncle, his face unhappy.

Uncle smiled and replied: "I did sell a Canadian villa, but in order to recover the funds, it is better to start a business.

Dad, you often say that as an entrepreneur, you should focus on work instead of eating, drinking, and having fun. "

Uncle deserves to be a typical smiling tiger, and he is sincere in his words.

Obviously, the mansion was sold just to pay off the debt.

But in front of Grandpa, he concealed his original purpose.

"Master, you can eat."

After the maid prepared the meal, she walked into the living room and said.

Grandpa Gu didn't want to continue watching them noisily again: "Let's eat."

At the dinner table, Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan have been talking with Grandpa Gu to make Grandpa Gu happy.

Gu Nana poked the rice in the bowl with chopsticks angrily, wishing that the bowl of rice was Gu Ninghuan.

It makes people angry, usually when Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan are away.

Grandpa Gu eats with them, and basically doesn't say much to them except to ask about the company.

Can be together with Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan, but they are so happy. Isn't this specifically blocking them?

When dinner was over, Gu Ninghuan was sent back to Fujia Villa by Gu family driver.

And Gu Yan also followed Grandpa Gu into the study.

Gu Nana was sitting in the Gu family garden, and all the maids around were emptied by her.

"Dad, now Gu Ninghuan already knows that we are selling villas. What if she continues to investigate and know the debts you owe?" Gu Nana was worried.

Their family's foreign industries are not many, and now her father even sells everything in order to pay off debts.

If at this time, my father was found to have owed hundreds of millions of gambling debts, it is estimated that Grandpa would definitely drive them out of Gu's house.

By that time, they really had nothing.

At that time, Gu's company was not Gu Ninghuan's brother and sister and Gu Xi.

Just thinking about this, Gu Nana felt uncomfortable.

Anyway, she was not willing to see this happen.

"You can rest assured, according to Ning Huan's temper, if she really knows that I owe so much debt.

It was estimated that it was spoken in the living room at the time, but she did not say it, which meant that she knew nothing at all. "

Hearing this, Gu Nana was relieved.

"Dad, if our auction is successful the day after tomorrow, will we not have to live like this again? I will not be able to survive in such a life without money." Gu Nana's tone was full of complaints.

The uncle comforted Gu Nana: "You can rest assured that as long as we sell the Qing Dynasty blue-glazed antique bottles collected by my dad, and the pair of Qi Pei's peerless paintings given to my dad by the Fu family.

At that time, not only can I pay off my loan, we still have the money to buy a better house! "

Gu Nana glanced carefully at the study with the light behind: "But, is it really okay?"

What if the grandfather knew that the treasure he had carefully protected in the safe was replaced by us? "

Grandpa Gu’s collection of antique vases at the black market auction price has reached hundreds of millions, and the painting sent by Fu’s family is conservatively estimated at 650 million.

It is also because of this that after selling all these two things, they have the money to pay off the loan and start a new life.

But if it was discovered that if Grandpa Gu didn't want to care about his family, he would call the police directly, then the huge amount would be estimated that the father and daughter would wear them in prison.

Thinking of this, Gu Nana felt that her heart was too tense.

"Relax, nothing will happen. The Fu family's painting has been given to Dad for so long, and Dad hasn't moved it.

Moreover, when we got the money to sell the painting, we immediately went to meet your mother, settled together in France, and never returned. "Little Uncle told Gu Nana the future plan.

Gu Nana gradually smiled on her face: "Okay!"

She is a foreign supremacist and has always believed that no matter how bad it is abroad, she has a better face than what she is staying at home.

After Gu Ninghuan returned to the villa, the more they thought about it, the more Guwana they were yesterday.

The money owed by the uncle should have reached the point where he had to pay it back, so he sold the Canadian villa.

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