Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 306: Four people twisted into a ball

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Chapter 306   Four People Wrestling Together

She felt that Gu Nana and Xiaoshu were too naive. After they had done that kind of thing, they were still delusional about splitting their family property.

Gu Xi looked disdainful, and was looked at by Gu Nana.

Gu Nana didn't even have time to call the lawyer, so she scolded Gu Xi: "What kind of eyes did you just look at me?

Gu Xi, what kind of person you are studying in a domestic university has the right to treat me contemptuously. "

"Ha! What if I was going to college in China, I was worse, and I didn't unite outsiders to pit my own company.

In particular, you have done this kind of injustice, and even dare to find a lawyer, I will tell you straight away, you don’t want to share the Gu family’s money! "Gu Xi looked at Gu Nana coldly.

Grandpa used to maintain her because Gu Nana was young and the school was good.

Even if it is her, try to avoid quarreling with Gu Nana directly, but now Gu Nana has been kicked out of Gu's house.

The uncle even carried hundreds of millions of gambling debts, what face was pointing in front of her.

"Gu Xi! Don't forget that I am your elder, and I am also my dad's son. Why can't I get family property!" Uncle could not help but accuse Gu Xi.

When Cui Yifei saw Gu Nana, their father and daughter dared to bully her daughter.

He hurried forward hurriedly, and raised his hand to give a slap to Gu Nana who was standing in front of him: "Before Dad fainted just now, he made it clear that you should get out of Gu's house.

In this case, don't bother you to stay here, hurry up! "

"Cui Yifei, are you **** crazy, and dare to beat my daughter!" Gu Qianqi's eyes widened, reaching out to pinch Cui Yifei's neck, and wanted to get justice for Gu Nana.

Of course, Gu Xi helped Cui Yifei, and the manicure he just made grabbed Gu Qian's face.

Gu Nana couldn't take care of her painful face with Cui Yifei, she reached out and hit Gu Xi.

The four people who seem to be harmonious on weekdays are already together.

Seeing this, the housemaid of Gu's house and the housekeeper hurried forward to pull the frame. After being injured by different degrees, they could be regarded as pulling the four people away.

Gu Xi's father hurried back and saw the farce happening at home.

"Enough! What the **** are you doing! Now Dad is still lying in the room, his life and death are unknown, and now you can get what it looks like!"

The uncle stood up: "If it weren't because Dad was going to die, I wouldn't let Cui Yifei like you a fool easily."

The uncle finished pulling Gu Nana upstairs.

Gu Xi’s father walked in front of Cui Yifei, with a tone of blame: “What time is it now, how did you fight Gu Gu, if it reaches the ears of outsiders, we simply don’t be humans.”

"Is this my fault? If Gu Qian were too deceiving, I wouldn't do anything with them." Cui Yifei rubbed his already bruised right face.

If it were not for them, she would not become so miserable.

"Okay, now hurry up and see my dad. The lawyer is still waiting outside!" Gu Xi's father said impatiently.

The family property that is in sight is more important than a little dispute no matter how you look at it.

Cui Yifei also felt reasonable when she heard the speech. She pulled Gu Xi and walked upstairs, but saw Gu Nana's father and daughter stopped by the bodyguard at the stairs.

Gu Xi’s father looked at the bodyguard: “I’m my dad’s son, the company’s future successor, what do you mean by stopping here?”

"This is what the master ordered, except for Miss Ning Huan and Master Gu Yan, no one should disturb him." The bodyguard replied stiffly.

Gu Xi did not want to believe standing in the same place, is Grandpa just so eccentric about the siblings?

Gu Nana mocked and said: "It's good to say that I had died since I was a child. No matter what I did wrong, I can be favored by my grandfather."

"If you are so envious, you'd better die as a dad.

Oh, no, you have been kicked out of Gu's house by grandpa, even if the uncle is dead now, it's useless. "Gu Xiliangliang said.

It was just such a sentence that Gu Nana turned around and wanted to hit her.

But no matter what, Uncle also has been in the mall for many years.

Forcibly reached out and pulled Gu Nana aside, whispered: "Shut up, wait here!"

Gu Nana saw her father was angry and dared not continue to make trouble, but stood side by side and waited.

In the upstairs room, Grandpa Gu, who was already awake, was lying on the bed, his eyes falling out of the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

Grandpa Gu didn't speak, and of course Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan dared not speak.

Half-sounding, Grandpa Gu drew his gaze back, with tired and weak eyes in his turbid eyes: "You said, Grandpa is a very failed person.

I raised a white-eyed wolf like Gu Shi, and even raised a **** like Gu Qian. "

"Grandpa, some things are not under the control of the elders, but you don't fail. It's not your fault that Gu Shi and Uncle became like that." Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan sat on the head of Grandpa Gu's bed.

Grandpa Gu sighed softly: "Gu Qian can no longer stay in the head office. Give him an idle job and let him go to the subsidiary to stay.

As for his gambling debts, what do you think is more appropriate? "

Gu Yan and Gu Ninghuan glanced at each other, and both saw embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Gu Yan lowered his head and thought for a moment: "With Uncle's current ability, he must have no way to pay off the loan. Since this is the case, why don't we help him for the last time and give him a chance?"

Grandpa Gu nodded indifferently.

Because Grandpa Gu needed a break, Gu Ninghuan and Gu Yan did not continue to bother him. After a conversation, they opened the door and walked out.

When he reached the staircase, Gu Ninghuan looked at the five people standing there, and four of them had their faces painted.

Could it be that they just started fighting downstairs when they were in the grandfather's room just now?

"How is Grandpa now? I'm going to meet him!" Gu Xi opened his mouth to Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at Gu Xi lightly: "Grandpa's health is fine, the doctor said, now that grandpa needs rest, it is better not to disturb grandpa."

"Ning Huan, what are you talking about, are grandpa's granddaughter, why can you see your grandpa, Gu Xi can't see it." Cui Yifei said nothing in his words.

Gu Ninghuan was too lazy to treat Cui Yifei without looking at her and went straight downstairs.

Gu Yan glanced at him when he walked by: "Uncle, you will remember to give me the contact information of your debts later."

Regarding your gambling debts, Grandpa said that he will let the company handle it for you. "

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