Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 303: Sold 130 million

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303   sold 130 million

But is the money in that villa enough to pay off Uncle's debts?

Gu Ninghuan thinks it should be impossible.

She took out her mobile phone and made people stare at the uncle 24 hours a day.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to see, what did the uncle force Gu Nana into the company?

The person who followed them quickly responded to Gu Ninghuan, saying that it was the uncle who went to get off work and Gu Nana went to a membership auction on East Street.

Because it is a membership system, the people who follow the uncle have no way to go in and do not know exactly what the uncle will do at the auction.

Of course, Gu Ninghuan couldn't help hearing the report.

She changed her clothes and went to see which membership auction.

As she was about to go out, the cell phone beside the bed rang.

It's Dana's phone.

Gu Ninghuan connected: "After my wedding ceremony, I will donate the bone marrow to Mr. Chu, so you don't have to call me anymore."

Dana was surprised for a moment, apparently not expecting it, Gu Ninghuan would say so.

But he quickly responded: "Miss Gu, we are glad that you are finally willing to donate the bone marrow to our lord.

But I called you today, not to persuade you, but to your uncle. "

Gu Ninghuan was anxious to go out, intending to hang up the phone after a few words.

But after hearing Dana mention her little uncle, Gu Ninghuan suddenly had it, and wanted to continue listening.

"What's wrong with my uncle?" Gu Ninghuan asked by the bed.

Dana replied: "The auction house owned by the Chu family received a lot from a seller a few days ago.

The lot is the antique vase used by the Qing emperor, and the other is the painting of Qi Lao's orphan.

The solitary painting should be in Gu's safe at this time. Gu Lao should not betray this painting anyway. "

"So, you go to find out who sold the painting, and the person you found was my uncle, right?" Gu Ninghuan said.

Dana smiled faintly: "Yes, Miss Gu is really smart."

"It's not that I'm smart, but that the person who is the most deficient in our family is my uncle.

But since you said that the auction venue is owned by the Chu family, then I wonder if you can find a way to let me in? "Gu Ninghuan wants to personally grab the evidence that Uncle stole things and sold them."

Dana said with a smile: "The things needed for the auction are ready for you. I am at the door of Fu's house at this time, waiting for your order."

"Thank you."

Gu Ninghuan hung up the phone and walked out to see Dana standing in front of a luxury car.

After seeing Gu Ninghuan come out, go up: "Miss Gu, this is what you need."

Gu Ninghuan thanked him and took the things in his hand.

When I opened it, I saw a black gold membership card and a cheque with a large face value.

Gu Ninghuan took the check back and gave it back to Dana: "I don't need your money."

After talking, Gu Ninghuan turned and left.

"Miss Gu, I have told him that you are willing to give the bone marrow to the old man. The old man said he wanted to see you." Dana said by taking the check.

Gu Ninghuan took the membership card in his hand: "I see what Master Chu is doing, and I am not familiar with the Chu family.

Moreover, I hope you understand one thing, if today a stranger needs bone marrow, I will donate without hesitation.

But because of Mr. Chu, I have been thinking about it for so long, you said that we still need to meet in a relationship like this? "

Gu Ninghuan felt that Dai Naming seemed to be such a smart person.

But his head looked so bad.

"Miss Gu, Grandpa Chu has been remembering you all these years..."

"Remember that the performance that hangs on me is that I haven't come to me for more than ten years, and then let Chu Nian, who hurt my father, and the boy three live so easily.

If this is a performance of remembering someone, then Master Chu really remembers me very much. "As soon as Gu Ninghuan mentioned the Chu family, he had no good temper.

Dana saw that Gu Ninghuan had misunderstood Mr. Chu so deeply and wanted to explain.

But Gu Ninghuan had no patience to listen to him, and walked directly towards the sports car parked on the roadside.

With the black gold membership card, Gu Ninghuan entered the auction very easily.

She put on the mask given by the staff, and entered the meeting place after receiving the personal number plate.

Gu Ninghuan is a senior VIP, so he sits in the first row in the middle.

She sat on a soft leather sofa and looked at a pair of men and women sitting in the third row next to her.

The blue diamond earrings worn on the ears of women are very eye-catching. This is Gu Nana's favorite earring.

Then it means that the man next to her is an uncle.

The auction time is slowly coming, and more people are entering the venue.

The originally empty meeting place was now full of people.

But although there were more people, not many people spoke.

After all, this is a black market. Everyone knows that the things bought here must be baby, but the way they come is not necessarily clean.

Even the people here may be your enemies.

Here, strangers do not rush to talk, but acquaintances come together, but can't help but whisper.

Especially the two sitting next to Gu Ninghuan, because wearing a mask, Gu Ninghuan did not know their identity.

But from their clothes, it must be rich or expensive.

"There are really many people here today, presumably all directed at Qi Lao's solitary painting."

"Yeah, I heard that Qi Lao's painting was bought by the Fu family, and it is impossible for someone like the Fu family to sell the painting. Is this painting fake?"

"Of course, it can't be fake. Everything that can be auctioned is verified. Otherwise, there will not be so many officials and nobles coming here."

"Being able to take the painting from the Fu family must be not an ordinary person. I really want to know who the person is."


Gu Ninghuan listened to the words of the two people around her, and in her heart she hated Gu Nana.

In their last life, they did not save her from death, and even bankrupted Gu's family for their own personal benefit.

Now she wanted to rush up and grab Gu Nana out of them and give them a good lesson.

But now with so many people here, she can't expose family ugliness so thoroughly.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan decided to endure.

When the auction started, the host came to the stage to introduce the things for auction.

In the previous auctions, the people present were interested in the lack of it. Almost all the people who came today were directed at Qi Lao's painting.

In anticipation of everyone, the painting was finally taken out by the host.

After seeing the painting, Gu Nana instantly became tight.

But Gu Nana's father was still so calm. The antique vase they had just stolen had sold for 130 million yuan.

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