Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 305: Gu Jiarong can't hold you like this

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Chapter 305: Gu Family Can't Hold You

Cui Yifei looked at the gold bracelet on his wrist, his eyes slightly raised, and made a three-point provocation: "This is Gu Qian! It was the most capable person in our family.

Sure enough, the person with the ability is not the same. Not only is the business powerful, but even stealing is so powerful. "

Gu Xi glanced at her mother, and she didn't even have a little bit of affection in her mouth: "Whoever says no, stole hundreds of millions of our family.

It's really shameless, especially after the stealing, I dare to say that it is for the company, which is simply ridiculous. "

Gu Nana stood in the living room, her face flushed with Gu Xi's words.

It would be okay if others said she was, but now she is the only one who scolds her because she looks down on Gu Xi's mother and daughter.

Just thinking about it, she felt embarrassed to the extreme, and wished to find a hole in it.

"Do you intend to confess, or do I let the police come to your door and let them interrogate you slowly." Grandpa Gu spoke slowly, not arrogantly.

Uncle and Gu Nana glanced at each other.

In the end, Uncle understood that this matter can't be concealed completely today.

And his daughter, Nana, is still young, if they don't explain everything today.

Of course, Grandpa Gu may not be kind to them.

But Gu Ninghuan, a vicious junior, will certainly not let go.

Uncle thought of this, and finally made things clear.

When Grandpa Gu first listened, his face was okay.

But later when the uncle said he started stealing things from his family and used it to pay off gambling debts, his face was already a bit ugly.

Suddenly, Gu Ninghuan, who has been silent, said: "The uncle tried to make Gu's purchase of the land in Huicheng, did he also repay the gambling debt for high returns?"

The uncle was stunned and pretended to be sad: "Ning Huan, I know that because of this painting, you doubt my character.

But for Huicheng, I really wanted to do good for Gujia Company. "

"Really? But the partner I caught didn't tell me that way. He said you knew that Huicheng's plot was problematic.

But in order to be able to pay off your gambling debts, you are still desperately trying to get the company involved.

If you are not willing to confess, Uncle, let us let that partner come up and talk about it..."

"Okay! Gu Qian, you are a wolf-hearted thing! Normally, we all say that we are all a family.

As a result, for your own sake, you want to bankrupt the company! "Cui Yifei fell to the ground and blamed him for seizing the opportunity."

Who made Xiaoshu look so arrogant at ordinary times, and looked down on them all day long.

The uncle could not hide it now, especially the man who worked with him on the land in Huicheng.

Not only did he know about it, but if more secrets were dug out, then he would really be lost.

"It's me, but Dad, I was forced to go out of business. And it wasn't that I wanted to gamble. I only entered the casino for the sake of entertaining customers.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I entered, I couldn't get out, and the more I lost, the more I bet.

I owe a lot of money, and I can't even pay it. I only thought of this method, otherwise if they don't pay, they will really kill me! "The uncle knelt down straight in front of Grandpa Gu, talking about tears."

When Gu Nana saw her father kneel down, the hatred of Gu Ninghuan grew thicker.

What are they doing, they just took Gu's things to sell.

But they are not outsiders. Is it illegal to sell their own things?

"Grandpa, I really don't understand that when Gu Ninghuan married Mr. Fu, you didn't give her a dowry.

Why is it that you can give Gu Ninghuan money, but you have to be so harsh on me and my father.

Is it because I grew up with both parents, didn't I die like my father and stepmother since I was Gu Ninghuan?

But she had no father or mother since she was a child, her biological mother didn’t see her, and it wasn’t ours that hurt her.


Before Gu Nana finished, Grandpa Gu held her crutches and gave her a slap in the face.

"You beast! You did the wrong thing, but you blamed Ning Huan!

For people like you, our Gu family can’t afford to stay. Immediately I will let the maid pack your luggage and you get out! "Grandpa Gu's angry voice became sharp and hoarse.

Uncle knelt down to Grandpa Gu’s leg, reached out to hug his leg, and cried for mercy: “Dad, I’m begging you, don’t drive Nana out of the house.

Now those in the casino are staring at our father and daughter. If I don’t have the money, they will definitely start with Nana! "

Grandpa Gu kicked off his uncle: "You leave me! You **** thing, if you help this evil animal to plead, you will leave this house like me!"

After talking, Grandpa Gu was a little unstable, and the whole person fell to the side.

Fortunately, Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan saw that Grandpa Gu was not right and immediately rushed forward to reach out and hold Grandpa Gu.

"What are you still doing here, go to the doctor as soon as possible!" Gu Ninghuan told the maid beside him.

The maid went to the family doctor in a hurry.

And Gu Yan took Grandpa Gu and walked away.

Gu Xi originally wanted to follow Gu Yan to look up, but Cui Yifei took her hand in the chaos: "Xi'er, don't follow up."

"Why? If Grandpa woke up and couldn't see us around, would he be upset?" Gu Xi worried.

Now that the uncle has made such a big mistake, even if he can return to the company in the future, it will certainly not be the same as before.

Gu Ninghuan is already married, and the remaining one Gu Yan can't compare with their family in the company.

Now that they are powerful heirs to the successor company, of course, they must perform well in front of Grandpa Gu.

Cui Yifei dragged Gu Xi to the corner: "Hurry up and call your father and say that your grandfather was stunned by your uncle.

And I immediately contacted Mr. Zhang and asked him to wait at the door of Gu's house in case I needed it from time to time. "

Gu Xi understood at this point even if he was stupid: "Mom, you mean, Grandpa might die?"

Cui Yifei nodded slightly out of reach.

Gu Xi immediately understood that if grandpa died, then the next thing they needed to fight for was property.

This time, we must not let Gu Ninghuan take advantage.

Gu Nana saw that Grandpa Gu was stunned and was very afraid: "Dad, what if Grandpa has something wrong? Will I go to jail?"

"What do you do? Go to a lawyer right away. If Dad can't afford it this time, we can get more than the auction money." Uncle's eyes were impure.

Gu Nana heard the words and immediately contacted a lawyer.

After Gu Xi made a phone call, he went to the living room and heard the uncle saying to find a lawyer.

Of course they know what they want to do.

Gu Xi rolled their eyes at Gu Nana.

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