Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 304: The face is full of good-looking expressions

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Chapter 304   All Faces are Fascinating Expressions

As long as the painting can be successfully sold now, then they can end their present life.

Thinking of this, Gu Qian stared at the host in the stands without blinking his eyes.

When introducing Qi Lao's paintings, everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

Their bids were higher than each other, and finally Qi Lao's paintings were photographed at a price of 690 million yuan.

Gu Ninghuan has been sitting there and did not want to disrupt the auction.

The Chu family has their own reputation on the Tao.

If she ruins the auction, the Chu's credibility will be hurt by this incident.

Even if she didn't like the Chu family, she didn't want to hurt the Chu family and make herself guilty.

When the auction was over, Gu Nana and Uncle walked backstage.

Generally, sellers like them don't actually go to the spot to watch the progress of the auction.

But Gu Nana, they urgently need money, can't wait for a minute and a second.

Gu Ninghuan got up and followed them back into the background, probably because Dana had greeted her in advance, so she didn't get blocked in the background.

Gu Nana sat on the sofa in the background and looked at the host: "When will the money be available?"

"Because the auction price of the auction items you sent is too high, it will take a little time for the buyer to pay. I hope you will wait patiently for three or five days." The host answered politely.

Gu Nana was a little impatient: "OK, we can wait for that painting, and the antique vase money should be able to give us now!"

The host hadn't answered yet, Gu Nana heard a very familiar voice.

"Auction the stolen things and expect all the money to go into your pockets. Isn't it so simple?" Gu Ninghuan reached out and took off the mask on his face, smiling with a smile.

Gu Nana turned her head and saw Gu Ninghuan, so she was frightened and stood up directly from her seat.

She reached out and touched the mask on her face, and was completely relieved when she saw that the mask was still on her.

Gu Ninghuan did not see her face and should not know who she was.

"Why not dare to speak? Gu Nana, it doesn't seem to be your personality." Gu Ninghuan continued to speak.

Gu Nana continued to endure, as long as she can survive these few days, she can go abroad to start a new life.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Gu Nana lowered her voice and walked out.

But the door in the background has already been closed.

Gu Nana and her father were locked in the background in disguise. Gu Nana reached out and pushed the door hard, but she couldn't push it anyway.

Gu Ninghuan sat down and picked up the teapot and poured himself a glass of water: "Don't worry, you still have to try your best to explain to the police."

"Gu Ninghuan, what the **** do you want to do?" Gu Nana could hardly bear it.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Don't you just deliberately lower your voice to pretend to be a stranger? Why don't you pretend now!"

Uncle stretched his hand and buckled Gu Nana's arm, trying to calm her down.

Gu Nana glanced at her father, and finally bit her lip.

Uncle saw that he could not hide it, so he reached out and took off the mask on his face.

He smiled and looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, we are all a family anyway, why should you be so big."

"Little Uncle, if I really wanted to make a big deal, it would have been a big deal just before the auction, not until now." Gu Ninghuan took a sip of tea.

Uncle looked at the girl who was not far away. She was the most favored girl in Gu's family.

It is also because of this that she has a willful personality, but she is very easy to handle.

Before marrying Fu Xishen, his relationship with Gu Ninghuan was excellent. He could easily see through her and even control her.

But now, he can't see through at all, and the girl who smiles not far away is thinking in her heart.

"Ning Huan, the Gu family company has a huge capital loophole. The reason why I would sell those things without my dad, is that I don't want my dad to be too worried.

If you are really good for Grandpa, you shouldn’t tell him about the painting we auctioned. "The uncle said bitterly.

Gu Ninghuan nodded gently, and he understood what he said: "It turns out, Uncle, that you are stealing something from us and selling it. Is it for the company?"

"Yes! In order to keep the company, my dad sold all the villas in Canada.

It's also ridiculous to say, obviously the company belongs to our family, but after encountering the incident, my father still tried to solve it. Gu Nana looked at Gu Ninghuan sideways, dissatisfied in her words.

Gu Ninghuan nodded, and seemed to agree with what Gu Nana said: "I also feel that I can't let Xiaoshu take it alone.

Besides, even if grandpa is old, but it is not fragile, I also believe that grandpa will not want us to hide from his company. "

"What do you mean by this, do you want to inform Grandpa to come here? Why are you so unfilial!" Gu Nana accused Gu Ninghuan mercilessly.

Gu Ninghuan: "The company is grandpa's, he certainly has the right to know. Besides, just like what you just said.

The company is everyone's company, and there is no reason to let Xiaoshu resist everything, right? Uncle. "

Gu Nana wanted to say something, but was stopped by the uncle.

Uncle's camouflaged friendship disappeared at this time: "Ning Huan, are you talking about the truth? Did you really tell Dad about the auction today?"

"Uncle, I not only told Grandpa about the auction, but also sent someone to take Grandpa and my brother over.

And the door of this room has been locked by me from the outside, and none of you can go today. Gu Ninghuan spoke lightly.

"Gu Ninghuan! What qualifications do you have for us? You are restricting citizens' personal freedom! Believe it or not, I will find a lawyer to kill you!" Gu Nana was a little hysterical.

Gu Ninghuan smiled deeper on his lips: "Why should it be so troublesome to find a lawyer afterwards? Isn't it better to call the police now?"

And after you call the police, I don’t have to call the police again. "


Gu Nana was so angry that Gu Ning couldn't say anything.

Suddenly the door of the venue was pushed open.

Gu Yan and Grandpa Gu came in.

Seeing Grandpa, Gu Nana was so scared that she couldn't say a word.

"Dad, I can explain this matter..." Uncle still wanted to try to remedy.

But Grandpa Gu directly interrupted his words: "Enough is enough, don't say it, it's on someone else's territory. We will go back home and talk slowly about something."

Grandpa Gu's words just fell, and the bodyguard behind him stepped forward to take away the uncle and Gu Nana.

Gu Family

Uncle and Gu Nana stood in the middle of the living room, while Gu Xi and Cui Yifei sat on the side, their faces full of good-looking expressions.

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